Abamoda health benefits Bryophyllum pinnatum

Abamoda Health Benefits: Bryophyllum Pinnatum, Resurrection Plant

Abamoda, Bryophyllum pinnatum (Crassulaceae), is a popular plant in Nigeria and it’s amazing health benefits in this article is the reason people keep it around.

Really, it has been used in traditional medicine for different purposes.

People have different names for this plant because of its health benefits and the experiences they have with the plant.

People call Abamoda; wonder of the world, miracle leaf, resurrection plant, cathedral bells, Goethe plant and sacred plant.

Its other names are good luck leaves, never die plant, air plant, or life plant.

For different regions and peoples the name of this plant is also different.  In Hausa, it is Karan masarachi, in Igbo, odaa opue (fall and grow), in Yoruba ewe Abamoda or odundun while the Chinese call it da bu si.

Also, in Southern Nigeria it has different names. In Edo State it is danweshin or ekpokpo and in in Efik it is afiayo while the Ijo-Izon call it umbu.

A study says the phytochemical screening of the plant revealed the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, phenols, flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, alkaloids, terpenoids and steroids.

Also, the leaves of this plant contain vitamins like ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin.

Calcium, zinc and phosphorus, potassium and sodium are also some minerals present in the plant.

As a result, the presence of these compounds in Abamoda makes it medicinal. It is able to offer healing in different areas.

Health Benefits Of Abamoda Leaf

Here are the different health benefits of this plant.

1.  Ulcer Healing

According to a study, the presence of flavonoids in the plant makes it a great remedy for ulcer treatment (1) (2) (3).

One of the studies says a review of the species revealed an extract with healing properties for treating ulcers.

2.  Wards Off Harmful Chemicals

You see, everyday you are exposed to harmful chemicals from the food you eat (preservatives and colours) to the soap you bath with or wash your clothes with.

Another source of this toxin is what you inhale. Fume from cars, electricity generating machines and every other pollutants.

All of these begin to build up in your body, forcing your body to consistently fight them.

However, they will form real problem when they overpower your immune system and take over your cells.

They are the reasons cancer and other chronic disease are able to break down a human’s system.

Interestingly, Abamoda health benefits in this area is highly documented.

The plant contains phytochemicals that will power up your body to ensure it is able to fight this oxidation and inflammation that could trigger chronic diseases.

In fact, a study says a formulation with the leaf could stimulate healing process and decrease excessive inflammation (4).

2.  Could Lower Blood Sugar Level For Diabetics

Another health benefit of Abamoda is that it could help lower blood sugar level.

If you taste this leaf extract, you will notice that it is a bit bitter.

The leaf contains riboflavin which is said to have positive effect for diabetics.

A study says riboflavin was found to have the ameliorative effect on oxidative stress in diabetic mice (5).

Furthermore, it recommends that supplementation with dietary riboflavin might help to reduce diabetic complications.

Another antioxidant in this plat that is amazing for diabetics is terpenoid.

It belongs to an important class of natural products and several terpenoids have been reported as antidiabetic agents (6).

4.  Could Aid Fertility

One other area that Abamoda leaf is effective for humans is in supporting pregnant women and even women that are trying to conceive.

If a woman is trying to conceive, all she could do is to squeeze the leaf and drink the gel.

This should be taken during period flow or two days after period flow.

It would help lower inflammation that may also impair fertility.

Different studies say it is not harmful to pregnant women (7) (8).

However, one of the studies, say daily administration of B. pinnatum at high doses to pregnant rats interfered with maternal weight gain but did not interfere with fetal compartment.

Also, a study says it can cause uterine contractility (9).

Uterine contraction, which is cramping in the uterine, could cause a miscarriage.

As a result, we often recommend that a pregnant woman should take little dose of this plant if she must take it.

5. Could Lower Blood Pressure

Phytochemical analysis of this plant revealed the presence of many bioactive compounds like; alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenes, steroids, glycosides, bufadienolides, lipids and organic acids.

These compounds, mostly antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, are able to lower inflammation and oxidation in the body.

Chronic inflammation is one reason people come down with hypertension.

You will need to keep inflammation in check to ensure your are healthy and free of high blood pressure.

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Fortunately, the antioxidants in Abamoda offer amazing health benefits in this regard.

They bind to toxins that raise inflammation and take them out of the body in different ways.

6.  Abamoda Lowers Bad Cholesterol Level

This is one of the other health benefits of Abamoda. People with high cholesterol level could find it useful in lowering the numbers.

A study says the leaf when used in short term of 7 days and below could lower cholesterol level (10).

7. Boost Kidney Function

Improving kidney function is one other function of Abamoda.

For instance, a study found that leaves of Bryophyllum pinnatum is effective in treating kidney stones (11).

According to the study, there is an ameliorative effect of alcoholic and hydro-alcoholic extracts of Bryophyllum pinnatum by preventing EG-induced alterations in body weight, urine and serum biochemical parameters, oxidative stress and histology of kidney.

7. Treatment Of Convulsion

Furthermore, Abamoda leaf is good in treatment of convulsion.

According to a study, Bryophyllum pinnatum methanol aerial extract significantly reduced the mean recovery time of seizures at doses 500 and 1000 mg/kg (11).

This is another effect of the antioxidants that are in the plant.

8. Remedy For Hyperactive Bladder

One of the other health benefits of Abamoda is that it could serve as remedy for incontinence, the lack of voluntary control over urination.

A study says it could help treat hyperactive bladder.

According to the study, 13% of the patients suffered from a hyperactive bladder and in two-thirds of them the effectiveness of the treatment with B. pinnatum was classified as very good (11).

Also, another study says this plant is effective in the treatment of urinary insufficiency in traditional practices (12).

9.  Great Sedative

Also, a study found that Abamoda could serve as sedation against restlessness during the day and sedation against sleep problems.

According to the study, a decrease of the restlessness was achieved for these 2 indications (13).

For How to use Abamoda leaf for these health issues, read our article on How To Use Abamoda For Different Issues | Preparation Of Abamoda

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