benefits of goron tula sexually. How to preserve goron tula fruits

Best Way To Preserve Goron Tula Fruits And Improve Benefit

Wondering if there was another way to preserve goron tula fruits rather than keeping it in a freezer or refrigerator? Well, there is and we will share this amazing way we found with you.

A few years ago, after we became aware of the goron tula fruit, we asked the sellers n Gombe State how to preserve it.

Put it in the fridge or freezer and it will stay safe, the all said. A good advice and we jumped on it.

We shared with most of our customers and they found it interesting. But after some time, we found that there was a downside to preserving goron tula that way.

You see, when it comes to nutrition, anything you want to eat always should be where you can see it always.

In fact, many persons said they will forget they had goron tula in the fridge or freezer.

Best Way To Preserve Goron Tula Fruit

As a result, the goron tula gets frozen and eating it becomes difficult.

For instance, you will find it hard to open a frozen goron tula up. This unfavourable situation  becomes a form of discouragement.

But there is another way you can preserve goron tula fruits to keep it safe while it still offers the medicinal value.

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Above all you will have it to eat any time you want to without much work.

When you get your goron tula fruits, wash them properly, remove the seeds inside and wash the inside well. You can either use room temperature water or warm water for that washing.

Ensure you wash as fast as possible to reduce how of the nutrients will be washed off. The more you lose the slimy compound the nutrient reduces.

After that, put them in a sieve and allow it to dry a bit.

Take them out and put them in an oven to oven-bake for about 20 to 30 minutes on low heat.

This will ensure that the goron tula is dry. Pour it out and put it in a jar.

Once you add it in that jar, place it where you will always see it. That way, you will eat it as regularly as you should.

The goron tula will be in that jar for months dry and ready for you to munch it without spoiling.

Also, the nutrients are intact.

Try it and let us know how it worked for you.


Ready To Eat Goron Tula | How We Prepare It

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