Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice. Aloe vera for pregnant women

FACT CHECK: Aloe Vera For Pregnant Or Nursing Woman, Good Or Bad?

Is aloe vera good for a pregnant woman or nursing mother? Several times, we have received this question and this is because of the increasing knowledge on the use of aloe vera.

Indeed, aloe vera boasts of some medicinal powers which often come handy for the treatment of some ailments. But not so much is known about its safety during pregnancy.

Aloe vera, with the scientific name, Aloe barbadensis miller, is a succulent plant that is widely known for its therapeutic properties.

It is has thick, fleshy green leaves that contain a gel-like substance.

Aloe Vera Medicinal Uses

Skin Health

Aloe vera gel is popular for its soothing and moisturising properties.

Often, people apply aloe vera on the skin to treat sunburn, minor burns, and skin irritations.

Digestive Health

Also, some people use aloe latex, a yellowish substance from the inner leaf skin, as a laxative for constipation relief.

However, it’s important to note that excessive use can lead to side effects.

Effect Of Anthraquinones On Pregnancy

That said, let us examine whether aloe vera is good for a pregnant woman or nursing mother.

You see, this issue has been of concern for people for years now.

A 2019 study suggests that aloe very could pose some issues for a pregnant woman.

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The study suggests that pregnant women should not take aloe latex because its cathartic property might result in stimulating uterine contractions, increasing the risk for premature labour or miscarriage.

Also, it suggests that nursing mothers should not take laxatives because of the possibility of anthraquinones causing diarrhea in the infants. (1)

Furthermore, another study suggests that anthraquinones in aloe vera could have an indirect negative effect on pregnancy.

Also, the study says that while topical application by pregnant women is unlikely to be harmful, taking it orally during pregnancy could pose a side-effect (2).

“The aloe latex contains anthraquinones that may stimulate uterus and initiate premature labour or possibly cause abortion,” the study says.

So, from the above studies we could see that it is better to avoid using aloe very during pregnancy. Walking on the path of caution is better than regrets.

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