Best Eela Treatment Solution For Babies, Children. Causes Of Eela

Best Eela Treatment Solution For Babies, Children

Have you been looking for a good Eela treatment? Is your baby or young child having skin issues and you are wondering what you could treat it with?

Well, you have come to the right place where the solution is.

Eela (Yoruba) or Nla (Igbo) is a skin infection that often attacks a baby’s skin, leaving unpleasant spots.

Indeed, it could be really discomforting for a mother to see the skin of a precious baby come under such intense attack.

It could appear like boils, holding content like water at the tip and the more they open up, the more they show up.

To know more about the cause of Eela, please, read:  Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis: Causes Of Eela In Babies?

Eela – Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis (ISD)

This often shows up in summer or period of heat.

The common name is Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis (ISD).

It is a skin disorder in babies and could show up as early as few weeks of a baby’s birth.

A study describes it as a chronic, inflammatory, scaling skin condition, which causes redness and a greasy scaling rash in infants and young children (1).

It can last from weeks to months, but rarely years.

Furthermore, when it occurs on the scalp, it is referred to as ‘cradle cap’.

When this shows up, one mistake a mother will make is to just jump on anything recommended.

Understand that it could make the baby’s skin have enduring scars.

For this reason, it is important that a mother knows the best things to rely on.

Here are a few things a mother can use to treat Eela in children.

Rice Water

Rice (Oryza sativa) water is a food processing waste that can potentially be incorporated into your skincare items for your baby.

This is one compound that mothers do not know its value.

As a result, they pour away the water from the rice after parboiling it.

A study says rice water contains antioxidants that are helpful to the human skin (1)

According to the study, these antioxidants could inhibit the activity of elastase (an enzyme that damages elastin).

Furthermore, the study says this antioxidant activity might be due to the transference to the water of several phenolic compounds identified in rice.

How To Use Rice Water For Eela

Boil the rice for few minutes and ensure that it still has water. Filter out the water and store in a refrigerator.

That water should be applied on the skin of the baby or child morning and night.

Kaolin Clay For Treatment Of Eela

White clay good for skin during heat
Kaolin Clay

Also, we have discovered that kaolin clay can help a mother get her child’s skin back.

Aestheticians have recommended kaolin clay for skin treatment.

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They say the clay is able to absorb sebum and prevent clogging of a baby’s pore.

When you apply it on the skin of a baby, it will draw out impurities and toxins from the pores.

According to a study, kaolin clay may increase collagen fibers on the skin, which may account for its benefits (2).

Soothing Clay Formulation

Soothing clay for healthy baby skin
Soothing Clay Helps Remove Rash From Your Baby’s Skin

Also, our soothing clay formulation is another remedy that has worked for many mothers whose babies presented this Eela case.

It is a combination of kaolin clay and other skincare materials that offer soothing relief to different skin issues.

You can get it here.

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