cryptic pregnancy questions to ask

7 Questions To Ask Before You Choose Cryptic Pregnancy

The desire to have your own baby is a good one. It upholds the fruitfulness proclamation on humans. However, this desire could make a woman opt for cryptic pregnancy.

While we desire that all women who want a baby get the blessing, we want to also say that ensuring the genuineness of the process is very important.

We have seen a new trend of cryptic pregnancy programme for women who are desperate to have children.

It could be an option, but from what we know, cryptic pregnancies are not programmed. They are often natural occurrences.

Cryptic pregnancy is the phenomenon whereby women do not become consciously aware of their pregnancy until the last weeks of gestation or in some cases until they give birth.

In cryptic pregnancy programmes, women believe they are pregnant.

Also, cryptic pregnancy is the lack of subjective awareness of pregnancy until the end of gestation in pregnant women, is reviewed and reinterpreted in an evolutionary biological framework (1).

Questions To Ask before You Cryptic Pregnancy Option

It is important that you ask these questions to ensure that you are going into a programme that will not come hurting you.

1.     What Are You Giving Me To Make Me Conceive?

Herbs are great for humans, but it is also very important that you know what herbs you are taking.

Ask the ‘cryptic baby maker’ what herbs you are to take and if possible go further to check the function of these herbs.

Often, because a woman needs her abdomen to protrude, as a sign of pregnancy, they could offer herbs that could force growth of fibroid.

This will make the abdomen big. But the navel could show signs if the true reason the abdomen is big. Belly button does not pop-out.

For this reason, it is good to be sure the herbs are not those that could force growth of fibroid.

2.     Will Pregnancy Show If I Go For Scan?

From studies’ reports on cryptic pregnancy, the foetus at some point should show in scan.

But from our findings on cryptic pregnancies in Nigeria, baby does not show until delivery.

Ask the person offering the service if your baby will show in scan at some point during your pregnancy.

Also ask if you could go to other hospitals for pregnancy confirmation.

If the answer is no, you should be skeptical about the process that only requires you to come to their clinic.

3.     Can I deliver In Another Hospital?

This is important, because from our observation, you only give birth are the clinic of the acclaimed expert.

You should be able to go for delivery at another clinic when it is time if you are genuinely pregnant.

But if you get a no as answer, that should point to some hidden issues.

4.     Will It Be Normal Birth Or CS?

This will help you know what process the ‘expert’ would use in delivering the baby.

If you are told it would be a normal delivery process, be sure to ask the next question.

Also, if it is CS, ask the next question.

5.     Would I be Induced? Can My Hubby Be There

From our findings, most persons who opt for this Nigerian cryptic pregnancy are often induced before childbirth.

Now, the kind of inducement we were told they offer is one that will make the woman giving birth unconscious.

No woman gives birth in an unconscious state. She has to be awake. Even nurses in Nigeria could slap a woman trying to sleep while giving birth.

That would mean the baby will not survive.

Also, if the woman is giving birth through CS, she has to be conscious.

All they will do is give an injection that will kill every pain in the area that would be cut open.

Therefore, if you are told you would be unconscious while giving birth, my dear, just be skeptical.

Also, let them know that you will love that your husband go into the theater with your.

They are likely to find reasons to make your husband absent. Since your husband will be conscious to observe their tricks, they will not allow him to be there.

6.     How Long Will My Pregnancy Last?

There are very few pregnancies that last longer than 9 months. But we hear that the cryptic pregnancy lasts longer than 10 months.

We figured the long time the ‘experts’ give is to ensure the girl who would give birth to the baby the woman will get, gets pregnant and gives birth.

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In some cases, the child would be a month old before then hand the baby to the women who believes it is her child.

When they induce the woman, they would bring the baby and lay it by her side. When she wakes up, she will find the child.

They will explain that the child is big because it stayed longer than normal in the womb.

7.     Would I Need To Go For A DNA Test?

This question should be asked the way we stated it here. If they discourage you from going for a DNA test, you should know there is something unscrupulous with the process.

The reason is because the DNA test would show that the baby does not belong to the woman and her husband.

So, they would try their best to discourage you from going for DNA test.

A DNA test would at least put your mind to rest, that the child is yours if the result comes out positive.

Bottom Line

Instead of going for a cryptic pregnancy that is fraught with so much secrecy, adopt a baby.

On the other hand, you could try natural remedies or even go for IVF.

It is better to be sure that the child you have is yours.

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