Tighten Vagina With Cloves. cloves tighten vagina?

Does Cloves Tighten Vagina? Here’s Fact

Sometimes, it appears like the major burden of the disobedience pronounced on the woman (Eve) after the fall of man is ‘impurity’ and the desire to be pure.

Here is what we mean. Women often have this desire to stay pure, clean and free of infection when it comes to their vagina. But men pay less attention to this.

The lack of this desire in men could be seen in how most men avoid the use of condoms during sexual intercourse.

Well, people can argue, but we know that beyond this point, women walk further into ensuring that their vagina is tight enough to please a man.

Categorically, a quest for a tight vagina comes from a felling that the reproductive organ has lost elasticity and needed some form of repair.

But there is something more everyone who seeks this tightness do not know.

Indeed, people are increasingly considering natural remedies that could quench this desire to achieve tightness.

Wisely, this decision beats all wisdom since the plants are the basic food given to man in the beginning and not refined and proceed ‘everything’ we see now.

In these plants, the maker of man hid medicine that can bring necessary nourishment to your organs.

Really, it makes sense to rely on plant for this vagina tightness they women seek.

Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)

One of such plants that have made it to this echelon of  natural plants that people believe could tighten vagina is clove.

Clove is a valuable spice. It has been used for centuries as food preservative and for many medicinal purposes.

It is native of Indonesia but now, it is cultured in several parts of the world including Brazil in the state of Bahia.

This plant represents one of the richest source of phenolic compounds such as eugenol, eugenol acetate and gallic acid and posses great potential for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and agricultural applications (1).

In these phytochemicals lie the reasons this plant has become prominent. But does cloves tighten vagina?

How Cloves Reworks The Vagina

You see, some of the very reasons a woman’s vagina could lose shape is vaginal infection, child birth or ageing.

While infection could make the vagina carry offensive odour, childbirth and ageing could make the muscles loosen up a bit.

But be clear that there is no amount of sexual intercourse that can make the vagina become wider. Except there is a tear. and when that happens, there is always a stability after healing.

But cloves is amazing to women in different ways.

1. Cloves Can Treat Vaginal Infection

According to studies, cloves possess antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-diabetic properties.

Also, it contains anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, anesthetic, pain relieving and insect repellent properties (2) (3).

Studies found that eugenol is the main constituent responsible for the medicinal properties of the clove bud.

A study describes clove as a precious spice because of its compounds that are beneficial to you (4).

Cloves Contain Antimicrobial Properties

Also, clove is good for the treatment of bacterial infection. The imbalance of bacteria in the vagina is what makes constitutes infection in the vagina.

The is one of the benefits of cloves to the vagina.

Other Health Benefits Of Cloves

A study says the aqueous extract of clove is effective against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus.

This makes clove a good remedy for treatment of bacterial infection in the vagina.


According to a study, eugenol in clove has therapeutic effectiveness against candida albicans, which is a common cause of yeast infection.

Furthermore, the study says some compounds in cloves are effective against vaginal candidiasis.

The results suggest that eugenol and carvacrol could be a promising antifungal agent that could treat fungal infection. (5).

2.    Cloves Make Vagina ‘Sweet’ (Presence Of Fluid)

Unfortunately, different things could reduce the presence of cervical mucus in the vagina. Hormonal imbalance is one of such.

When this happens, sexual intercourse becomes painful for a woman. This causes strain in relationships.

But when a woman washes her vagina with cloves’ water, it could help restore the fluid that keeps the vagina wet and healthy.

As such, this makes penetration easier during sexual intercourse.

Furthermore, while this works, there are other factors that could battle its effectiveness, like hormonal imbalance.

Another issue could be infection.

Once there is normal flow of fluids in the vagina, chances of painful penetration are lowered.

Does Cloves Tighten Vagina?

From all of the above you will find that cloves are a necessity to every woman.

But whether cloves tighten vagina is something research has not found.

The vagina has the ability to expand and come back together. It is the nature of the vagina.

But if your partner thinks that your vagina needs to tighten, you can explore pelvic exercises that work.

These exercises will work on the muscles of the pelvic floor and help you achieve the vagina tightness you see.

While people say cloves could tighten the vagina is that it restores the state of the vagina, offering the benefits that we listed above.

You can watch the video below to see how to make cloves water and use it in the vagina.


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