Brazilian Butt Lift and risk of death

BBL : Can Brazilian Butt Lift Kill A Lady?

For different reasons, people make some decisions that they believe will enhance their beauty. One of such decisions is going for a Brazilian Butt Lift, BBL.

Some say women take the decision to avoid body shaming. Also, others say it becomes necessary when a women wants the best of attention.

But beauty, they say, lies in the eyes of the beholder. However, we do not know so much about what an enhanced butt does to the mind of the beholder.

The BBL is a cosmetic surgery procedure that enhances the shape and size of the buttocks by transferring fat from other areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, and thighs, to the buttocks.

Here, it appears like fat in the body is now being put to a positive use. But how positive?

Furthermore, we will see all the issues with this BBL rave.

The interesting thing, however, is that you can exercise your way to the kind of buttocks you want.

The quest for immediate action and effect leads to adoption of the Brazilian Butt Lift.

Basically, the procedure for BBL involves three main steps:

1.      Liposuction

First, the expert must identify where the excess fat that  needs to be moved to the buttocks is.

Next, this excess fat is removed from the donor areas using liposuction.

2.     Fat Processing

The extracted fat is purified and processed to remove impurities, and then carefully injected into the buttocks, using small incisions.

This is where the complications we will discuss later sit comfortably.

3.     Post-operative Care

Herein lies the first form of uncomfortable feeling that goes with the Brazilian Butt Lift.

After the procedure, patients typically wear a compression garment to help minimise swelling and support the newly contoured body.

It is also important to avoid sitting or lying on the buttocks for several weeks to allow the newly transferred fat to settle.

So, how will the individual enjoy life with these impediments?, you will ask.

The patient will learn to lay with their stomach or side until the buttocks has taken shape.

Indeed, this will speed up healing.

Experts recommend you should avoid any form of activity that will require that you sit.

Avoid working out, and other activities that could directly impact your buttocks.

After a day or two, you can certainly get up and move around, take a shower, and fix light meals, you still need to take it easy (1).

Unfortunately, up to 80% of the grafted fat survives. This requires that many patients may need to revise some aspect of the surgery in the future.

Potential Risk Of BBL

It is important to note that like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications associated with the Brazilian Butt Lift.

Some are infection, bleeding, and scarring.

Also, it can cause complications with breathing.

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In fact, this last one killed a 20-year-old Nigerian, Destiny Jojo who tried the Brazilian Butt Lift.

Here, the issue lies with how much expertise the surgeon has.

Really, it is also important to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure.

Why Death Could Occur From BBL

The young Nigerian Destiny Jojo died as a result of the error that we will explain here.

It is called Fat Embolism Syndrome. 

A study says it is an ill-defined clinical entity that arises from the systemic manifestations of fat emboli within the microcirculation.

Embolised fat within capillary beds cause direct tissue damage as well as induce a systemic inflammatory response resulting in pulmonary, cutaneous, neurological, and retinal symptoms (2).

You see, fat for BBL is usually injected into the space between the skin and the muscles in the buttocks.

This area is the subcutaneous space.

Unfortunately, the individual performing the procedure could inject the fat into the muscles. Trouble begins when this happens.

In your buttocks’ muscles, there are very large blood vessels.

If fat is mistakenly injected into one of these vessels, it can travel to the heart, then to the lungs and eventually results to death.

This cardiopulmonary collapse is often not reversible or treatable.

To undergone this procedure, it is important that you weight your options.

Basically, we recommend specific exercises that build the buttocks. That is a natural way to boost the muscles in the buttocks.

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