aloe vera as bitter herbs. Aloe Vera And fertility

Aloe Vera And Fertility: Before Use, What All Men Should Know

This article will help you know the amazing benefit and side effect of using Aloe vera in boosting fertility in male.

Indeed, an amazing part of a couple’s plan to get a baby is in the ability of the sperm to do its job – fertilise the woman’s egg.

When this fails to happen, despair and unimaginable issues arise, forcing a discord in a union that should be as strong as a three-fold cord.

Sadly, sometimes, men think that once they shoot sperm out of their penis during intercourse, then they are good.

That is not always the case.

For a man to know the quality of his sperm, he has to go for a semen profiling (test). After the test, therefore, he will be ready to shoot his shot and beat his chest that result will come.

What Affects A Man’s Sperm?

There are different things that could lower the chances of a man impregnating his partner.

Sadly, when there are fertility issues one area people often look away from is their cookware. Yes! A family’s cooking pot could be the reason a man is having issues with his sperm.

A study checked this and found interesting, yet disturbing, things.

It says aluminum pots are capable of inducing cytotoxic and genotoxic effects (1). The study was also quick to add that the age of the pot matters in this situation.

Using a particular aluminum pot for over 6 years could cause trouble for a man.

The aluminum leaches into the food or water you boil with it., the study sumarises.

Danger Of Aluminum Toxicity To Sperm

Also, studies abound on the impact of aluminum toxicity on a man’s sperm and all of them bear no good news.

Studies say “aluminum impairs adult individuals’ reproductive abilities” (2) (3).

In fact, it does this by decreasing the quality and quantity of sperm cells and by causing morphologically abnormal development of the primary reproductive organs (gonads) which are the testes in the male and the ovaries in the female.

So, every couple needs to watch out for these things especially if they are trying to conceive.

Aloe Vera And Fertility In Male

While that may impair fertility, the maker of the earth, humans and aluminum is aware that this side effect could occur as a result of exposure to this mineral.

Therefore, the creation of Aloe vera was not a mistake.

The plant is one that can help solve the reproductive issues that excessive exposure to aluminum could cause.

Animal studies say the administration of Aloe vera gel showed a preventive response in aluminum-induced testicular toxicity of rats. (4) (5).

Side Effects Of Using Aloe Vera For Fertility

While it is safe to take Aloe vera for treatment of poor sperm quality induced by so much exposure to aluminum, there is the need to follow dosage.

This is because studies also found that excessive intake of Aloe vera could also negatively impact a male’s semen (6).

“The testes weight, serum testosterone, as well as sperm count and fertility of the Aloe vera gel treated groups were significantly reduced,” the study says.

This was dose-dependent and the gel was administered for 8 weeks.

As a result, knowing how much Aloe vera to take and when to stop taking it are two very important factors in getting desired result.

Unfortunately, there is usually difficulty in pinning natural remedies to dosage.

But there are recommendations that studies have given in this regard.

A study says oral administration of 600mg/kg (body weight) of Aloe vera gel daily for 4 weeks is safe (7).

Kindly share this article with anyone you know will benefit from it.

Please, note that the article is solely for educational purpose and does not intend to replace any recommendations by your physician. 

Watch To See Other Things That Damage Female And Male Fertility


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