natural remedies for cold. how to Boost A Child's Immune System

Daily Rain: 8 Natural Remedies For Cold

It is easy to catch a cold in this daily rain period we are in. But if you apply the natural remedies for cold that we recommend here, you will fortify your body against cold.

Sadly, the daily rainfall is gradually beginning to leave children and adults with running nose.

It is not unusual for people to come down with cold because of this effect of the change in weather.

Many people do not know that rainy season could be a walk-over without cold or flu.

However, the rains should not take you by surprise because we are in rainy season.

To stay strong and healthy through the period, you need your body to be at optimum level.

People who live in coastal states, including Lagos (Nigeria’s commercial city), are usually most affected and should guard against the cold that is setting in.

This kind of rain does not come with stormy situations. But it comes with cold that will make everyone want to curdle something.

Those who are married are considered lucky at this time, and that is one joke that is common now.

However, if you do not have something to hold, there are ways you can help fortify your body.

Natural Ways Of Fighting Cold

1.  Power-up Your Immune System

The immune system is everyone’s defence, but when it is weak, it would not be able to fight bacteria.

Oranges citrus good for cold
Citrus is rich in Vitamin C which boosts immune system

Power-up your immune system and that of your children with immune boosting fruits – Citrus (Oranges, Lime, Lemon).

Taking lemon and honey in warm water in the morning and at night can help the body build a fence against cold.

These fruits are rich in vitamin C that boost immune system to be able to fight against cold and bacteria infection.

You can also grate ginger and garlic into warm water and take.

This could also bring relief if the individual had come down with cold.

There is just an easy way of knowing fruits or vegetables that build immune system.

Just look out for brightly colored fruits and vegetables like berries, kiwi and apples.

Others are red grapes, kale, onions, spinach, sweet potatoes and carrots.

2. Try Some Workout

exercise often to fight cold
Workouts are good for cold

Workouts that will make us sweat are great ways of removing toxins in the body that could lower immune system.

The heat that is built in the body during exercise helps to fight cold.

3. Reduce Intake Of Sugar (Carbonated Drinks)

Processed sugar is one substance that anyone who wants a strong immune system that could withstand the weather should avoid.

Eating or drinking too much sugar could affect the immune system because of the power of sugar to kill cells that attack bacteria in the body, a research showed (1).

Yoghurt boosts positive bacteria
Take unsweetened Yoghurt instead of sweetened drinks

Instead of taking sweetened drinks at this time, consume food that are rich in anti-bacteria (ginger, garlic, cloves, and the likes) and then go for probiotics-rich drinks (unsweetened yoghurt).

4. Reduce Intake Of Saturated Fat

This season we are stepping into is a time to reduce the intake of saturated fat which are in red meat, some vegetable oils, and some other things that we eat daily.

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Nigerians do not read labels in items before they buy them and this is a bad habit.

Forming the habit of reading labels now will really save you from a lot of health issues if you are part of that gang who don’t.

5. Get Enough Rest

Rest is something that everyone in coastal states needs to increase at this time. Indeed, it is one of the natural remedies for cold.

Most importantly, workers in Lagos State who could hardly boast of 7 hours sleep in a day should cut down on activities in the weekend.

Make that period a time to rest.

bed for rest
Getting a good rest will help the body fight cold

You need your body to be able to hustle, so give it rest for a little time. You can request for a few days off and ensure you rest.

6. Use Essential Oils Or Gilead Balm

One essential oil that helps in fighting cold is Eucalyptus Oil.

Add few drops of the oil into hot water in a bowl and inhale the steam with your eyes closed.

This brings so much relief.

Gilead Healing Balm
Gilead Healing Balm

You can also drop Tea Tree Oil in your liquid air freshener when you apply it in your home.

Also, you can use our Gilead Healing Balm. It is one of the natural remedies for cold that we offer, It is active and effective in treating infections in the lungs.

There have been testimonies of its effectiveness on cold and flu.

All you need to do add it to a hot water in a bowl and inhale the steam.  Order it here.

7. Drinking Water As One One of The Remedies For Cold

Water intake is one thing that does much good to the body and taking warm water often whenever the weather changes is not a bad idea.

Sorry that you have to let go of the cold water habit, but it should be a thing of joy to you.

It could be an avenue for you to drop the habit totally and just replace it with taking water that is at room temperature.

8. Wear Clothes That Warm The Body

Having air conditioner in your office is necessary, but this is just a time to turn it off or increase the temperature. This is one of the natural remedies for cold that people ignore.

Also Read: 5 Natural Ways Of Addressing Hormonal Imbalance

If it is necessary that the air conditioners must be left turned on, ensure that you take your cardigan to work often.

Check inside that your box and draw out the cardigan because the days ahead will be really, really cold.

Please, share this article with your loved ones to help them know the best ways of fighting cold. 

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