Walnuts are some of the very nuts that have received vast attention because of the health benefits they offer. They are seasonal nuts that are always abundantly available between May and September in Africa. Also, …
Continue readingAuthor: Williams Osewezina
Mediterranean Diet: These Foods Can Make You Live Long
Have you heard about the Mediterranean Diet and wonder what it is all about? Not to worry, we will do our best to explain this diet to you and show you what it is made …
Continue reading14 Foods That Boost Breast Milk Production
Breast milk is one thing that infants need to develop, stay strong and healthy. In fact, breastfeeding is the first fundamental right of every child, but it could be worrisome for a mother when the …
Continue readingPonmo [Singed Cowhide] Healthy Or Not? | Health Benefits
Singed cowhide meat or Ponmo, as it is popularly called in Nigeria, is the tough outer layer of a cow’s skin. The western world will say you should not eat it as food. They believe …
Continue readingBest Time To Breastfeed A Baby | Night Or Day?
Is there a best time to breastfeed a baby? Have you ever read that the food you eat in the evening could determine how your night sleep will turn out? If you have heard this, …
Continue readingSide Effects Of Castor Seed For Family Planning
Castor seed is increasingly gaining popularity among couples who want a natural family planning option. However, there is this fear that comes from using castor seed. These fear is basically hinged on the side-effects of …
Continue reading5 Soups For Diabetics | Recipes That Will Help You Feel Better
Managing diabetes is one way to walk out of high blood sugar and live an amazing life. Your food is the first thing to rely on and having an idea of how to prepare some …
Continue readingLentil Soup For Diabetics | Recipe For Lentils
Lentil soup is known to be a good source of prebiotics and contains nutritionally important quantities of prebiotic carbohydrates. A study says this food is amazing for persons that have type 2 diabetes (1). Nutritional …
Continue readingSide Effect Of Cloves On Vagina
You want to know the side effect of cloves right? We will share what studies say about the side effect of this spice that is also amazing for treatment of different infections. First, let us …
Continue readingIs Pizza Healthy | Real Ingredients Pizza Comes With
Before you take a bite of pizza, think about what you want to eat and the addiction that often follows. We have heard people ask, is pizza healthy? Apparently that same question in your mind …
Continue readingHow To Tighten Vagina With Honey
You may have come here because you are searching for a way to tighten vagina with honey. Women talk about it much, but not so many of them are aware whether it works or not. …
Continue readingGoron Tula Fruit | 25 Things About Snot Apple
Goron Tula fruit that is popular edible apple in Nigeria and some other African nations. Its popularity is mainly as a result of its health benefits. You will find 25 unique things you should know …
Continue readingHigh Prolactin, Nipple Discharge: Natural Treatment And Remedies
High prolactin is one issue many ladies have without even knowing. For some, it could cause nipple discharge that they will only know about when they decide to try for babies. Jude had met Pauline …
Continue readingHow To Keep Vegetables Fresh For Over 10 Days
We are sure you want to know how to keep vegetables fresh for days. We also know that it is the reason you are reading this. Indeed, it is always a sad thing for anyone …
Continue readingSimple Exercises That Can Improve Your Sexual Health
A good sexual health is one of the most important things everyone should have. It could tear a relationship apart and scatter a marriage. Also, a poor sexual health could even make a man shudder …
Continue readingFallopian Tube Blockage: Your Seasoning Could Cause It
There is an increase in the number of fallopian tube blockage issues that experts are handling. It is now common to find ladies of child bearing age that have gone for a tubal unblocking session. …
Continue readingSurrogacy : Things To Consider Before Opting In
Surrogacy is a process where a woman agrees to carry and deliver a baby for another person or couple. Basically, it is a form of third-party reproductive practice that offers succour to couples or persons …
Continue readingCloves Water For Vagina Wetness
It hurts when I engage in sexual intercourse with my partner. One thing I have noticed is that my vagina is always dry. Is there a way to make my vagina wet? Can cloves water …
Continue readingMushrooms: Why You Should Unfailingly Eat Them
Finely made, mushrooms are often a beauty to behold, especially the common ones that serve as food and medicine. They are unique on their own and are not a common thing you find just anywhere. …
Continue readingGain Weight With These 9 Natural Foods
Sometimes it could become necessary for some persons to gain weight, especially when their ‘smallish’ looks make them feel insecure. Also, persons recovering from an ailment would also need to add some flesh.. In Nigeria, …
Continue readingHow To Prepare Bunny Chow – South Africa Way
