things to know about goron tula fruit and why it did not work

25 Things You Should Know About Goron Tula

Goron Tula is a fruit that is popular in Nigeria and some other African nations. Its popularity is mainly as a result of its health benefits. You will find things to know about Goron Tula in this article.

Indeed, the health benefits of this fruit have made people describe it as a miracle fruit.

We know that in the midst of the claims about this fruit that you have heard, there could be lies. We want to debunk some of the lies and share the truth about the fruit.

Here are 25 things  to know about Goron Tula fruit.

1.      It Does Not Come With Voodoo

You see, some persons have said this fruit helps women charm men and this has left so many persons disappointed when they, upon usage, fail to get this result.

This fruit is like every other fruit that God made for humans to enjoy. It does not carry any magical powers on its own. It just does its job when a woman takes it.

As far as it makes a man feel there is something different in the vagina, it does not have the ability to charm a man.

So, if you hear it is magical it does not mean it comes with magical powers to turn things around for a woman and make a man love her. If you have a terrible attitude that repels a man, my dear, this fruit will not help make the man change his perception about that attitude.

2.     Goron Tula Improves Sexual Health

If you are married and you are looking for something that will make sexual intercourse more interesting, this fruit should be in your diet.

One of the very things that make intercourse interesting is if the vagina produces enough mucus during intercourse.

You see, this fruit can make a woman produce more mucus in her vagina.

When this happens, it is easier for penetration to happen and that improves pleasure.

All you need to do is chew few of this fruit. However, it is important that you know how long it takes for this fruit to work after chewing it. We will share this later in this article.

Furthermore, make sure that you are eating a this fruit that has slimy juice in it to get the best result.

3.     Goron Tula Is Not Only Good For A Woman

You may have heard that the fruit is just for women. It is not true.

Basically, Goron Tula is for both male and female. It performs different functions for each.

However, for a man, Goron Tula alone may not be able to correct erectile dysfunction, especially because your heart could be the reason you are having poor erection.

In fact, erectile dysfunction has been described as a warning sign of heart disease (1).

If you want to get results when you take goron tula as a man, you will need to be sure that your heart is in good state.

Also, you will need to add exercise to your routine to get a great result.

4.     Goron Tula Also Works For Men

So, if you have taken this fruit as a man and did not get the desired result, chances are that there are other issues.

All you need to do is address the underlying issue while you are taking Goron Tula.

5.     It Can Boost A man’s Sperm

This is one of the other things to know About Goron Tula.

One of the ways that this fruit works for a man is to boost sperm production, especially if the man is trying to get his partner pregnant.

According to a study, this fruit is rich in flavonoids which is also very helpful in boosting a man’s sperm.

You see, toxins like metals could affect a man’s sperm quality, but intake of dietary flavonoids could help inhibit this effect.

A study says flavonoids have antioxidant and metal chelating properties which make them suitable candidates for neutralizing adverse effects of metals on semen quality (2).

6.     Goron Tula Is Sweet

If it is the first time you are reading about Goron Tula and you are wondering how it tastes, you are in the right place.

Goron Tula is sweet. However, the fruit inside of it is bitter. If you are eating Goron Tula and you are not getting a sweet taste from it, then it must be dry.

Every Goron Tula fruit that has juice in it often tastes sweet.

7.     Boosts Libido

If you are wondering if Goron Tula boosts libido, you don’t have to worry any more.

Truly, this fruit boosts libido. Several women who eat it and experience this increase in cervical mucus also notice this desire for sexual intercourse.

That is what this fruit does.

However, for a man, this desire may not be very obvious.

Also, this fruit enhances your the amount of satisfaction that you get during intercourse.

As a result, you want more.

8.     Goron Tula Can Treat Infection

Goron Tula is also amazing when it comes to treating vaginal infection. The compounds in the fruit helps fight infection that my be existing within a woman’s reproductive system .

One of the ways to use this fruit has been highlighted in our earlier post.

Watch: VIDEO: How To Use Goron Tula For Infection | Very Effective Way

9.     It Can Help A woman Get Pregnant

Whenever there is adequate cervical mucus it increases the chances of conception for a woman.

The mucus will make way for easy flow of sperm to fertilise the egg. This is why ‘vagina dryness’ could be a factor if a woman is experiencing impaired fertility.

Whenever you eat this fruit, you will boost the production of this mucus and the chances of getting pregnant increase.

10.     How Many Goron Tula Should I Eat?

Also, this is one of the vital things to know about Goron Tula.

People have had issues with the number of Goron Tula they should eat in a day. You see, too much of everything is bad.

If you exceed a certain number of Goron Tula fruits, an adverse effect will kick-in.

This is a natural fruit and being certain about the amount of it to take in a day could be difficult.

However, here, we recommend that you take a maximum of 3 fruits per day.

11.     Goron Tula Is A Fertility Fruit

We asked people who live in Tula, a community in Gombe State if residents had infertility issues.

