self-isolation and coronavirus

Coronavirus: Here Is What To Do When A Stay-At-Home Is Declared

Coronavirus cases are increasing in Nigeria.

It is not like we are wishing the nation or its people bad, but were are expecting more cases in coming days.

Basically, in most countries where coronavirus has showed up, the number of persons who contract the disease increases exponentially.

This is why it is somewhat okay to expect that it will take same form in Nigeria.

In the past three days, we have moved from 3 cases to 8 and then 12.

This exponential increase and the expectation that more would show up could result in some drastic measures.

In essence, the government has taken some measures against the spread of coronavirus– order to shutdown schools from Monday, March 23.

In Lagos where most of the cases are, the government has issued an order that gatherings of more than 50 persons should not hold.

Sadly, we are heading to that time where workers may be advised to stay at home.

What this means is self-isolation for families and individuals.

When this happens, people will need guidance as to how to stay at home.

Interestingly, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control has issued guidelines that people should follow to reduce the spread of coronavirus.

Here are the major contents of the guidelines as it concerns everyone who intends to self-isolate.


Self-isolation means strictly staying at home or identified accommodation, away from situations where you mix with family members or the general public, for the period of 14 days.

However, for individuals who have not travelled or had contact with someone that had returned to Nigeria from high-risk countries, it could be a partial isolation.

Meanwhile, the centre also issued some guidelines that would help individuals stay safe.

1.     Stay in a well-ventilated room away from other people such as family members with separate hygiene and toilet facilities

2.     If you are working, ensure you work from home during the entire duration (14 days)

3      Ensure that you have adequate food, water, hygiene provisions and appropriate medical treatment for any existing medical conditions while in self-isolation

4.     Ensure that you have the necessary communication facilities e.g. mobile telephone to communicate with family members and other people while in self-isolation

5.     Always wash your hands with soap and water regularly or use an alcohol-based hand rub

6.     Cover your nose and mouth with disposable tissue when coughing and sneezing.

Throw away used tissue into the dustbin or burn it and wash your hands immediately with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub

7.     Stay away from pets as there is a chance that humans can pass the disease to them

8.     Avoid sharing toothbrushes, utensils, dishes, drinks, towels, clothes or bed linen with anybody in your home

9.     Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs/handles, bedside tables, bedframes and other bedroom furniture daily with regular household disinfectant or soap

10.   Clean and disinfect bathroom and toilet surfaces at least once a day with regular household disinfectant or soap

Overcoming Boredom

This is going to be a new experience for many Nigerians and could become boring at some point.

You could feel stressed and lonely.

It could even lead to depression for some other persons. But there are also guidelines on how to stay at home and enjoy it.

1.    Talk to other members of the family about the COVID-19, understanding this disease will reduce anxiety 2.    Reassure your young children using age-appropriate language

3.    Think about how you have coped with other difficult situations in the past and reassure yourself.

4.     Keep in touch with family members and friend via telephone, emails or social media 5.    Stock plenty of materials to keep your mind occupied such as books, movies etc.

6.    Ensure you have a television, cable and internet connectivity in your room (this is optional) Be discreet about this as news could be depressive and trigger high blood pressure

7.    Exercise regularly in your room

8.    Ensure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to keep hydrated

9.    Eat all your meals in a timely manner

10.  Ensure you take adequate rest

What To Eat On Self-isolation

While you are home, you are like to get inactive and lose morale in exercising.

Sadly, it takes a habit to keep up an exercise routine and we know this is new for many. Because of this, it is important that you also stock up vegetables and fruits as you buy your daily needs.

foods that help your body prepare for ivf
Eat more of vegetables and fruits

Buy vegetables and fruits that can last for days before they get spoilt.

Should you have issues with light, they can last for some days. Be sure to snack on them instead of some other processed food or snack.

Have you read: Cronavirus: The Truth About Garlic And Virus

Really, gaining weight at this time is very easy and no one wants to avoid coronavirus and then get other weight-related illnesses that would manifest at the end of the stay-at-home period or later in life.

Feeling Ill Or Developing Symptoms Of Coronavirus?

Finally, you never can tell whom the persons you have touched before the isolation period had touched.

As a result, it is important that everyone, while on the stay-at-home mode, should give attention to their body.

Indeed, if you develop any symptoms of acute respiratory infection, including fever, cough, sore throat and difficulty in breathing, please call for immediate help on the NCDC toll free line 0800 9700 0010

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