how to tighten vagina with honey. Can honey tighten vagina

Can Honey Tighten Vagina? Myth Vs Fact

You may have heard people talk about how women can use honey to tighten vagina.

We heard too and then we sought more information.

Here, we present to you some things we found that are related to this issue. they are from a research work.

In using the internet, one thing you must not do is rush to use honey in your vagina because someone says it tightens.

Ensure you seek more information.

Honey is sweet, but whether it tightens vagina is another thing.

Basically, honey is rich in antioxidants that are beneficial to humans. As a result, it has positive effect on so many health issues.

What Makes Vagina Slack: Myth And Truth

From what we know, age and childbirth are two things that could reduce vagina elasticity.

Erroneously, some ladies and men alike think that frequent sexual intercourse could make the vagina lose its shape.

Well, that is not true and it is a myth.

But over time, childbirth and age could make the vagina loosen.

Be that as it may, the truth is that the vagina is elastic and could come back to its normal state.

Can Honey Tighten Vagina?

Whenever you see an outright claim that honey can tighten vagina know that it is a myth.

There is no research study that is backing this claim.

However, honey could help in one way if you apply it to your vagina.

Honey In The Vagina

One of the ways that honey could help when applied to the vagina is if a woman had a tear after childbirth.

Honey is great for treatment of wound.

According to a study, you can use honey in dressing wound to aid healing (1).

For a woman who had vaginal birth, and there is a tear, honey can help make healing faster. This way the vagina can quickly return to shape.

Honey For Vaginal Infection

This is also another truth about honey in the vagina that every woman should know.

Honey is rich in antioxidants that can fight fungal and bacterial infections.

Unfortunately, women who fear that their vagina is out of shape, have that fear as a result of vaginal infection they had had or are having.

See Other Things To Try If You Want A Tighter Vagina

In this situation, honey could be handy in resolving the infection and restoring vaginal flora or cervical mucus.

According to a study, clinical trial conducted on the effect of vaginal honey on Candida vaginitis and bacterial infection showed positive results.

It highlights that honey has antibacterial and antifungal effects. This could maintain and strengthen the normal vaginal flora by increasing lactobacilli, friendly bacterial in the vagina (2). this is the most abundant vaginal bacteria in women.

As a result, using honey in the vagina could give a positive result when it comes to treating infection.

However, it could not be referred to as a substance that could tighten the vagina.


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