They said it would be difficult to find a couple without a child in the community where this fruit is in abundance.

Truly, the fruit is amazing for fertility.

One of the things it does for a couple is that while it boosts the man’s sperm, in improves the quality of the egg the woman releases (3).

12    It Can Help You Lose Weight

One other set of persons that Goron Tula is amazing for are people trying to lose weight.

Goron Tula is rich in fibre and that makes it amazing for weight loss.

Also, when you eat this fruit, it boosts your energy level and helps you stay full for quite some time.

Basically, it helps reduce appetite if you want to cut down on the amount of food you eat per day.

13.     The Fruit Can Lower Blood Sugar Level

Goron Tula is good for diabetics and people who want to lower blood sugar level.

According to a study, Goron Tula is commonly used as a herbal remedy for treatments and management of several human diseases like chest pains, infertility, menstruation irregularities and diabetes (4).

One part of this fruit to consume if you are looking to lower blood sugar level is the seed.

The seeds of this fruit is bitter and contains more compounds that are helpful for lowering of blood sugar level.

However, ensure that you let your doctor know you intend to take the seeds.

14.    If Can Help Cure Cough

One of the other things a research says about this fruit is that it can help if you have cough (5).

If you have cough, it may be good to get some Goron Tula.

15.    Goron Tula Without Juice Does Not Give Best Result

You see, the choice of this fruit you buy matters a lot.

One of the things to do to get the best is request for a live video call when you want to buy this fruit so that you see what you are getting.

This will help you avoid the case of “what I ordered versus what I got”.

If you get a fruit without the slimy juice in it, you are not likely going to get a great result when you consume it.

It is the juice in the fruit that shows the presence of the compounds that are effective in the fruit.

16.     Dry Goron Tula Is Not Okay To Eat

Basically, the fruits that you will find without this slimy juice are the dry ones.

Once the fruit is dry, it is good for nothing, but to be thrown away. It is a good sign that the fruit will not give you result.

17.    It Can Cleans And Tighten The Vagina

One of the other things to know about Goron tula is that it can cleans and help the vagina stay tight.

The flavonoid in the fruit helps cleans the vagina and also helps it feel tight.

This compound is one of the reasons it fights infection or sexually transmitted diseases.

18.    Goron Tula May Not Be Okay For A Young Girl To Eat

If you give this fruit to a girl that has not started menstruating, please, stop doing so.

One of the things that could happens is that early puberty may occur because of the compounds in this fruit.

Please, read: Impact Of Goron Tula On Preteen Girls

19.    It Can Help Improve Your Eye Sight

Also, some studies say flavonoids protect various ocular cell types from oxidative stress-induced cell death, improve endogenous antioxidant systems, inhibit inflammatory pathways, and enhance mitochondrial functions (6).

You could try the fruit if your eye problem is as a result of inflammation.

20.    Goron Tula Can Improve Your Oral Health

One other name of this fruit is African Chewing Gum and that is because you can chew it for long and it will give your oral benefits.

When you chew this fruit, the chaff helps cleanse the inner part of your teeth.

Also,it helps to strengthen the gum.

21.    Goron Tula Contains Antinutrient

One of the things to know about Goron Tula is the fact that it has antinutrients.

This is one fear people have about this fruit.

Really this fruit contains Tannin which is an antinutrient.

Tannins impair the digestion of various nutrients by decreasing the efficiency with which the body can derive benefit from other bioavailable substances.

However, eating just few of this fruit, as recommended, will reduce the amount of tannins you get and that will bring no harm.

22.    Goron Tula Takes A While To Work After Eating It

Some persons will eat this fruit few minutes before intercourse and expect that it will give them result.

You need to eat the fruit hours before intercourse to get result.

Please, read: How Long Does It Take Goron Tula To Work? | Best Timing

There are a few more things to know about Goron tola and these are very important for women.

23.    It Is Not Okay To Take Goron Tula If You Are On Contraceptive

Again, this is another side effect that you would get if you take this miracle fruit.

A woman who is on contraceptive and then eats Goron Tula, may become pregnant.

This is as a result of the power of this fruit to reverse the effect of the contraceptive and boost egg quality.

Read: Alligator Pepper As Contraceptive: See What We Found

So, stay away from this fruit if you have anything to do with contraceptive.

24.    Goron Tula May Not Be Good For A Pregnant Woman

It is not advisable that a pregnant woman eats the fruit.

There are compounds in the fruit that could cause complications.

This issues has been fully treated in our earlier article: Goron Tula In Pregnancy: How Safe Is It?

25.    Goron Syrup May Be Easily Adulterated. The Fruit Is Better

Indeed, several persons have requested for syrup from us, but we have excluded it from the list of things you will find in our shop.

The reason is that syrups are easily adulterated. We do not want to offer you things that we are not sure of and that is why we have only shared articles on how to make Goron Tula Syrup. If you would want  to try it, please, try and make yours.

Are there things that you have heard about Goron Tula that were not covered in this article, please, let us know in the comment section.


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