castor seeds for birth control Castor seed as contraceptive

Effectiveness Of Castor Seeds For Birth Control

Have you been searching for a reliable birth control remedy? There is something about castor seeds and birth control that you should know.

You may have heard some stories about how family planning implants fail some women.

People have talked about babies coming out at birth with a ring that was meant to stop the pregnancy.

This situation has created some form of discomfort for some women.

It is especially so when they had hung boots, hoping to just take care of the children they already had.

Interestingly, there are natural ways of preventing pregnancy or family planning as you may chose to refer to it.

Basically, some persons practise withdrawal method while some understudy their ovulation period and their body. But research says 1 in 4 women who practise natural contraceptive get pregnant.

However, we looked into something that has been used by people of old to control child birth.

Before we share our findings, here is something we have also observed.

See How To Neutralise Effect Of Castor Seeds As Contraceptive

Women who have had prolonged labour, have received shots of castor seeds oil to induce labour.

In most cases, this works and it induces labour.

This situation often points to one fact – the ability of castor oil to force a baby out of the womb.

Funny as that sounds, but that is the situation.

Castor Seeds For Birth Control – Research

Reducing the chances of getting pregnant after childbirth is something that most women find difficult to do.

As a result, some persons have had near-twin babies.

In search of a remedy to this issue, we found that castor seeds could help.

A 1999 study showed that castor seeds could help women control child birth.

hulled castor seeds
Hulled Castor Seeds

The findings showed positive result after an evaluation of the seeds’ extract on rabbits.

According to the report, focus was on the anti-implantation and antiovulation effects of castor bean extract (CBE) and ricin A-chain (RAC).

“Both CBE and RAC, administered intraperitoneally on days 5-9 of pregnancy, exhibited a pronounced decrease in maternal body weight gain and in death of all fetuses.”

People Also Loved: Does Castor Seed Lower Blood Pressure? What We Found

It further stated that “the data clearly indicate that CBE and RAC possess potent effects on implantation and ovulation in rabbits”.

The protein contents of castor bean extract, separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, revealed the presence of several protein bands, ricin toxin being a major constituent of the extract.

You can order your Castor Seeds Here

How To Use Castor Seeds

There are no general recommendation on how to use castor seeds as contraceptive.

However, WebMD reported that “there is some evidence that a single dose of castor seeds with the outer coat removed (hulled) can work as a contraceptive for up to 8-12 months”.

To use castor seeds, they must be hulled, as the shell is said to be poisonous.

Also, a study indicated that the seeds contain ricin, one of the most toxic substances known.

Dose-Related Toxicity (Poisoning)

The seed may cause an acute and potentially fatal gastroenteritis. Delayed visceral damage is another serious complication; however, but this is quite rare.

Also, this toxicity may cause diarrhea, and we have received comment about this side effect.

The toxicity is dose related and depends on the amount of castor beans ingested or swallowed.

Please, Read More About The Toxicity Of Castor Seed As Contraceptive

Some women have also inserted natural castor oil into their vagina to reduce fertilisation of the egg by the semen.


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  1. Please how can I get the Castor seed? How do I preserve it?
    How long can a seed last before it loses its effectiveness?

    1. Please right now am confused about how to use it because we’re I bought the castor seed I ask d man how to use it and he said 1seed work for 1days and here they said that 1seed works for 8-12month please I want u people clear me on this

      1. You don’t have to be confused. Two seeds are recommended as a dose. Research says these two seeds would last for 6 months even. But some women, take two per month just to be sure.

    2. Please can you take castor seed after taking contraceptive pill? I mean let say you took contraceptive pill today, can you also take castor seed tomorrow please?

  2. Please I want to know after taking the seed as a contraceptive can continue to have both safe and unsafe inter course with my husband at any time of the month or we have to be cautious.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment.

      Well, sometimes, people do some thing that also negates the effect of the contraceptive they are taking. Like eating goron tula when you also take contraceptive. Pregnancy could happen since the fruit boosts fertility. It makes sense that you should not eat things that boost fertility while you take contraceptive. Aside from that, you can go ahead and have safe and unsafe sex with your husband. This seeds work well.

    2. Good Day, Is it possible to get pregnant while using the seed, I took one last month after my period and I haven’t seen my period this month, My cycle is pass 31days already. I had unsafe sex

      1. Good day. I just learnt about castor seed and I want to give it a trial. Am a mother of two and don’t want another baby for now. I don’t live with my husband. He visits once a year and spends abt 2-3months with us. Am using Microgynon as my contraceptive but want to stop & try castor seed.
        Note: I only take Microgynon only when my husband is around but once he leaves, I stop the pills.
        Please what is your advice to me?
        Thank you.

      2. Same here also I haven’t received mine till now and am 7 days late even after doing pt test came out negative so I would just wait till it comes

    1. Please I swallowed one seed and I’m having abdominal crumps. is it normal and how will I know its working

  3. I was told to take two castor seed every month after my menstruation and I have read now that if you take single dose of castor seed it prevents pregnancy for 8-12months.please you clarify this for me.thanks

    1. Thank you so much for your comment.

      What we documented in the article were all from researches, But we also know that there could be exceptional cases where a single dose may not be effective for that long. This largely depends on what the woman also eats.

      The best thing may be to take a single dose once every three months. However, if you are scared it may not stop pregnancy, you may go with a seed per month. But observe your body to be sure there is no side effect as a result of regular usage. Thank you.

