covid-19 kits to have at home

COVID-19: Kits You Should Have At Home In Nigeria

Whether you believe it or not, the best thing to do about COVID-19 is to protect yourself and your family.

The just shall live by their own faith” and in after that, “everyone lives by the power of his immune system”.

Some have said the figures (new cases and deaths from COVID-19) we see are government’s politics. They say it is a way of collecting money. This lackadaisical attitude is becoming very glaring.

Sadly, residents of Lagos State care less, even when the state records the highest number of new cases each day.

Although, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has continued to release reports, interest in these reports continues to drop.

However you consider the situation, the truth is that we know people who are now dead as a result of COVID-19.

Also, we know people who survived. These survivors keep saying one thing: “COVID-19 is real”.

While the virus continues to spread, with a new strain in Nigeria, it is proper that you know this.

An adage in the eastern part of Nigeria says: “Eme osiso, emeyali Odachi” (Taking precaution helps to prevent so many unpleasant things). 

Indeed, having a few items at home at this time will help you prepare for the days ahead which to a large extent are uncertain.

Pending when the vaccine will arrive Nigeria and be ready to circulation, consider getting some of these items.

Some are available at pharmacies near you.

1.      Hot Balm For Head Steam

One of the things that COVID-19 brings is nasal congestion and loss of sense of smell.

However, with a natural balm that you can use for head steam, you are sure to keep your nostrils open

All you have to do is add some quantity of this balm in a small bowl, add hot water and place your face on it. Make sure that your eyes are closed and that you breath in gently.

Gilead Healing Balm
Gilead Healing Balm – Read More

If the bowl is small enough you may not need to cover your head with a towel. Just inhale for few times and you are good.

This keeps flu away, as the steam goes into your respiratory system to fight germs and virus.

Also, it is advisable that you do this even when you have no symptoms of COVID-19.

2.      Castor Oil Pack

A castor oil pack is a combination of castor oil and hot water bag. This is absolutely great in tackling lungs diseases, as stated in a report.

There are several other conditions that this pack can help address, including non-cancerous fibroid.

All you do is add a warm water to the hot water bag, apply the castor oil on your abdomen, place a cloth on your abdomen and then drop the water bad on your abdomen.

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Ensure that it is not hot to the extent that it will burn you. If the water boiled by chance, ensure you add cold water in the water bag before you pour the hot water. This will help ensure it does not bust.

Allow the warm water bag on your stomach for 30 minutes.

Here is how it works.

When castor oil is absorbed through your skin your lymphocyte count increases.

This increase speeds up the removal of toxins from your tissues. This removal then promotes healing.

This really works for flu and other health issues.

3.      Black Seeds Oil

Black seed oil is an extract from black seeds and it is a higher concentration of the components in the black seeds.

It is good for the treatment of flu, as indicated in a 2018 study.

Categorically, the research result showed that N. sativa (black seeds) fixed oil showed its therapeutic potential in treatment of sinusitis by its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antihistaminic, immune-modulator, antimicrobial and analgesic effects.

“The use of N. sativa seed fixed oil can inhibit the inflammation of sinuses and respiratory airways, microbial infections and finally help the patients suffering from clinical symptoms of sinusitis such as coryza, nasal congestion, headache, neck pain, earache and toothache.”

4.      Honey

It is no longer new that pure wild honey is loaded with compounds that boosts immunity.

Earlier, we stated the need for everyone to boost the immune system. Basically, one of the things that lowers immunity is consumption of processed sugar.

Honey will be a good replacement for sugar in your tea.

It can provide you an escape from your habit of taking sweetened drinks.

5.     Immune Booster – Super Immune Blend

An immune booster could be a drink, a supplement or in food form.

The most important thing is to be intentional about taking it and be consistent.

Super immune blend for immune boosting
Super Immune Blend Boost Immune System

Now, every family should have an immune booster at home. Basically, this helps ensure that their immune system is strong enough to keep them healthy.

Our Super Immune Blend is one of such drinks that could be added to your diet.

First, the antioxidants in it help flush out toxins from your body while the other nutrients boosts your body metabolism.

Have You Read: Coronavirus: Black Seed Oil And Its Immune Boosting Power

It contains molasses, flaxseeds, oregano, garlic, ginger and other herbs that all help your body.

6.      Garlic Tincture

This is an extract from Garlic done with pasteurised vinegar. Garlic is known to fight flu and it is a great immune booster.

Adding this to your water before you take it helps boost your immune system.

garlic Tincture
Garlic tincture – See More About It

This is better taken with honey as sweetener if you do not like the smell of garlic.

However, for now, we really do not think the smell of garlic should come between you and your health.

Kindly share this with your friends and loved ones to help them stay healthy at this time of COVID-19.

See How To Boost A Child’s Immune System

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