afang soup health benefits of okazi leaf

Afang Soup: See 14 Amazing Health Benefits Of Okazi [Eru] Leaf

The very first time you see people eat Afang soup you may be in shock as they sock the periwinkles. The popular soup in the south-eastern part of Nigeria is a delicacy that must contain Okazi leaf for it to be Afang.

Most times when you mention the soup, what comes to mind is Calabar. But this is one soup that everyone should eat.

If you don’t like the periwinkle that goes with it, you can keep that away, but just endeavour that eat Afang soup.

There is a reason we are writing about this soup and we will focus on the Okazi leaf that makes Afang soup unique.

Nutritional Fact Of Okazi Leaf In Afang Soup

Okazi (Gnetum Africanum) is one of the very leaves that are darker in colour when compared to other green vegetables. And this could be a sign of how much nutrients it carries.

There are research studies that say both the leaves and the seeds have medicinal efficacy.

A study found that the Okazi leaf in Afang soup is a rich source of antioxidants like tannins, saponins alkaloids and glycosides. It also contains steroids that are very beneficial to you (1).

Also, this medicinal plant contains compounds that are antimicrobial. They are helpful in treatment of some infections caused by susceptible gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

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These properties make this plant one of the medicinal plants that have been in use for ages.

Health Benefits Of Okazi In Afang Soup

1.      Treatment Of Enlarged Spleen

Your spleen is an organ located just below your left rib cage. Enlargement of the spleen could happen because of infections, liver disease and some cancers.

However, the antioxidants in Okazi are able to arrest free radicals that may cause such enlargement (2).

2.       Treatment Of Sore Throat

Okazi is rich in antioxidants that are helpful in the treatment of sore throat.

A study found that antioxidants played a significant role in the pathogenesis of chronic tonsillitis and adenoid hypertrophy in children (3).

People who have sore throat could squeeze some Okazi leaves to extract the juice and drink. You can also blend it and drink.

3.     Helps Reduce Pains During Childbirth

This is one of the health benefits of glycosides in Okazi and you get this when you eat Afang soup.

Different studies say glycosides work as analgesics and this is why pregnant women should add Afang soup to their diet (4).

4.    Boosts Your Immune System

Okazi is a rich source of saponin, which is an antioxidant. This compound helps boost immune system.

According to a 2007 study, saponin based adjuvants have the ability to stimulate the cell mediated immune system as well as to enhance antibody production (5).

5.      Remedy For Some Bacterial Infections

Afang soup contains an antioxidant called alkaloids and they have been reported to exert inhibiting activity against most bacteria (6).

A study found that Okazi could be helpful in the treatment of some bacteria – Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

6.      Remedy For Some Fungi Infections

Also, Okazi contains compounds that are active against fungi – Fungi: Aspergillus fumigatus and Penicillium chrysogenum (7).

7.      Lowers Cholesterol

Interestingly, this is another function that saponins perform in humans.

They help in lowering cholesterol level in the blood (8). High cholesterol in the blood is one of the cause of heart issues.

When cholesterol deposits in the blood clogs the arteries, the heart gets affected.

8.     Intestinal Disorders

Your intestine is where most nutrients that get to other organs of the body move from.

But an unhealthy intestine will further deprive your body nutrients from the foods you eat.

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One of the things you notice after eating Afang soup is this calmness in your stomach.

This is because the leaves of Okazi contains compounds that help improve your intestinal health.

The leaf has alkaloids which are helpful in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and other infections caused by bacteria or fungi in the digestive tract (9).

9.    Healing Of Wound

According to a study, the seeds of Okazi is great for the treatment of wounds (10). This is another benefit that saponins offer you.

10.      Lowers Risk Of Cancer

Apart from boosting your immune system, saponins perform anti-tumour and anti-multagenic activities and can lower the risk of human cancers (11).

11.    Lowers Oxidative Stress And Inflammation

Glycosides are also helpful in lowering oxidative stress and inflammation that could trigger some chronic diseases.

Okazi in Afang soup helps in this area.

12.      Improves Heart Health

Also, glycosides are known for their impact on your heart.

While saponins help ensure cholesterol level in the blood is eliminated, glycosides help increase the output force of the heart.

Furthermore, this increases the rate contractions by acting on the cellular sodium-potassium ATPase pump.

A study says steroidal glycosides are effective in the treatment of heart failure and cardiac rhythm disorders (12).

13.    Lowers High Blood Pressure

Alkaloids are also great in reducing blood pressure for persons that are hypertensive. It will make sense to add Okazi to your diet if you are hypertensive.

There is an increase in cases of heart-related deaths, and it has been linked to lifestyle.

Boosting your meal with this vegetable will help ward off high blood pressure.

14.       Afang Soup Helps In Balancing Hormones

Hormonal imbalance is one of the reasons infertility cases are on the increase. But adding Okazi to your diet as Afang soup will help regulate your hormones. You can also add it to your other meals.

According to a study, steroids have antineoplastic properties as well as hormonal effects in human (13).

As a result, Afang soup offers your body this needed steroid to calm your hormones. Women Trying To Conceive should add Okazi to their diet get these benefits.

Basically, it is one thing to know what to do and another thing to do it.

Have You Read: Okra For Diabetics: How To Use | Great Positive Result

If you would want to add Okazi leaf to your diet, first add it to your shopping list.

The next time you go to the market ask people who sell food items that are used for soup preparation for Okazi.

They will sell Okazi to you or direct your to where you will find it.

If you find this article helpful, kindly share with you friends and loved ones. it will help them know the health benefits of Afang soup and why they should eat it. 


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