          1. My wife take one dose and today is the 3month .she has missed her period for two days now. What can u do please

  4. Please after swallow a seed of castor seed, how many days or hours will it last OK I just want to know if a seed of castor seed will start working from the day I drink it or I should give gap before having sex

    1. It could cause transient mild diarrhea and loss of body weight. It may alter hormones and be effective for a longer period of time. But if you do not notice this, it will not have adverse effect.

      1. Please I swallowed one seed and I’m having abdominal crumps. is it normal and how will I know its working

  5. There are different varieties of castor oil plaint which specific plant is one supposed to get the seeds from for birth control

      1. Please I have been taking 1 castor seed every month after my period but this month my period has delayed for more than a week now . Please can it delayed period too

  6. This is very educative…

    Can I have sex same day after taking the seed?
    Where can we get the seed?
    When is the right time of the month to take it, is it after period or before?
    How should it be administered, chewed or sallowed?
    thanks alot

  7. This sure is helpful, thanks!
    How do you peel the hull? Does it have to be soaked to peel off like normal beans we cook to eat?

    1. I used the seed for my first time and it really worked.i even got my menstrual periods normally after swallowing the castor seed.have now taken one seed today for my second month.thanks

    2. Yes it has worked for me for the last 3 years.i swallow 2 seeds monthly though am not sure wther it’s the right dosage. Some clarification about dat please. And what’s the meaning of single dosage? Does it mean 1 seed or something else?

  8. I took it on the first, second and third day of ovulation
    Is that going to work on the birth control please

  9. After talking castor seed I was having a mild diarrhea and am a nursing mother and my baby is having diarrhea also. Please what I should do to stop the diarrhea.

  10. good morning,
    This is very educative…
    Please, will the seed work, because I had sex a day (at night) before taking the seed (in the morning) and i chewed 2 seeds at the same time please?
    When is the right time of the month to take it, is it after period or before?
    How should it be administered, chewed or sallowed with water or solid food?
    thanks alot

  11. good morning,
    This is very educative…
    please will the seed work? because I had sex a day (at Night) before taking the seed (in the morning)? and i chewed 2 seeds at the same time please help.
    When is the right time of the month to take it, is it after period or before?
    How should it be administered, chewed or sallowed with water or solid food?
    thanks alot

  12. thanks for the response, please, (i chewed 2 seeds at the same time ) will it work or I should swallow another 2 seeds? to avoid been pregnant. please

  13. It works perfectly but the side effect I have is menstruating at least 3 times a month is it bad

    1. How many did you take and How long has the 3-times-a-month menstrual flow been? You can add yoghurt (yoghurt with culture like Farm fresh)to your diet. That will help. We are sure it will stabilise.

  14. Please, after taking the castor seed to control birth, what will one eat or take to get pregnant again in case the wish to… Thanks

  15. Very educative ….pls afriend of mine took 3castor seed yesterday and now she is vomiting,stool and stooling..what can she do to stop the weakness.. thanks

    1. Please can you take castor seed after taking contraceptive pill? I mean let say you took contraceptive pill today, can you also take the castor seed tomorrow please?

  16. I was told to take four seeds every month after my heavy flow. Please will that have any negative effect since I want to put on some also

  17. Please I took two castor seeds and I am 3 days to 4days late. Meaning I have not gotten my monthly flow
    I don’t feel any sign of pregnancy though.
    Thank you

  18. Please I was told to swallow 4 castor seeds in a month but i haven’t. How many seeds do I swallow to prevent pregnancy in the next 4months?

  19. Appreciate the article. Just want to know if this castor seed should be taken in empty stomach or after food?

    1. Please I want to conceive ooo am not doing any birth control I was asked to take chew one with tiger nut so I can reduce weight please will it affect my ovulation

  20. Please my have not received her menses for a while but she has taking the castor seeds can it work? Also can i make love with her the first day she took?

  21. I have been taken one Castor seed after three consecutive menstrual periods, but each time I get severe diarrhoea and severe vomiting, one leading to hospitalization, I chew it without the skin, so could it be that it’s not good for my body?

    1. Pls can I take it after sex or before sex…also want to know if should take it every month and how many dosage

      Thank you

  22. So does taking Castor seeds likely to cause some abnormalities to the future coming babies in case i want to conceive again? Please help me on this.

    1. Well, that depends on when you stopped and when you conceive. Give you self six months after you stop taking it before conception. It can still be in your body body for six months. But after that, all you need to do is boost intake of hormone balancing foods and your hormones will normalise for conception and healthy baby.

    2. I have used castor seed for the pass two years and I have been ok but for this month I am late for two weeks and I tested positive showing I am pregnant will it have any side effects on my child

  23. Should the castor seed be taken before or after sex and do you have to take it some days before you can have sex?

    1. Well, it could also have adverse effect on semen motility. But it works better in women. A man can use wait oil as lubricant during sexual intercourse and that will prevent pregnancy from happening. We have that in out shop.

  24. Hi, is it adviceable to take the castor seed before menuation or after mentuation or anytime in the month of your choice?

  25. It’s good to take two Castor seed every month.I was told that , when I take two Castor seed in may be 15thJanuary than the next month 15thFebruary ,I should take two Castor seed again.Any bad effect on it.

  26. Is it proper to take caster seed after D&C cause I took mine a day after bleeding …I don’t know wether it’s good or not

  27. I was told to swallow 2 castor seeds while on my periods.
    Without removing the Hull
    How effective is it swallowing 2 seeds when am in my periods.

  28. My girlfriend is using the seed as well but this month she hasn’t got her period yet so I just want to no if it delay period

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