Chinese cucumber and common cucumber

Difference Between Chinese Cucumber And Common Cucumber

When you see Chinese cucumber you may easily think that it is the common cucumber that may have had a stunted grow rate. Funny, but that is what most people think.

You see, Chinese cucumber and common cucumber are both types of cucumbers, but they have distinct differences in appearance, taste, and culinary uses.

Here are a few differences you should know about the two species.

1.  Appearance Of Chinese Cucumber And Common Cucumber

Chinese Cucumber

This specie of cucumber is longer and thinner, often reaching 12 to 18 inches in length.

It is smooth, dark green skin with minimal ridges or bumps.

Also, it has smaller seeds, which makes them less noticeable when eating.

Common Cucumber (Slicing Cucumber)

This specie is shorter and thicker, usually around 6 to 9 inches in length. Its skin can be dark green, with more pronounced ridges or bumps.

Also, its seeds are larger and more noticeable.

2. Taste And Texture

Chinese Cucumber

It is mild, crisp, and slightly sweeter.

Most importantly, the Chinese cucumber has a thinner skin that doesn’t need to be peeled, making it less bitter.

Also, it is less watery compared to common cucumbers.

Common Cucumber

The common cucumber is mild, but can be slightly more bitter, especially if the skin is not peeled.

It is juicier and more watery, with a typical cucumber flavor.

Furthermore, it has a thicker skin, which some people prefer to peel off.

3. Culinary Uses

Chinese Cucumber

This specie of cucumber is often used in Asian dishes, including salads, stir-fries, and pickles.

It is ideal for dishes where a crisp texture is desired and it can be eaten raw or cooked.

Common Cucumber

This is commonly used in salads, sandwiches, and as a raw snack.

Also, it is often pickled to make traditional cucumber pickles and generally eaten raw, though it can be cooked.

4. Growing Conditions

Chinese Cucumber

Furthermore, the Chinese cucumber prefers warmer climates and longer growing seasons.

Typically grown vertically on trellises to keep the long fruits off the ground.

Common Cucumber

This kind of cucumber can grow in a variety of climates, though it also prefers warmth.

Also, it is often grown in gardens, either on the ground or with some support.

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In summary, Chinese cucumbers are longer, thinner, and have a milder flavour with a crisp texture.

Basically, this makes them ideal for certain dishes, especially in Asian cuisine. Common cucumbers are shorter, thicker, and juicier, widely used in salads, sandwiches, and pickles.

Meanwhile, if you live in Lagos and want this vegetable, you can get it at the Mile-12 Market.

What Do You Call This Cucumber?


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