Bunny Chow is a South African street food and it is a common one. In fact, every South African who lives in Durban area could have a bragging right to its origin. The meal consists …
Continue readingBraai (Barbecue): How To Prepare South Africa Braai | Step By Step Recipe
Would you love to have a taste of South Africa’s cuisine? You are in for a treat with Braai. You can make it at home no matter you country. Braai is also known as a …
Continue readingBeef Dodo: How To Prepare | Recipe, Step By Step Guide
Beef Dodo is another delicious dish from Nigeria, a nation with amazing meals. This is made with fried plantains and seasoned beef. If you have not eaten it before, it is a good meal that …
Continue readingHow To Prepare Gizdodo | Easy Step By Step Recipe
If you live in Nigeria and you have not had Gizdodo, you have not reached the pinnacle of delicious meals in the West African nation. You still need to walk up the ladder a little …
Continue readingFertility Boosting Fruit: 4 Ways Banana Boosts Fertility
What do you know about banana? Do you know Banana boosts fertility and that it can help a couple trying to conceive shorten the time of wait? We will show you why you should eat …
Continue reading6 Easy Ways To Make New Born Baby Sleep At Night
When couples get married, they hardly know that the birth of a new born baby could result in them losing sleep. It is tough to make a new born sleep at night and for that …
Continue readingAnemia Treatment: Natural Remedy In Justicia Carnea
Are you looking for a natural plant for anemia treatment? We will share one amazing one that studies support with you in few minutes. What Is Anemia Anemia is a condition in which the body …
Continue readingRed Kidney Beans: 8 Amazing Health Benefits
Red Kidney Beans are part of the very nutritious grains that nature blesses humans with. The beans are from the variety of the common bean called Phaseolus Vulgaris Legume. It is called kidney beans because …
Continue readingHow To Remove Dark Knuckles From Your Finger
Dark knuckles, in some parts of the world, are signs that a person is lightening his/her skin with a cream. Whatever knuckles discolouration portray to you, there are different reasons a person could have them, …
Continue reading5 Reasons You Fart During Exercise
If you fart during exercise, it does not just happen to only you. Many people experience this during workout sessions. Fart, which is also flatulence, is a normal bodily function. It occurs when gas is …
Continue readingLose Weight: 4 Simple Habits That Work
A healthy weight is something everyone needs to maintain in order to keep away diseases that are related to weight gain or obesity – cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Tonia had emailed us, explaining how she …
Continue readingAfrican Oil Bean [ Ugba ]: Health Benefits That Make People Love It
I had walked into a restaurant in Imo State, a state in eastern Nigeria, to eat Egusi soup, but what I saw beat my expectation. Ugba, the African oil bean ( Pentaclethra macrophylla ), stared …
Continue reading6 Top Natural Sweeteners To Swap Refined Sugar
Swapping refined sugar with natural sweeteners is one great decision you could be making. Refined sugar is from natural sources, but the process of refining it degrades the nutrients, leaving only sugar. In fact, not …
Continue readingSquishy Banana: Is It Safe To Eat? 9 Things To Know
A Squishy banana, which you can also call an overripe banana, could be so unwelcoming that you may want to trash them. Sometimes you fear that it could have bacteria. Unfortunately, when a food item …
Continue readingBrain Tumour: Causes, Symptoms, Risks, Treatment,
Brain tumour is a cancerous or non-cancerous mass or growth of abnormal cells in the brain. It can either be primary or secondary. Basically, the identification depends on how the brain tumour started. The brain …
Continue readingBreast Cancer: Things You Should Know
Ufoma has consistently pushed aside every information about breast cancer that came her way, being religious about it. Like many other Nigerians, she waves away every suggestions of regular breast cancer screening. One usual statement …
Continue readingWhat Is Alum Used For Sexually?
Have you been wondering; ‘what is alum used for sexually? Well, a lot of females and males think there is something about alum that could make it great when it comes to intercourse. Alum is …
Continue readingExclusive Breastfeeding: 5 Easy Ways Of Scaling Recommended 6 Months
Breastfeeding is one very important aspect of a child’s nurturing, but not all mothers meet up with the recommended exclusive period. Many of them know that the breast milk is an ideal food for the …
Continue readingQuick Weight Loss Juices To Make At Home
These weight loss juices will help load your stomach with necessary fibre that keeps you full. It also helps lower your desire for food while you do other things that will bring your weight down. …
Continue readingHow People Fight And Win Chronic Inflammation
Chronic inflammation could be wining an individual in a health battle gradually while that individual focuses on the decoys that this health condition presents. You see, inflammation is supposed to be your friend when it …
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