health benefits of goron tula

13 Amazing Health Benefits Of Goron Tula For Sexual Health

If you think there is so much hype about the health benefits of Goron Tula [miracle fruit], this article should clear our doubts and guide your decision.

Talks about this miracle fruit are not just mere. Really, we have received reviews that point to everything good that this fruit does to your sexual health and general wellness.

What Is Goron Tula?

Goron Tula is a fruit that can treat different health issues, work as aphrodisiac, lower blood sugar, treat ulcer and also treat infertility.

The presence of different antioxidants in the fruit is the reason the fruit is potent.

The name Goron tula is Hausa and it is often considered a miracle fruit. It is also referred to as African chewing gum.

People who know goron tula use it to treat infertility, cleanse and tighten vagina.

On its efficacy on these issues, there are testimonials.

The fruit is a genus of 13 flowering shrubs in the Hibiscus family. Also, it is known as Thespesia, Silky Kola or Azanza Garckeana.

Here, we will highlight the health benefits of goron tula and other effects this fruit has on everyone who eats it.

African chewing gum is growing in popularity. The health benefits of goron tula are the reasons several studies are emerging on it. You will find some of these studies in this article.

Health Benefits Of Goron Tula

The fruit, also called snot apple, is very edible.

This amazing fruit is native to people of Tula, a community in Kaltungo Local Government Area of Gombe State and Michika, a community in Adamawa State.

Both communities are in northern Nigeria.

According to a study, Goron Tula(Azanza Garckeana) is also traditionally used to treat or manage at least 22 human diseases and ailments” (1).

Also, this study says the components of this miracle fruit are the effective properties.

Some of the very prominent compounds are alkaloids, amino acids, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, cyanogenic glucosides and flavonoids.

Others are “lipids, phenols, saponins and tannins have been isolated from the fruit.

“Goron tula, indicate that the species has a wide range of pharmacological activities such as antibacterial, antifungal, antihyperglycemic, antimalarial, antioxidant and iron absorption”.

According to the research, the seeds are used as herbal medicine for diseases and ailments.

As a result of these compounds, the fruit could do a lot and here are some of its health benefits.

1.       Goron Tula Boosts Libido

Most importantly, this fruit is popular for this particular reason.

If you are experiencing low libido, this fruit could be helpful.

Basically, oxidative stress and other conditions could affect a persons libido. But flavonoids which are present in high amount in goron tula are antioxidants that lowers oxidative stress.

Also, flavonoids in goron tula lower inflammation that could also affect sexual health.

To use Goron Tula for sexual health boosting, you need to ensure that the fruits you have have the juice in them.

That slimy juice is what works for you.

All you do is chew about 3 fruits (seeds removed) before sexual intercourse.

It takes some hours for your organs to absorb the nutrients. This is why you need to take it hours before intercourse.

Also, goron tula improves the cervical mucus in a woman. This helps makes sexual intercourse less painful.

To use, a woman can soak some goron tula pulp in warm water for hours and wash their vagina with it.

This practice increases the presence of cervical mucus.

2.       Goron Tula And Vagina Cleansing

Women who find it hard to reach orgasm find this fruit useful when they consume it.

It helps in lubricating the vagina, a research says.

The miracle fruit is also used in the cleansing of the vagina.

Women douche on it – burn the chaff after chewing it and douche on the smoke.

Its vagina cleansing effect happens while that process is on.

Here is one of the testimonials we have received to prove how effective this fruits are.

Effects Of Goron Tula on women sexual performance
Goron Tula Testimonial. See more in comment section. 

You can also add it to hot water and allow the steam to penetrate the vagina.

It also tightens the vagina and your can read more about that here.

3.       Addresses Chest Pains

Here is one of the other health benefits of goron tula that occur as a result of the antioxidants in the fruit.

These antioxidants are known to help relieve pain.

4.       Goron Tula Treats Cough

This is one of the amazing health benefits of goron tula. All you just do is chew it and then it gives your relief.

