sure ways to add exercise to your daily routine

8 Sure Ways To Add Exercise To Your Daily Routine

It is amazing how easy it is to add exercise to your daily routine. To you, it may seem hard, but the difficulty in your mind is as a result of your mindset.

There is more to exercise than you think.

A lady shared here experience with us and we will love to let you see where she missed it.

There is this neighbour she admires so much that she wishes she has her kind of body.

The neighbour has four kids, but she could pass for someone who has not given birth.

Her tummy is flat and her shape is amazing.

One morning she came out earlier than her usual time to find her neighbour-crush jogging.

“Aha”! she said to her self. This is apparently the secret. Her desire for her kind of body immediately drove her to making a quick request.

“I hurried up to her, and asked her to always call me each morning when she is ready for her exercise routine,” she told us.

She kept her mind on her phone even in her sleep, waiting for the alarm to wake her up.

Before the set-time, she was already awake. She grabbed her sneakers and slid into her track suit, waiting for her neighbour’s call.

In few minutes, the diligent neighbour called. Happily, she dashed out and joined her in her daily exercise routine.

The morning exercise was a delight for her, and she thought she had found a motivation she had waited for so long for.

Warn Out And Tired

After running for over one hour in that morning she could feel the amazing effect, but she was not aware that was an undoing moment for her desire to exercise.

The next day, she was not aware when the alarm beeped. The previous day’s exercise session had gotten hold of her. She is warn out and tired. Here legs were heavy like someone tied a cement bag to each leg.

You may have heard same experience that forced you into giving up on forming a daily exercise routine. Please, don’t give up. Try one more time, but this time follow this tips we shared here.

Why You Need A Daily Exercise Routine

If you want an easy way of forming an exercise routine that will help you meet up the recommended physical activity time per week, here is something you should do.

According to the World Health Organization [WHO], up to 5 million deaths a year could be averted if the global population was more active.

It says people who are insufficiently active have a 20% to 30% increased risk of death compared to people who are sufficiently active. That is huge.

Also, more than 80% of the world’s adolescent population is insufficiently physically active.

As a result, WHO recommends that adults aged 18–64 years should do at least 150–300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity.

Alternatively, they can do at least 75–150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity; or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity throughout the week.

Also, they should do muscle-strengthening activities at moderate or greater intensity that involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week, as these provide additional health benefits (1).

Indeed, there is so much change in weather and other things, including the toxins that you are exposed to on a daily basis.

Not exercising will mean allowing these free radicals to have a ride on your health. Above all, your hear needs servicing and exercise and your diet are the two ways you can do this.

We have here, sure ways to add exercise to your daily routine.

1.     Don’t Join Already Established ‘Fitfam’ Enthusiasts

Because of the experience of our persona above, we would like to state that joining already established fitness enthusiasts could mess up your desire.

The truth is that they have pushed their body beyond breaking point and they are not used to the routine.

Joining them will mean forcing your body beyond limit all in one day.

When you see one, great him or her and let that motivate you to begin in your own pace.

Better still, you can do a 10 minutes run with them and turn back. That way you would get 20 minutes of good exercise that should carry you for the day.

2.      Chose An Appropriate Time

Timing is key in cultivating a daily exercise routine. From experience, we have found that exercising in the morning is easier than doing it in the evening.

Fact is, in the evening, you are usually tired and not so motivated to engage in any other activity.

Another fact is that once you miss the evening workout time, your bed is calling and then the day’s exercise time is gone.

But exercising in the morning offers you an opportunity to start off with the energy and zeal that you need.

It helps you fire up your body and get it ready for the day’s activities.

Also, decide on the number of days to workout each week and focus on meeting the appointments.

3.      Build The Will-Power

One thing you need to be able to cultivate a daily exercise routine is will-power. Sometimes, it is not easy to form this will-power without a motivating factor.

This makes it necessary that you begin with changing your phone habit in the early hours of the morning.

We recommend that you find fitness coaches online and follow them. Ensure they are people who inculcate simple exercises that a beginner can routinely follow without breaking down.

Simple things like picking up your phone after prayer and jumping on a fitness page could be a huge motivating factor.

“People do what people see.” 

Avoid the habit of scrolling through social networks. Just search for the fitness page and jump on it. There should be no distractions.

4.      Keep Your Kits Ready

One of the discouraging factors is not having your kits ready for your exercise time.

Before you go to bed at night, find the kits and make them ready for you to just slide in and begin.

Seeing them ready in the morning when you wake up motivates you to exercise.

To meet up with this, get different kits that you could wear each day. Just in case you could not wash the one used previously, you have a new one to wear.

5.      Focus On Creating An Exercise Habit, Not The Result

Really, it will be a mistake to begin to look at the result that you are getting as you begin your exercise routine.

Indeed, we are not saying that measuring progress is not good. Let the measurement be on how many times you have carried out the workout as scheduled for the week.

Sadly, people who want to lose weight often expect to see results in the first few days. But that is not how it works.

The result will come. It will come after you have diligently sustained the workout routine.

To lose weight, it is not only exercise that you need. Relying on exercise alone will take a longer time. See what to do do keep weight away for good.

6.     Begin With Simple Workouts

You need your muscles to sustain the routine that you are trying to create. For this reason, you will have to begin your training with light exercises that will not make your muscles weak.

With a weak muscle, you will not be able to exercise for some days and that is a reversal of what you are trying to build.

Light exercises like walking on the spot,  twisting your waist, punching the air and other mild workouts you can think of can help you stay committed while you form the habit.

As you progress, you will begin to add other forms of exercises that will help generate the result you desire.

Sometimes you may not even sweat, but one thing is sure, you are telling your mind there is time for exercise.

7.      Consistently Remind Yourself Of Your Desire

Do you notice how often you wake up at night when you have to catch an early flight or bus?

This is because you have consistently reminded yourself that you are travelling the previous day.

Your subconscious mind has carried on with it and keeps reminding you of what you kept telling it the previous evening.

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Same thing happens when you engage affirmations in the formation of habits.

Really, as you remind yourself that you will exercise in the morning, your conscious mind gets to work and begins to register it in your subconscious mind.

You will wake up with the burden of exercising and until you do it, your mind will keep probing you.

8.      Don’t Skip A Day

Finally, there is just one thing that you must do to build this desired habit. Remain consistent.

Ensure that you will not skip a day. Skipping a day reverses the effect the diligence you had applied had created.

This is the reason we recommend that you begin with simple exercises that will not make you feel pains.

You can begin with 10 minutes of exercise time each day, and as you progress, you increase the time.

In fact, your will not intentionally increase the time. You will just find that you naturally want to go for more time as you progress.

Go in this mind and begin to cultivate your desired workout routine.

Kindly share with your friends and loved ones to help them say healthy always. We Love you. 


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