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Health Benefits Of Guava | Guava For Ulcer

Guava is a tropical fruit that is rich in nutrients. It is native to tropical areas from southern Mexico to northern South America.

Guava trees have been grown by many other countries having tropical and subtropical climates. Nigeria and other African counties are some of them.

Guava is rich in minerals and vitamins. Its leaves are rich in minerals, such as calcium, potassium, sulfur, sodium, iron, boron, magnesium, manganese, and vitamins C and B.

A study says the higher concentrations of this minerals and vitamins in guava leaves makes them a highly suitable choice for human nutrition (1).

It is also loaded with antioxidants that make it great for keeping your body strong against infections.

As a result, people who prepare traditional malaria medicine in Nigeria often add it to the mix.

Here are some health benefits of guava:

1.   Boosts Immune System

Your immune system is your body’s defence mechanism and this is one area that guava is helpful.

Guava is a great source of Vitamin C, which is also an antioxidant.

This vitamin helps boost the immune system, fight infections, and protect against various diseases (2).

2.  Improves Digestion

Guava is high in fiber, which helps improve digestion, prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movements.

An animal study says guava leaves are recommended for treating infectious diarrhea since they prevented intestinal colonisation of Citrobacter rodentium in Swiss albino mice (3).

3.  Could Treat Ulcer

Also, guava leaves are great for the treatment and prevention of ulcer.

According to a study, guava leaves have demonstrated activity towards different parts of the digestive system (4).

It says the leaves have shown the ability to protect the stomach against ulceration. This it does by inhibiting gastric lesions, reducing gastric secretory volume and acid secretion, and raising the gastric pH.

Furthermore, the study highlights that this anti-ulcer activity, resulting from the protection of the mucosa, is related to the flavonoids in the leaves.

If you have ulcer, taking guava leaves as tea could help. Alternatively, you can squeeze the raw leaf and drink the water.

4.   Lowers Risk of Cancer

There are high levels of antioxidants in guava and they help prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body.

Animal study says guava leaf extract can prevent and even stop the growth of cancer cells (5) (6).

According to a test-tube study, guava leaf oil is four times more effective at stopping cancer cell growth than certain cancer drugs (7).

5.  Improves Heart Health

Guava contains potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and improve heart health. It also contains fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels.

Basically, while it decreases “bad” LDL cholesterol it raises the “good” HDL cholesterol (8).

High levels of LDL cholesterol are linked to higher risks of heart disease and stroke.

Also, scientists believe that the high amount of antioxidant in the leaf of guava could help in this regard.

The antioxidants stop free radicals from damaging the heart (9).

Interestingly, it is not just guava leaves that are helpful.

A study found that eating ripe guava before meals could cause a decrease in blood pressure by 8–9 points.

Also, it could reduce total “bad” cholesterol by 9.9%, and increase “good” HDL cholesterol by 8% (10).

As a result, taking guava leaf extract could offer valuable benefits to your heart.

6.   Helps Manage Diabetes

Interestingly, people who are diabetic could also snack on guava and get a lowered sugar level benefit.

Guava has a low glycemic index and is rich in fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and manage diabetes.

Basically, a study found that borderline diabetics, who are at high risk of the development of diabetes, could take guava leaves tea (GLT) to suppress a rapid increase in blood sugar level after meals.

According to the study, GLT consists of carbohydrate and dietary polyphenols which bind to digestive enzymes and are known to contribute to health through poor absorption of dietary sugar or lipids (11)

It is an amazing news for diabetics or those are risk of getting it.

7.  Could Lower Menstrual Pain

Ladies who often have menstrual pains could add days of taking guava leaf tea to their calendar and experience a different life.

Basically, all you do is take it days before the menstruation and you will reap the benefits of guava.

This is really helpful, according to a study.

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The study says several ladies received pills with extracts from guava over five days during three consecutive cycles.

The result was amazing.

Researchers found that 6 mg extract/day alleviated menstrual pain.

In fact, they say it could replace the use of medicaments like ibuprofen (11).

8.  Good For Skin

If you want an amazing skin, guava is your friend.

It is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which help reduce the signs of aging, improve skin texture and promote healthy skin (12).

Guava leaf extract poses antimicrobial effect against the main developer of acne lesions, Propionibacterium acnes, and other organisms isolated from acne lesions.

Furthermore, a study says the antimicrobial activity was also displayed against pathogenic bacteria associated with wound, skin, and soft-tissue infections (13).

9.  Could Fight Bacteria And Virus

Also, researchers associated the antimicrobial activity of guava against some bacteria and fungi with five flavonoids isolated from the leaves.

The study also related this effect to the concentration of tannins in the leaves and to the content of gallic acid and catechin (13).

Additionally, the activity against bacterial and fungal pathogens was traced to betulinic acid and lupeol.

Overall, guava is a highly nutritious fruit that offers several health benefits. It can be enjoyed fresh or used in a variety of recipes.

However, while you may want to explore the health benefits of guava for any of the above, please, ensure that you undergo proper medical testing and speak with a physician.


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