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Easy Ways To Stop Masturbating

It could really be a tough task to stop masturbating, but it is very possible to stop.

Indeed, because it has similar effect as sex, people kind of hang on to it.

However, as time passes, masturbation becomes a thing of concern to the person that engages in it.

The sad feelings that follow when cleaning up, is something the individual wants to trash.

Unfortunately, to stop masturbating, you must go beyond wishing to working.

Yes! If you truly desire to stop masturbating because of the guilty feeling it brings, you should practise these tips.

When You Have To Stop Masturbating

Basically, there are signs that should make you see the need to stop.

Masturbation becomes a problem when you are not able to control the urge to do it.

When you begin to wish you would get the ‘me-alone moment’ for you to masturbate.

It is a problem when you skip work or fail to attend classes in school just so you can get orgasm.

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If you fail to attend a social function all because you want to masturbate, then you have to follow these techniques.

1.      Have A Desire To Stop Masturbating

Actually, the journey begins with a desire to stop. Seriously, if you do not believe that you need to stop, you will not even think of stopping.

The desire to stop should lead to developing a strategy that will help you stop masturbating.

Change your schedule if what you have leaves you with some lonely moments.

At such periods, study, watch movies or listen to audio books to edify yourself.

Following your plan or strategy diligently ensures you get result.

2.      Avoid Being Alone

Being alone is one thing that triggers the desire to masturbate when the habit is in formation stage.

Loneliness could trigger a desire for sex and one could find satisfaction in masturbating.

Spend more time with your friends or call loved ones when you feel lonely and the thought comes.

This will help you get the mind busy and before you know it the thought is gone.

3.      Share Your Concern With Someone You Trust

Sin, they say, thrives in secrecy. Discussing the situation and your desire to stop with someone is a good one.

Really, this will make it easier for you to accept the fact that you need to stop masturbating.

Sharing this will also make you accountable to someone. You want to be confident when the person asks you: “How far”?

4.      Stop Watching Pornography

One of the motivating factors is pornography. Watching pornography triggers feelings that will eventually take you to that secret place.

But once you make up your mind to stop watching pornography, you begin to clean your mind.

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Replace pornographic movies with something that is more edifying or brings you knowledge.

Use the time to learn a skill and change your altitude.

Unfortunately, when you want to kill a habit, but have nothing to replace the habit, your fight may be in vain.

5.       Studying Scriptures Can Help You Stop Masturbating

Often, people say there is no place in the scriptures that masturbation is mentioned. But the bible talked about people becoming lovers of themselves. We think that covers this act.

Also, the scriptures have the power to replace the thoughts of masturbation in your mind.

The more you read the more you find that your desire for the act is waning.

The scriptures, correct, edify and teach good values.

6.      Join A Support Group

A support group will help you keep busy and show you other things you could do.

It is often a place to find support that will help you stop the habit and replace it.

It could be in your church, in school, work place or even online. If you are the type that feels embarrassed with sharing the situation with people, check for support groups online.

You can use a pseudonym so that you keep your identity away while you get the needed result.

Ask questions around the habit you need to drop, which is masturbation.

7.      Desire May Take Some Time To Go Away

We will not end this article without pointing out that it takes sometime for habits to be totally replaced.

As you begin your journey, you may find days that you get yourself into it. Speak to yourself and say NO.

Trying to do away with a habit is like this analogy.

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If a government that wants to stop cigarette smoking goes ahead to close down the manufacturing company, this does not bring instant end.

The cigarettes in different shops will still be in circulation until the last stick is sold or smoked.

When you desire to stop masturbating, you shut the thoughts out.

However, once in a while, it comes like the devil to tempt your perseverance.

Continue in your desire to stop and continue to resist it doing the things in your plan.

At some point, you find that the mind is clean from every form of masturbation.

May you find grace to persevere until you win.

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