The antioxidants in goron tula are able to treat inflammation of the respiratory system. All you need to do is chew some fruits regularly and you will get relief from the cough.

You can also remove the seeds inside the fruit, soak the flesh in warm water and drink the extract after about 1 hour.

5.        Goron Tula And Fertility

People in northern Nigeria consume the fruit a lot. A resident of Tula says you will hardly find a couple without children in the community.

This is one of the reasons you can rarely find couples who do not have children in the area, one of the farmers told So Health Nigeria.

Other Things You Should Know About Goron Tula

6.        Tackles Liver Problems

This miracle fruit contains antioxidants one of which is carotenoids and this helps in detoxifying the body system.

Goron tula boosts the liver and helps it clean your system.

7.       Addresses Menstruation Problems

Goron Tula contains flavonoids that are great for pain relief.

For this reason, people who have ulcer and other pain issues can add Goron Tula to their diet.

This will help address the inflammation that may be causing the pain.

8.       Goron Tula Addresses Sexually Transmitted Infections

The phenolic compounds in the fruit are able to address yeast and bacteria infections.

All you need to do is eat the fruit or follow the instruction in our other article on how to use goron tula for infection.

When you apply the process properly you will get result.

9.       Prevents Cancer

Here is one of the numerous health benefits of goron tula.

Goron tula contains anticancer agents.

Antioxidants are known to arrest free radicals that could cause cancer.

Basically, these antibodies damage cells in your body. This is one major role that carotenoids play in human health (2).

10.     Lowers Blood Sugar (Goron Tula For Diabetics)

Antioxidants and great for lowering blood sugar level. They help in addressing oxidation that may trigger chronic diseases.

The fruit is rich in antioxidants that help regulate blood sugar level.

A person that is diabetic may take few fruits in the morning to regulate the blood sugar level.

11.     Prevents High Blood Pressure

Tannins in Goron Tula have also exert other physiological effects on humans.

It helps accelerate blood clotting, reduce blood pressure, decrease the serum lipid level and produce liver necrosis.

This component also helps modulate immunoresponses. However, the dosage and kind of tannins are critical to these effects.

12.     Goron Tula Helps Eyesight

Also, this miracle fruit plays a role in helping your eyesight (3).

This is another major benefit of goron tula and a function of the flavonoid in the fruit.

Studies say flavonoid intake and bioavailability helps in prevention of age related vision disorders that develop over decades (4) (5).

All you just need to do is eat at least 3 of the fruits daily for two weeks and watch if there is improvement.

13.     Benefit Of Goron Tula In Ulcer Treatment

Also, this fruit is amazing when it comes to treatment of ulcer.

Goron tula is rich in flavonoid and this compound is also effective in the treatment of goron tula.

According to a study, anti-ulcer effects of flavonoids include functions such as anti-acid secretion, inhibition of pepsin level and activity, and increasing gastric mucus and bicarbonate secretion.

Additionally, the study says flavonoids boost mucosal cytoprotective, antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial defenses against peptic ulcer (6).

If you have ulcer, adding goron tula to your diet will be a good idea. However, you must have to follow an eating schedule to make sure that you bring food in as often as possible.

Why Goron Tula Works

Most importantly, goron tula contains antibacterial, antifungal, antihyperglycemic and antimalarial properties.

Also, it is rich in antioxidant and makes iron absorption better.

These properties make the fruit a widely recommended fruit for people who are waiting to conceive.

Saponins In Goron Tula | Goron Tula And Cancer

One of the components of this fruit is saponins. This compound exhibits antimicrobial properties that guard your body against fungi, bacteria and viruses.

Also, they improve immune function by stimulating the production of T-cells.

Additionally, they act as antioxidants and scavenge oxidative stress.

Also, a research published on Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare suggests that the use of the fruit should be encouraged amount women who are waiting to conceive (7).

Researchers believe it will minimise the dependence on synthetic drugs as fertility enhancing agents.


