compounds in pineapple peel and health benefits

Compounds In Pineapple Peel And Their Benefits

Whenever you throw your pineapple peel away, you are actually throwing away compounds that could nourish your body in an amazing way.

We know that many people discard their pineapple peel, but they are rich in several beneficial compounds.

While the core and flesh of the pineapple are commonly consumed, the peel is rich in various nutrients and bioactive compounds.

Here are some of the key compounds found in pineapple peel and their health benefits:

1.  Bromelain In Pineapple Peel

Bromelain belongs to a group of protein digesting enzymes and it is commercially obtained from the fruit or stem of pineapple (1).

It is a mixture of proteolytic enzymes that can aid in the digestion of proteins.

It’s more concentrated in the core and stem but is present in smaller amounts in the peel.

Bromelain contains endopeptidases and other components like phosphatase, glucosidase, peroxidase, cellulase, escharase, and several protease inhibitors.

Studies say it could help in dissolving blood clots that have suddenly blocked your arteries or veins. This means that it is antithrombotic.

Also, it is helpful when one is trying to eliminate too much fluid stored in the body and that makes it anti-edematous.

Furthermore, pineapple peel bromelain has anti-inflammatory activities, lowering inflammation that could lead to chronic diseases.

Bromelain is considerably absorbable in the body without losing its proteolytic activity and without producing any major side effects.

Also, it offers other benefits like the treatment of reduced blood flow to the heart.

People who have bronchitis – an inflammation of the lungs which causes coughing, often with mucus production – will find this helpful.

Other benefits are in the treatment of an inflammatory process that causes a blood clot to form and block one or more veins, usually in the legs.

Also, bromelain comes helpful in the treatment of sinusitis, surgical trauma, and thrombophlebitis, debridement of wounds.

Furthermore, it enhances the absorption of drugs, particularly antibiotics.

It also relieves osteoarthritis, diarrhea, and various cardiovascular disorders.

Bromelain also possesses some anti-cancerous activities and promotes apoptotic cell death.

Also, bromelain can help in improving fertility in women. It will promote proper blood flow to the uterus and boost chances of conception.

However, for fertility care must be taken to ensure it is not used at the wrong time. It could trigger miscarriage.

2.  Dietary Fiber

Pineapple peel contains both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers.

Dietary fiber is crucial for digestive health and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

It is also an amazing way to feed the good bacteria in your gut and that helps you stay healthy.

3.  Polyphenols In Pineapple Peel

Another compound abundant in pineapple peel are polyphenols

Pineapple peel contains polyphenolic compounds with antioxidant properties.

These compounds help neutralise free radicals in the body, potentially reducing oxidative stress.

Polyphenols boost digestion and brain health. Also, they protect against heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers (2).

4.  Vitamins

Pineapple peel is rich in vitamin C.

While the core and flesh of pineapple are more abundant in vitamin C, the peel also contains this essential antioxidant vitamin.

It will help boost your immune system and ward off antibodies that may degenerate the body to ill health.

5.  Minerals

One amazing mineral in pineapple peel is potassium.

Potassium, an important mineral for maintaining proper fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions.

6.  Terpenes

Almost everyone love the aroma of pineapple when it is ripe for consumption.

That aromatic compound in pineapple peel could be terpenes.

This compound contributes to the alluring flavour of this fruit.

7.  Tannins

Another polyphenolic compound in pineapple peel is tannin.

Tannins are polyphenolic with potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

This help lower oxidative stress and also lower risk of chronic diseases.

8.  Carotenoids In Pineapple Peel

Each time you see the orange and yellow colours in pineapple peel, understand that they are as a result of the presence of carotenoids.

Some carotenoids have antioxidant properties and are precursors to vitamin A.

Studies say carotenoids can be potentially associated with the prevention and treatment of several diseases – age-related macular degeneration and cataract and certain types of cancer (3).

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Also, it reduces reducing the risk of suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases, cardiovascular disease.

Note On Preparation Of Pineapple Peel

Preparation Consideration: While pineapple peel is edible, it is often tough and fibrous. Consuming it directly may not be palatable, but it can be used in ways such as making infusions or extracts.

Cleaning and Organic Sourcing: If using pineapple peel, ensure it is thoroughly cleaned, preferably from organically grown pineapples to minimise pesticide exposure.

Potential Uses

Infusions and Extracts: You can also make an infusion or extracts by steeping your Pineapple peel in hot water. This can be a way to extract some of its beneficial compounds.

Smoothies and Juices: While the peel may be too fibrous to eat directly, you can blend it into smoothies or juices to extract its nutrients.

Research on the specific compounds in pineapple peel is ongoing, and its potential health benefits are an area of interest.

However, it’s essential to approach its consumption with care, and if you have any allergies or sensitivities, consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating it into your diet.

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