Pregnant without knowing, Cryptic pregnancy in Nigeria. cryptic Baby

6 Shocking Facts About Cryptic Pregnancy In Nigeria

If you ever think of opting for cryptic pregnancy in Nigeria, you need to know these things before you embark on that journey.

Going by definition, a pregnancy is said to be cryptic when a female does not know she is pregnant until late in the pregnancy, possibly until labour starts, in some cases.

Also, during a cryptic pregnancy, the female may not experience typical pregnancy symptoms.

This kind of pregnancy is indeed rare and not in any way opted for by the female.

However, cryptic pregnancy in Nigeria is quite different from what the world knows.

It begins with the individual signing up for the cryptic pregnancy. So, the female goes to a purported ‘clinic’ and takes some herbal remedies for pregnancy.

As she takes the herbs, the cryptic pregnancy forms. In some cases, even when there is no intercourse with the male partner, the pregnancy still occurs.

To truly know about this cryptic pregnancy option in Nigeria, here are six facts every individual should know.

1.  Cryptic Pregnancy In Nigeria Is Different

First, you must understand that cryptic pregnancy is rare.

According to studies an estimated 1 in 400 or 500 women are 20 weeks (about 5 months) into pregnancy before realising it (1).

Here in Nigeria, a woman knows she is having a cryptic baby from the very first month she is told she is pregnant.

Indeed, this is a trick that the ‘clinic’ uses to give them an assurance that they are pregnant.

After taking the herbs, they go home and of course have intercourse with their partner within the first month of taking it.

Upon returning to the clinic, the managers will tell her she is pregnant.

One way to know if this is real, is for the female to stay away from mating with the partner and see if she will be declared pregnant.

The entire process negates what we know as cryptic pregnancy.

Also, at the commencement phase, the woman can decide on the number of children she wants.

This is totally different from what we know of this type of pregnancy.

In a real situation, the woman does not know she is pregnant and could not even chose how many kids to have.

2.  Lack Of Transparency In The Process

Also, another fact about this kind of pregnancy in Nigeria is that it is kind of shrouded in secrecy.

Most times, the husband of the woman is not brought into the entire process. The clinic, as much as possible, talks the woman out of bringing the husband in.

This way, they deal with the woman alone. Indeed, they know that her situation (not having a baby) blinds her sense of judgement.

They even go to the extent of inducing the woman on the day of delivery to make sure she is not alert to understand what happens.

3.  Mind Manipulation

Again, the woman is often told not to visit another hospital or run tests elsewhere. They will tell her that the baby will not show in a scan because it is cryptic pregnancy.

As a result, they are able to make the woman believe she is pregnant.

Most women who ignore this condition and go for test in another hospital ends up with a result that signifies that there is no baby.

Also, they insist that the woman must give birth in their clinic.

4.  Bloating In Cryptic Pregnancy In Nigeria

Furthermore, women who go for cryptic pregnancy in Nigeria often have this bloating that looks like pregnancy, but a little difference.

The navel often pushes out when a woman is pregnant, but that of a woman who opted for Nigeria’s cryptic pregnancy does not.

They only feel bloated and then notice some form of movement in their tummy. It could be fibroid growing in their stomach as a result of the herb they take all through the months.

5.  False Pregnancy Looks

This bloating often shows in their faces and they also look pregnant. This gives the female hope that she could be pregnant.

However, they just look swollen in the face and that look is different from that of a woman who is pregnant.

6.  Inducement On Delivery Day

Finally, this brings the whole episode of cryptic pregnancy period to an end.

On the day of delivery, the woman is induced and made to sleep in the process of delivery.

Does a woman who wants to give birth sleep? Well, we know that midwives often tap the lady to keep her awake until the baby is out. Sleeping means a terrible outcome.

You May Want To Read: 7 Questions To Ask Before You Choose Cryptic Pregnancy

But in the ‘cryptic clinic’, the attendants will induce the woman who is about to give birth and make her sleep.

When she wakes up, she will find her baby(ies) by her side. What happens when she sleeps is the reason the whole thing is not entirely open.

This depends on the number of children she opted for in the beginning of the process.

Often, we have helped women conceive naturally and give birth.

All it takes is follow simple instructions and practice what we tell you to practice. You will see result.

In the video below, you will see how avocado boosts fertility.

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