Easy ways to fund your fertility journey

5 Easy Ways To Fund Your Fertility Journey

Sly and Jane are on a fertility journey, yet time is not on their side.

As the years go by, nature diminishes their hope of ending this fertility journey someday.

Really, when you are on this journey, “time is of essence”. This axiom keeps creeping into their mind, as they walk through years.

When they got married some 5 years ago, they were optimistic about the number of kids they would have.

They are Christians and they know faith works. Speaking into their future was one thing they do.

But while they wait, the time is not waiting.

They have spent a huge amount of money trying different things to conceive.

Unfortunately, they have no child to show for it.

We will not go into details of what we think they are not getting right.

But we will limit this article to how you can make sure that funding your fertility journey does not become a huge financial burden.

If it is not done right, it could drain the family finance.

Funding Your Fertility Journey

Indeed, fertility journey is a phrase that is becoming more prominent. One reason is the increasing cases of impaired fertility that we have seen.

People get married, thinking all is well, as regards their reproductive health. But few years down the line, they realise they are on a fertility journey already.

We know that it is not every couple that love to have children.

But if you believe in God and His words, reproduction is one of the mandates handed to man.

Not fulfilling it, means denying the blessing that has been proclaimed on man. “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth,” the scriptures say.

The fact that every human has reproductive organs confirms the effectiveness of this blessing.

However, for one reason or the other, different partners are on this seemingly endless fertility journey.

Here is how to make funding your fertility journey easier and get the baby of your dream.

1.     Begin Early

First, this has nothing to do with accessing funding.

However, it is the surest way to save cost. It is about preserving your fertility ahead of time. Yes, you can preserve your fertility.

Indeed, there are a couple of things that affect a woman’s fertility. All you need to do is to know them early and avoid them as much as possible.

For instance, a simple thing like a seasoning cube that contains MSG could stop a woman from conceiving.

According to a study, findings indicate that MSG may have some deleterious effects on the oocytes of the ovaries of adult Wistar rats at higher doses and by extension may contribute to the causes of female infertility (1).

Seasoning cubes are common in most homes.

While MSG may not affect everyone, always remember that we respond to substances differently.

To stay safe, make your own seasoning and stick with it. See how to make your seasoning.

Also, starting early means not taking so long in making the choice of a man that you will marry.

The older a woman becomes, the lower her chances of conception.

When you begin early, a simple thing as eating the right fertility boosting food would make you conceive fast enough.

Fortunately, this worked for me when I had hormonal imbalance. My gynecologist had said I would not be able to conceive. But lifestyle adjustment and food changed the result.

Here Are Other Things That Impair Fertility That You Should Know

I began early, looking for what to do to reverse the cause of the imbalance and not just try to treat the symptoms.

2.     Get A Grant

You see, the issue of childbirth is something that we have to take seriously.

Really, I cringe when I see people avoid spending money on feeding their body good food. Sadly, they spend huge money on other expensive things that fade away with time.

Your fertility journey, if you take it seriously, should be well funded.

One of the ways of doing this is getting a grant.

There are different grants that cater to fertility impairment and they are available to women in the united states and around the world.

There are a few we know.

In Nigeria for instance, there are NGOs that offer grants to women who are on their fertility journey.

Don’t just sit back, thinking all is well and then you keep professing faith. Faith without works is dead.

Work out your salvation. It will not come to you. Do all you can to get your babies. Time is not on your side.

Seek out these platforms and apply. God has established those NGOs to help you.

3.     Apply For Microfinance Grant

Unfortunately, the depressive feelings and issues that go with impaired fertility is huge.

It could tear a home apart.

Also, it could lead to divorce.

To avoid these issues, one of the very things you can do is go for a loan from a microfinance bank.

Most importantly, ensure that you have a repayment plan. When you get the loan, channel it into doing all tests necessary and getting treatment.

You can channel it into IVF, after you have prepared your body for conception.

Indeed, you need to invest in preparing your body for conception. It is the starting point if you have impaired fertility.

There is no amount of money that one spends to get a baby that is a waste.

We know it is not cheap and that is because superfoods are not cheap.

This is why we advocate that government should subsidise the cost of importing superfoods that boost health.

4.     Save Ahead Of Time

Really, saving ahead to fund your fertility journey is one way of making it easy when the time comes.

Put some amount of money aside. You can invest them in shares ahead of when you will need them.

If God blesses your with a baby that you eventually don’t need to use the money to fund your fertility, you must have saved yourself a fortune.

Basically, it is the unavailability of funds that makes people avoid IVF. It is one alternative that works for some persons.

While we also know it fails, it is one thing to try and another thing to sit and conclude it will not work.

If you have saved ahead for it, you will find it easy to fund.

5.     Payment By Instalment

This is one of the rarely tried fertility journey funding process.

There is no limit to what a good bargaining power could get for you.

All you need to do in this age is show enough interest in what you want. Negotiate to pay by instalment.

This works for persons who have steady means of income.

For instance, a salary earner could be able to explore this funding opportunity.

Things To Bear In Mind

Most importantly while you are on your fertility journey, ensure that you remove anxiety.

Basically, mindfulness is very important in changing the situation. Being anxious often makes people begin and not finish or continue with the necessary things they need to do.

We have seen people talk with so much zeal to go all out, but behind that zeal is anxiety.

They start and in few days, the zeal dies out.

Be anxious of nothing. Anxiety scatters your hormones.

Don’t sit and wait. Go for diagnosis, get treatment, eat the right foods to prepare your body and engage in mild exercise.

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