These are hashtags that are associated with this picture. Potassium Alum for washing a plate Alum for vagina tightening. Alum Used For Sexually. Can alum tighten vagina

Can Alum Tighten Vagina? See Research Findings

Can alum tighten vagina? Well, this question could be looked at from different perspectives. One from what researches say and another from what is right, going by the nature of the sexual organ in the middle of this table.

But if you are on the table of this talk about alum and vagina tightening, then you have to pay close attention.

What Is Alum?

Alum refers to a collection of chemical compounds that are hydrated sulfate salts of aluminum and usually one other metal.

There are common forms of alum. They include hydrated potassium aluminium sulfate, ammonium aluminium sulfate, and sodium aluminium sulfate. According to studies, these different compounds have different functions (1).

You can also call alum Potassium aluminium sulfate. It is a metal sulfate composed of potassium, aluminium and sulfate ions.

Alum is popular for water purification, flame retardant, a mordant and an astringent.

But humans have gone beyond using this material for what it should be used for to trying it out for vagina tightening.

Indeed, alum often comes handy when you want to prepare a snail for consumption. It helps stop the slimy substances that often make it difficult to wash the snail.

If you have tried washing a snail with small pieces of alum before, you will have a little idea of what it does to the vagina.

Can Alum Tighten Vagina?

There are few studies highlighting what happens when you wash your vagina or douche in water containing alum.

We will share some of the findings with you.

Basically, when a woman uses alum for vagina tightening, there is a temporal result that comes. But the reason that happens is because it disrupts the normal flora of the vagina.

The vagina should never be dry and this is because there is a mechanism that cleanses it out from inside.

Categorically, the vagina is lined with a mucous membrane that protects against infection.  Also, it has a clever, complex mix of bacteria – also known as vaginal flora (2).

That also works as a protection against infection and helps in keeping the vagina healthy.

In fact a healthy vagina should have this flora or else it will become a cause for concern. Lack of this fluid could cause infertility.

Alum And Vagina – What Is Right

It could stop the movement of semen to the egg for fertilisation.

In life, assumption is the greatest disservice that an individual could do to himself/herself. One of the areas we have seen assumption play out is in people using alum for vagina tightening.

We know it is important that the vagina maintains a level of ‘tightness’, for maximum pleasure to occur during intercourse.

Also, we know there is this complex that comes when a partner makes demoralising statements about your vagina.

But those should not drive you to bringing just anything to your vagina.

Applying what someone claims work, without asking critical questions, could result in terrible situations.

Talking about such sheer-assumption, the use of alum for vagina tightening is one story we have heard several times.

Some ladies claim they can tighten the vagina with by adding some alum in water and washing their vagina with it.

Back in the days, ladies who use it say it helps them feel like a virgin again. But not very many of them know what happens when they wash their vagina with alum water.

You feel like a virgin, but the negative effect far outweighs the virginity euphoria.

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Kindly note that when you introduce alum to the vagina, it disrupts this normal cleansing process.

Furthermore, there are fears that using alum for vagina tightening could affect the activities of the hormone estrogen which helps maintain the fluid that keeps the lining of your vagina healthy, thick and elastic.

We know that one of the compounds in alum is potassium and that is what makes the vagina tight when you apply it.

Also, another study says potassium could cause irritation to the vagina and trigger bleeding (3).

Furthermore, washing the vagina or adding alum powder in the vagina falls under douching which could also cause infertility.

Safe Vagina Tightening Technique

We understand that there is this complex that comes when a partner describes a lady’s vagina as ‘slack’ or too free.

While that is true, there is a safe vagina tightening option that every lady could explore.

Have you had a conversation with a man whose wife plays her role to bring back her vagina to its original state after birth, you will be shocked.

In fact, the man will tell you that the vagina became more interesting after she gave birth.

Kegel Exercises That Tighten Vagina

One of the things the man will tell you that his wife did was exercises.

Thank goodness that researchers have come up with these exercises to help ladies tighten their vagina (4).

These exercises strengthen the pelvic floor and prevent the vagina from losing its elasticity from the outset.

One major one you should do is to practice stopping urine from coming out. When you do, you will feel the contraction in the vagina area.

Just squeeze and hold for 3 seconds and release for another 3 seconds.

Experts recommend that you practice this activity for 15 minutes, twice per day.

The study says 8-week pelvic muscle exercises increase the sexual self-efficacy in women after delivery.

Indeed, if this form of exercise could work for a nursing mother, it could work for a lady who wants to tighten her vagina.

Can alum tighten vagina?

Well, you have seen the truth about alum and it is your choice to decide which way to go. But we advise you to choose right. When all said and done, what will be the benefit if you want to hold a baby and it becomes  a tough chase.


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