blocked fallopian tube. Cervical cysts

Blocked Fallopian Tube: Causes, Diagnosis, Unblocking Remedies

The fallopian tube is part of the female reproductive system. It is also referred to as the uterine tubes, salpinges (singular salpinx), or oviducts.

This tube is one of the of two long, slender tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus.

It is at the fallopian tube that sperm fertilises the egg. You can say it is where conception happens.

Interestingly, for unique reasons, the tube is two and this makes it possible for a woman to still conceive if one of the tube is open.

However, when the two are blocked, there is no way the woman can conceive.

What Causes Fallopian Tube Blockage

There are different things that can cause the blockage of fallopian tube(s).

  • Fibroid. When there is a growth, it can block the fallopian tube and cause infertility
  • Pelvic inflammation Disease (PID)
  • Some untreated Sexually Transmitted Infections – gonorrhea, chlamydia
  • Previous pelvic surgery  (1)
  • Endometriosis – A build up in the tube as a result of endometriosis

How Do I Know If I Have Blocked Fallopian Tube?

Well, the fallopian tube right inside your body and there is no way you will know except you go for diagnosis.

One of the diagnosis doctors may use to find out about any blockage is hysterosalpingography.

This is a type of X-ray. To perform the diagnosis your doctor will apply a type of dye to your uterus and fallopian tubes.

Thys dye will make your blockages show up on the X-ray.

Also there is another test –  laparoscopy. This is a second-option kind of diagnosis. It becomes necessary if nothing shows up in the first X-ray.

Laparoscopy is a surgery. It requires small incisions from your abdomen. It is a minimally invasive surgery.

Both tests are largely safe.

Natural Remedies For Blocked Fallopian Tube

Interestingly, you can use natural remedies to unblock the fallopian tube.

Here are some of the remedies that you can try.

1.      Turmeric

Since inflammation could cause fallopian tube blockage, it is okay to take something that lowers inflammation.

Turmeric is a good anti-inflammation remedy.

A 2017 study says curcumin, which is in Turmeric, is able to suppress inflammation through many different mechanisms (2).

This antioxidant will arrest the antibodies that may be causing the fallopian tube blockage. Over time, the tube will become open.

2.      Vitamin C

This is beta-carotene that is also an antioxidant. It helps your immune system function better and ward off antibodies.

Vitamin C will also help lower inflammation.

While we recommend you try vitamin C, we advise you to go for those from natural sources.

The Office Of Dietary Supplement recommends that you base a higher amount of your vitamin C on your diet (3).

Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of vitamin C. You can get recommended amounts of vitamin C by eating a variety of foods  – Citrus fruits, vegetables – broccoli, strawberries, cantaloupe, baked potatoes, and tomatoes.

3.      Garlic

This is also another natural anti-inflammatory agent that a woman can try.

Also, a study says it can improve a woman’s fertility (4).


Garlic is also a good source of vitamin C which also boosts your immune system. A parson with blocked fallopian tube may find it helpful, adding it to diet.

4.      Dong Quai

One of the plants that are popular in Chinese herbal medicine.

Asian woman who have fallopian tube blockage and other reproductive issues often us this as one of the remedies.

5.     Ginseng

This plant also has anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for many things.

A study suggests that red ginseng extract can be considered as good herbal remedy to combat inflammation in humans (5)

6.     Maca

It is also a superfood that boosts fertility both in men and women.

A 2016 review provides suggestive evidence for the effectiveness of the plant in improving semen quality (6).

However, nothing about how it could unblock a tube is documented.

7.     Exercise

Adding movement to your daily routine is a good practice. It can help as remedy for different health issues.

A 2012 study says physical activity could improve a woman’s fertility (7).

Exercise improves blood flow within the body and the fallopian tube and uterus need adequate blood flow to stay potent for conception.

8.     Castor Oil Pack

Interestingly, castor oil pack is effective against fibroid and could be used to unblock a tubal blockage.

Fibroid is one of the causes of fallopian tube blockage, and castor pack could help, with effective usage.

A study says it could help shrink fibroid (8).

9.     Goron Tula And Blocked Fallopian Tube

This is a miracle fruit with fertility boosting property and it is effective for treatment of infection.

According to research goron tula has antioxidants that are able to address inflammation.

It is one of the fruits that are popular for the treatment of fertility issues in Nigeria.

Although no research says it can unblock fallopian tube, it is important to always remember that infection is one of the causes (9).

As a result, adding goron tula to your diet could be of help since it is able to fight infection and cleans the reproductive system.

Medical Treatment

Other forms of treatment are gynecological procedures (surgery) and non-invasive therapy.

With non-invasive therapy, the therapists accessed some of the deeper structures (such as the fallopian tubes) indirectly by manipulating the peritoneum, uterine and ovarian ligaments, and neighboring structures.

Bottom Line

While there are so many claims that these remedies work, there are no specific studies that say they can unblock fallopian tube.

Basically, people who try them out rely on information they get from persons who have tried them.

Since they are largely of no side-effect, trying it out is not a bad idea.


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