More so, the research confirmed that this miracle seed contains pharmacological activities. Some of them are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-malarial, antioxidant and iron absorption.

Also, Daily Trust quoted a nutritionist, Miss Chidera Ezenwafor, as saying that Goron Tula is a miracle seed (8).

The nutritionist said the fruit could also assist in improving bowel movement and ease digestion.

According to her, Goron Tula improves the body immune system.


Interestingly, Goron Tula is safe for consumption across all ages.

How To Use Goron Tula

You can chew the flesh of the fruit raw, after extracting the seed.

Also, you can soak the fruits in a small amount of water to make jelly. When it is soft, it is easier to chew.

Similarly, you can boil the miracle fruit and use it as relish or porridge.

Where To Buy Goron Tula

One of the places you can buy this amazing fruit in Nigeria is here at So Health Nigeria.

Our goron tula fruits are directly from Gombe State and they come in fresh.


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    1. Thank you for your comment and interest in our product. Kindly let us know your location (state) in Swaziland. We need to be sure of the cost of sending it to you.

  1. We have plenty of trees of this fruit and I didn’t know it’s benefits. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for spending time to read our content. You can also let us know other topics you will love us to write about and we will research and write about them.

    1. Well, we have seen Goron Tula powder made from the seeds, but we have not conducted research on it. We also know that people eat the seeds which is a little bitter and this must also support the claims by researchers that Goron Tula controls blood sugar level. So, by choice, the seed could be eaten.

      1. Yeah very true
        You can dry the cheff and douche on the smoke…. Tula where I stayed a lot is been done with it e.g goron Tula soap, goron Tula cream etc

    1. There is really no prescription and that is one of the issues that traditional medicines have. The quantity will also depend on the issue being treated and body system. It is a seed and the way most of these seeds are, the law of diminishing utility, which was added to man’s taste, will make you never exceed a safe limit.

  2. Can the chaff of the goron tula fruit be burnt with charcoal ? Also what type of diseases does the goron tula seed cures?

    1. Thank you so much for this testimonial. We are very delighted to here this. It is one of the numerous testimonials that we have received on this fruit.

      1. Can goron tula be taken alongside synthetic drugs? A sister is on some fertility drugs and we heard of goron tula. Can she take it with the drugs she’s on presently, or she would have to stop?

        1. We do not think it will be harmful to use both. But we know that only goron tula can boost her fertility. Our health coach is also a fertility expert and you can reach her on WhatsApp through – +2347061120963.

          She has lots of testimonies of women who have tried several years now pregnant. It is her calling and God has been awesome, working wonders with just food and supplements.

  3. Please I bought it but I don’t know how to use it…I peel it but I saw a seed inside which is very strong…but I don’t know if I’m chewing the seed inside or the whole flesh of the goron tula? Please help direct me …tnx

    1. Thank you Naomi for your comment. We are happy to hear from you. The seed is not to be eaten. Kindly discard it, soak the flesh or pulp in warm water and then eat it once it is soft.

  4. Thanks so much for the write ups. Is there any herbs for elevated prolactin? pls l really want to know ,is urgent. Thanks

    1. Please, speak with our Health Coach on +2347061120963 (WhatsApp). She will help you resolve the prolactin issues

    1. Thank you for reaching out to us and for your comment on our article on Goron Tula. Kindly speak with our health coach on 07061120963 (WhatsApp chat too). She will be able to give you a better natural remedy for your ailment. Thank you.

  5. Ok please does it aid ovulation, what if you just want to use it to have fun with your spouse. Not to get pregnant and you are aware of your body, you know when you are ovulating already, Does it affect your ovulation or changes your ovulation days.

    1. It is not expected to alter ovulation because it is natural fruit. It will make your vagina wet and sweet (like everyone who uses it testifies). If you understand your body very well, you will know when you are ovulating and be careful, because your body will be highly fertile since you use goron tula. Any small thing, ‘you don get belle be that’ (you are pregnant). We hope this answers your question.

