can't control urination

Can’t Control Urination? Here’s How To Strengthen Your Bladder

Milda is above 20, yet she is still not able to hold her wee (urine) for long. Her inability to control urination continues to rob her of so many things as you will find in this article.

Before she could sense she was pressed, the urine is already getting her under pant wet.

Sadly, she even wees on her bed most times at night. It is an embarrassment that has made her have several broken relationships.

It is not easy for her to forget.

Casting her thoughts back, she could remember the night Tony woke her up.

“See what you have done,” he said, pointing at his wet body.

“At least you should know when you are about to wee to wake up.”

It was an embarrassing moment for Milda, yet it was her last night with him and also a crack to her cherished relationship.

Was there something she could have done to strengthen her bladder? Yes!

Fortunately, that would have made her incontinence or inability to control urination fizzle out in no time.

It is a condition that causes so much embarrassment. It could make social life uninteresting.

Imagine feeling pressed and before you could get to the loo, the urine is already getting her underpants wet.

There is a way to strengthen your bladder to help you control urination.

If you take bowel control for granted, you should know that things could go wrong.

For instance in the US, an estimated 32 million Americans have issues with controlling urination.

Causes Of Poor Urination Control

Interestingly, treatments are becoming more effective and less invasive.

In a Special Health Report entitled; Better Bladder and Bowel Control, Harvard Medical experts described the causes of urinary and bowel incontinence, and highlighted treatments tailored to the specific cause.

Stress Incontinence

This happens when the pressure inside your bladder, as it fills with urine, becomes greater than the strength of your urethra to stay closed (1).

Urge Incontinence Or Over Active Bladder

Here is another poor urination control condition. It could happen as a result of drinking too much alcohol, caffeine, or not drinking enough fluid.

Other causes of this kind of poor urination control are constipation, neurological conditions and some medications.

It could be caused by a problem with the detrusor muscles in the walls of your bladder.

The detrusor muscles relax to allow the bladder to fill with urine, then contract when you go to the toilet to let the urine out.

Overflow Incontinence

Here, the condition is seen as a chronic urinary retention.

This is often caused by a blockage or obstruction affecting your bladder.

Sadly, the blockage makes it impossible for the bladder to store any urine at all.

This could be referred to as total incontinence.

While there are a range of causes – from medication to lifestyle – there are some things that experts at Harvard said could help strengthen your bladder.

Here are techniques they recommend that you could apply.

1. Keep A Diary of Your Urination Time

Journaling is an amazing thing especially when you want to study how your urination goes to control it.

Just keep track of how many times you urinate or leak urine during the day. Do this for a day or two. 

Please, take the journal with you even when you are going out.

2.   Calculate The Time

From your journal, find out how many hours you wait between visits to the loo during the day.

Calculate the average.

3.     Choose An Interval 

The experts recommend that you, based on your typical interval between needing to urinate, set your starting interval for training so that it is 15 minutes longer.

Fir instance, “if you usually make it for one hour before you need to use the bathroom, make your starting interval one hour and 15 minutes”.

This is what your bladder strengthening training will rely on.

4.     Hold Back To Control Urination

Once you have set your interval, begin your training.

On the first day of your training, empty your bladder first thing in the morning and don’t go again until you reach your target time interval which you had set.

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However, if the time comes before you feel the urge, go anyway.

Also, if the urge hits first, remind yourself that your bladder isn’t really full, and use whatever techniques you can to delay going.

There are exercises (Kegels)  that you could do that strengthens the pelvic floor.

You can also try wait another five minutes before walking slowly to the bathroom.

5.     Increase Your Interval

As the days go by and you are successful with your initial interval, increase it by another 15 minutes.

Basically, if you sustain this training over several weeks or months, you may find you are able to wait much longer.

You may also notice that you feel the urge less often.

Experts at Harvard also recommend that “after four to eight weeks, if you think you have found some improvement to your incontinence, do another diary”.

As you do a second round, compare your initial diary to your second diary. Take note of the improvements in your intervals and the amount of urine you void.

It is believed that the act of reviewing and comparing actually helps reinforce the bladder training process.

The truth is that some old persons around you may have this issue.

Kindly share this article with them to enable them take this bladder strengthening training.

It will help them control urination.


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