About Us

Thank you for your time spent on our research-based articles and for coming here to read about us.

You see, a few questions are essential in driving our course.

What is life if health challenges will steal an individual’s joy away and leave that individual in tears and anguish?

Indeed, everyone needs a good health to be able to run the race set before them here on earth which you call purpose.

Sadly, no one shakes the foundation of the earth with ill health.

For this reason, So Health Nigeria, a registered company in Nigeria, looks for research reports that will help people live a fulfilled life where health is concerned, evaluate them and then pick out what a lay man should know.

The findings from research works are sieved and documented here for you to read.

Our Core Areas

Holistic Wellness Coaching

Humans are a three-fold being and this means that your focus should be on your spiritual life, your soul and your body.

If you ignore any of these three, there is death in that decision. As a result, we focus on things that will help you build a spiritual life, improve your intellect and then nourish your body that is housing the other two parts of your life.

So, we guide people in these areas with our articles and our personalised coaching programmes.

While these three core aspects of a human are emphasised, we tilt a little towards helping couples understand their reproductive health and enhance their fertility so they would experience the proclamation of fruitfulness upon man.

Fertility And General Wellness

It is our desire that every family that dearly needs a child will have one.

Thankfully, God has helped us in this regard, giving us testimonies that gladden the heart.

We are a company that is focused on fertility and general wellness of humans, with a fertility coach, Lauren Osewezina, championing this divine course.

So Healthy Nigeria is an indigenous registered company in Nigeria. We help females and males become more productive – sexually and financially.

We know that when there is health and joy in the heart, everyone performs optimally, creating wealth and touching lives.

For this reason, we devote time to searching out foods that are super for sexual organs and general wellness.

We are totally practising the dictates of the creator who gave man different plants, grains, fruits, vegetables and animal protein as foods to eat and said they are food and medicine to everyone.

Everything we do is based on food and the power of food to correct ailments, rebuild damaged tissues, and energise the body and sexual organs.

Our Health Coach is one person that has walked the road of hormonal imbalance and infertility. In her journey, she got insight on what to do to overcome.

Now, it is a burden in her heart to help other woman too.

Orthodox medicine was not giving the required result, but lifestyle adjustment and food did the magic.

Now, she has a near-twin to show for it. Also, she has helped other women in Nigeria find the joy of conception and child bearing.

She has certificates in nutrition, health wellness coaching and has vast knowledge about foods that are healthy for everyone who wants to stay healthy or conceive.

Meal Plan

Most importantly, as you learn about us, it is also important to know that we prepare meal plans. This is both for individuals and families. This helps them stay within their Body Mass Index and active.

Also, we have meal plan for diabetics and persons who want to lose weight.

We are present on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook.

Through the social networks, we also share tips on foods and drinks that are super healthy.

If you desire to stay healthy and productive kindly check us out on those networks.

Feel free to reach out to us on WhastApp.