Burantashi Yohimbe health benefits and side effects

Burantashi [Yohimbe]: Health Benefits And Risks

Have you been thinking of boosting your sexual drive with Burantashi? You need to read this article to the end to know what the gains and side effects of Burantashi are.

Burantashi, has the botanical name, Pausinystalia yohimbe. The plant is an evergreen tree that is abundant in parts of the south, west and central Africa. It belongs to the family of the Rubiacease.

It is very available in Cameroun, Nigeria, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea.

In Nigeria, Burantashi means “penis get up” in Hausa language.

Uses Of Burantashi

Interestingly, there is a specific compound in Burantashi that makes it effective against a few issues.

Alkaloids (Yohimbe) are the constituent compound in this herb and few studies say it could work for different conditions.

  • Boosts Sexual Performance – Yohimbe could increase blood flow to the penis and vagina, thereby improving performance.
  • Treatment Of Erectile Dysfunction – A poor blood flow to the penis is one of the reasons men have erective dysfunction. Taking a certain dose of Burantashi will aid blood flow to the penis and help sustain erection for longer period.
    Studies say Yohimbe extract is sufficient dose reflects as an adrenoceptor blocker. This is why it enhances erection.
  • The same Yohimbe is said to bring relief for chest pain
  • It also helps in treating skin disorders
  • It is also anti-inflammatory

While these are claims with very limited research backing them, more studies are necessary to be sure Burantashi could offer these benefits.

Also, there are other issues that could arise from using this herb.

Side Effects Of Burantashi (Yohimbe)

There are different side effects of overdose of Yohimbe (Burantashi).

Really, while these side effects often occur as a result of overdose, fears are that people who use it could abuse it.

For instance, a person using Burantashi for sexual performance may likely increase the quantity of the berk he is taking. Considering the fact that the more you use a herb, the more your body system get used to it and effect could drop or appear to be dropping.

When this happens, there is a tendency to increase the dose.

This poses a serious issue in the long run.

However, a person can use it, with a physician monitoring the dosage and use.

If you decide to administer this herb on your own, here are side effects of Yohimbe that studies have documented.

1.       High Blood Pressure

Unfortunately, people who have high blood pressure in Nigeria and Africa hardly know about it.

We are not a people that go for medical check up regularly. This is why it is risky to take Burantashi except you are sure of the state of your blood pressure.

For instance, a study warns that Yohimbine should be administered with caution to patients with high BP.

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This is more disturbing for individuals with evidence for increased basal sympathetic outflow or those undergoing concurrent treatment with tricyclic antidepressants or other drugs that interfere with neuronal uptake (1) (2).

2.      Heart Attack

Because it increase the flow of blood and heart rate it may lead to heart attack (3).

3.      Affects Sperm Quality – Infertility

Also, another study says excessive use of this aphrodisiac can affect a man’s sperm.

According to the study, “there was also a dose dependent increase in primary, secondary and total sperm abnormalities following chronic consumption of Burantashi”.

Also, it says excessive use increases the percentage of abnormal and immature spermatozoa and may therefore impair fertility in rats (3) (4).

4.      Could Cause Kidney Problems

Excessive consumption of Yohimbe is also associated with kidney issues.

5.      Other Side Effects

According to experts, when taken by mouth in typical doses, Yohimbe can cause stomach upset, excitation, tremor, sleep problems, anxiety and or agitation.

Others effects are dizziness, stomach problems, drooling, sinus pain, irritability, headache, frequent urination, bloating, rash, nausea, and vomiting (6).

Before you take a herb for few minutes of satisfaction, consider the long term effect that may occur as a  result of that decision.

It is better to try other means of improving sexual performance that are less risky.

If you find this helpful, kindly share with other men to help them know the side effect of this herb before they decide to use it. 


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