ways to use affirmation if you are tying to conceive

Affirmation: 5 Ways To Make It Work For You If You Are TTC

Are you trying to conceive and looking for the best way to use affirmation as a tool to propel your desire?

I have put together here, what worked for me. I will love that you also do your affirmation with these things in mind.

You must have seen affirmations like: I am fertile; I believe that something wonderful is about to happen and my body will carry my babies to term.

Also, there are others like: I am a fruitful mum; my body will not fail me and I am not barren.

They are all great and they work for everyone who will do self-affirmation with other things in mind.

Affirmation is not just alone in propelling results that you desire.

When I was trying to conceive, I put together affirmations that I know are in line with my desire. Some of them are above.

Here are the things I did which made it work for me.

1.      Write Affirmation Down And Place It On A Vision Board

Writing down affirmation is one practice that is very important. Even the scripture says: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it” [Habakkuk 2:2]

This speaks volume about the need to write down your affirmation. Also, place it where you will always see it. This will help you run with it every day of your life till it manifests.

Amazingly, this scripture goes further to give an assurance that what you have written down; “even though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry”.

2.      Use Pictures For Your Affirmation

The human brain is built for visuals and not texts. That is one thing people do not understand. What you see often in picture form, your body adopts to it.

This I learnt from the scriptures.

Do you remember Jacob the brother of Esau? He simplified the process to help us, women, understand the place of picture in conception.

In Genesis 30:31-43, Jacob used this picture technique to make the flocks bring forth streaked, speckled, and spotted. Please, read the story. 

Specifically, this is a proof that pictures create the things you want to see. Your brain takes it and brings it to reality.

A study found that there are neural processes associated with successful self-affirmation.

When the affirmation is right, the brain picks it and makes it manifest by helping you do the right things.

According to the study, this effect is often driven by affirmations focusing on future rather than past experiences (1).

When I was trying to conceive, I got images of a beautiful baby, bought shirts, shorts and trousers, bathing items and more.

I put them in strategic positions in my home so they will remind me of my future desire and less of my current or past state.

This is what the above study emphasises.

3.      Work On Yourself

It makes no sense to just do affirmation and sit back to wait. Often, there are reasons pregnancy is not happening.

Most importantly, if you have consistently had sex for at least 6 months during your ovulation and still pregnancy is not happening, you should go search for answers.

Go to a doctor, undergo some tests, check for hormonal imbalance, check for nutrient level and also make sure your husband is taking his tests too.

This will help you rule out any issue that may be hindering conception.

You cannot have hormonal imbalance and also carry on with the lifestyle propelling it while you expect to conceive. it is like putting two negative wires together and expect to generate light.

Unfortunately, this is one of the reasons people have miscarriages. They are lucky to conceive, but their body is not ready to carry the baby to term.

Preparing your body means you should eat foods that promote fertility and also move your body (mild workouts). If your weight is higher than what is ideal, lose some kg and come to your ideal weight.

4.      Have Sex In The Right Time

It is folly to clear a farmland, burn it and allow the first rain to fall; then you go to the same farmland and begin to pray for yam to grow there. You will pray from here till the end of time and hunger will hit.

My dear woman, it is seed time and harvest time.

You cannot be affirming that you are pregnant when you do not even understand your ovulation.

One thing to do is know when your ovulation comes and ensure that you use your partners morning erection effectively.

There is a reason this erection naturally happens in the morning and you should know that is the time for conception.

Ovulation period is not a time to pick quarrels with your husband and miss the timing.

You don’t have every day of the month to conceive. While you do your affirmation, have sex at the right time.

For instance, I needed a boy as my first child and I had to read up what increases chances of having a boy.

I opted for morning sex and it worked for me. My first child is a boy.

In life, nothing just happens.

There is always order in every aspect of our lives. The one who made us is a God of order.

5.      Be Expectant

Expectation is the currency that births everything. If you are making your affirmation, let your heart also be fixed on the result.

Faith is what you are professing when you do affirmation, but your hand cannot hold it if your inner eyes cannot see it.

Fill your thoughts with days you have your baby in your hand. These thoughts will wake up happy hormones and they will help bring the balance that will foster conception.

You cannot afford to accommodate doubt. Doubting is like saying you want to go to the eastern part of your country, yet you face west.

For me, I set my eyes on when I will have by boy and I bought male shoes even before the time. I bought male cloths to back my belief.

The result is here to show.

Most importantly, knowing and doing these things are what bring result.

Now you know it, please, take action, for a woman’s time is ticking by the day and bring her closer to the end of her reproductive age.


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