  6. Hello,
    Your exposé on goron Tula was really enlightening. I would want to know how many seeds one has to take to help treat severe menstrual pain. It tears me apart to see my daughter in pain during that time of the month. I live in Benin city, Nigeria and I would love to know how much it will cost me to get some. Thanks

    1. Thank you for your comment, Nduka. There is no dosage when it comes to natural fruits, but the way God made them, you cannot eat excess of it before you the law of diminishing utility sets in. You can use it for menstrual pain relief and we can tell you that we have received several testimonies to that effect. There are other products that you can also use which our Health Coach could talk to you about if you chat with her on WhatsApp on +2347061120963. She will be delighted to hear from you. Kind regards.

      1. I prepare mine by soaking in warm water over night, then blend the fruit and boil with the water. I sieve and refrigerate to keep it fresh. It turns into a juicy drink.

  7. I have serious vagina infection..if I use gorontula will it cure finally or it will just subsidize it

  8. Will really love to know too , i have fibriod inside n outside .
    My womb and am trying for a child, will gorontula still help me conceive

  9. Please have been trying to get pregnant since a month ago, can this fruit boost fertility rate in women and men??

  10. How long does gorontula takes to work, if I want to meet my fiancé today and want to be super wet, do I take it today or a day before goin to see him?

  11. For someone that is suffering from lack of menstruation can it help bring back menses?

    1. Yes. That is one of the ways to extract the juice. A pregnant woman can also take it. Just don’t eat in excess. one fruit should be divided. But why would you need to eat it if you are pregnant already?

  12. I just finished taking 2 balls of GORONTULA,, is it going to start working for me immediately especially when am mating with my husband??

      1. Please ma’am if I want to have sex with my man and take d fruit A day before I meet him, would it still have effect or do I need to chew another? Thanks! kindly waiting for your reply

  13. My husband is out of the country and he will be back in December, please can I be talking the gorontula from now till he returns in December? Please I need an answer🙏

      1. Am really interested in this fruit and I will want to know more about it and do it as a business to help people

  14. Please I have two kids already and did family planning, now I’ve been trying to conceive again but to no avail due to the effect of the family planning that I did. Now can Goron Tula neutralize the effect of the family planning and help me conceive?

    1. Thank you for your comment. There are some things we will like to know about the family planning you did. What type did you adopt? That will enable us tell if Goron Tula can help or not.

  15. Please I’m trying to conceive for years, I am trying this Goron tula for one week, and my menstruation has stopped for 1 and half years can it bring it back. I need answer thank you

  16. Your information is very useful but I get a little bit confused by some answers regarding eating the flesh and not eating the fruits then taking in powder form after drying,pls elaborate further. Peter Okweda

  17. I feel so happy seeing this
    I remembered myself and a few others talking to people about it but it seemed as though we were lying.. everything here is true… staying in kaltungo opened my eyes to the goodness of this seed

  18. Can a man also eat goron tula? or is it for women only?
    Does it increase libido or a man’s fertility?
    How long before sex should a man take it?

      1. Good day please I would like the reply of the question the man asked about how long before sex should a man take it thanks

    1. For hormonal imbalance, there is a lot that needs to be done to balance the hormone. The fruits alone may not be able to do that. We recommend that you speak with our health coach on this on 07061120963. She will be able to guide you.

    1. Thanks for your comment. For Goron Tula to work for infection, there ahs to be proper diagnosis with the level of infection determined. Once this is known, it will become clearer if Goron Tula could work for such infection.

  19. Please for menstrual pain how many do I need and how do I use them,, I don’t seem to understand the use

    1. Two or three fruits are okay for a day and that should even still have effect for the next two to three days. Except you feel the pain is not going away. All you do is take out the seeds and chew the flesh.

  20. Pls I’m in Ghana how an I get some of Goron tula. I want it for fibroids and scanty menstruation

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