Health benefits of celery

Celery For Ulcer: Why Ulcer Healing Is In This Plant

Have you been battling ulcer hoping it will go away some day? Celery may just be one thing you need.

Celery, also known as Apium graveolens L., is an aromatic biennial herb.

It is entirely useful. Celery roots, seeds, leaves and oil are potent.

Ancient physicians have used this plant as aphrodisiac, emmenagogue, and carminative.

Also, celery is a plant from the apiaceae family. Different studies highlight the phenolic and antioxidant compounds of this plant.

Some of the researches reported interesting things about celery and its medicinal powers.

According to a study, one of the areas this plant serves us as humans is in the treatment of ulcer.


Ulcer is a health condition so many people face. Bacterial, poor eating habit, certain drugs (self-medication) are some of the triggers of this condition.

Stomach ulcers also known as gastric ulcers, are painful sores in the stomach lining.

It is sometimes tough, yet easy to deal with.

Ulcer is tough because it has to do with lifestyle and some habits that an individual carries on.

It is simple to treat because there are common remedies in form of food items.

Basically, these foods can help in the treatment of ulcer.

One place that acidic activities occur daily in the human body is the stomach.

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In fact, the inner surface of the stomach is lined by a mucous membrane – gastric mucosa.

The mucosa is covered by a layer of thick mucus that the he tall columnar epithelial cells secrete.

When this covering wares off, the acid attacks the walls of your intestine and stomach, causing ulcer.

However, with proper treatment, the direct impact of this acid on the walls of the stomach and intestine could stop.

The stomach, like other parts of the body can also heal.

However, the right food must be consumed to aid this healing.

According to a  2008 study, celery contains a potent compound that could replenish depleted gastric wall mucus (GWM) (1).

It read: “Celery extract showed the ability to significantly replenish the ethanol-induced depleted levels of GWM and gastric mucosal.

“The gastric mucosal MDA level was also significantly lowered in extract pretreated rats used in the experiment”.

Why Celery Works For Ulcer

According to the above study, celery contains flavonoids, tannins, volatile oils, alkaloids, sterols and/or triterpenes.

These antioxidants are anti-inflammatory and could replenish the mucus in the stomach lining.

In the animal study, researchers found a highly significant reduction of ulceration in the stomachs.

Also, the study found that celery could reduce the volume of basal gastric secretion, titratable acidity and ulceration significantly.

The researchers concluded that celery extract significantly protects the gastric mucosa.

Also, it suppresses the basal gastric secretion, possibly through its antioxidant potential.

Other Health Benefits Of Celery

Celery also contains other plant compounds like limonene, selinene, frocoumarin glycosides, and vitamins A and C.

These compounds make celery one of the most widely used plants in traditional medicine.

celery for treatment of ulcer
Celery Plant In A Garden

While it has a pleasant smell, it is a little bitter, but its health benefits are enormous.

Studies also show that celery could relief indigestion. It also acts as a mild diuretic.

Other Helpful Natural Ulcer Treatment

Also, celery possesses anti-flatulent and anti-spasmodic properties. It is helpful in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma liver and spleen diseases.

Celery is great as antispasmodic and in salad.

Also, it is great for stomach and kidney disorders.

You can add it to your diet to get these benefits.

However, it is important to note that this is not to replace any medication you are taking.

But, adding it to your diet is a great idea.

Some of our clients who have tried it have reported improvements.

Fortunately, celery is one vegetable you can get from malls. Just head to the vegetables section and you will find it there.

Also, you can grow it easily if you buy one with the roots.

Go ahead and plant it in a small container and place it somewhere in your compound. It will grow and that will make it handy for use.

Please, share with your friends and loved ones to enable them know what remedy works for ulcer. 

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