how to grow hair edges

8 Effective Ways To Grow Hair Edges

You want to know how to grow hair edges right? It is not a difficult thing, but you have to bring your desire to reality by doing things differently.

Each time you look at the mirror, you keep wondering why the edges of your hair are not growing like others.

You just may not know the truth about hair edges and that is why you are losing them.

Those baby hairs that form the frame of your face, along your hair line, are very fragile. They really do not have protection like the other parts of your hair and this exposure makes them tender.

While this is true, it is very possible to have hair edges that are doing fine. All you need is just a little more care for them.

Here are the tips on how you can grow hair edges in few weeks.

1.    Stop Tight Hair Styles

The best way to begin caring for your edges is to do away with things that make you lose them.

One of the easy ways to lose hair edges is by wearing tight hair styles. Remember that the edges are more fragile than the other hairs. As a result, tight hair style makes them fall off.

Begin to think of styles that will leave out your edges. If you love weaving your hair, you should leave out the edges.

Instead, style the edges with gels or moisturisers (oil). We will some of these great oils later. That way they are not affected by the tightness of the hair style.

2.    Don’t Involve Your Hair Edges In Your Heavy Style

We have seen people who braid their hair involve their edges in the beauty quest.

However, not all the hair edges will dangle to the end of the braid cycle. before it gets to when you will loosen your braid, most of them will surely fall off.

These fragile hair strands do not have what it takes to carry heavy attachments. As the weight of the attachment pulls on them, they leave the scalp gradually and eventually fall off.

Because of this, it is advisable that you also use natural gel or moisturisers to style your hair edges when you wear braids.

3.    When You Comb Or Brush, Pamper Your Edges

It is easy to just treat the edges like other parts of the hair. But that is a wrong way to handle your hair if you want to grow hair edges.

Treat them as fragile as they are. For instance, when you want to comb your hair, make sure that you oil the edges well. A little friction in the comb pulls them off. You can also wet them with water solution.

With proper oiling you can even use your hand to massage them down and they will stay. You don’t really need to comb or brush them.

Just oil them well and use your palm to rub on them till they rest on your scalp.

That is one way to ensure that they do not break.

4.     Use Hair Bonnet When You Sleep

You have formed the habit of sleeping without a bonnet on your hair. You should unlearn that and grab a new habit.

If you want to grow hair edges, you must not expose them to your bedsheet. As you turn and make movements during sleep time, your edges are more exposed to the sheets and they lose strength.

However, covering them will keep them safe inside the bonnet which is often made of silk.

Your bedsheet are often made of cotton material and that is harsh on your edges. Cotton materials can easily make you lose strands of hair in the edges.

5.     Consider Hair Bands

Hair bands are another set of items that are delicate to use if you want to grow hair edges.

These bands often have elastic that make then able to tangle with your hair. When they do, the most fragile set of hairs come off with them.

Your edges are more prone to coming off with your hair bands.

Things That Grow Hair Edges

Now that you know some of the things that make your hair edges fall off, the next thing to grab is a good understanding of what you can grow them with.

Basically, these vitamins that help your hair grow are A, B, C, D and E. They are major when it comes to hair growth.

You need these vitamins to come in from foods you eat and the materials you use on your hair.

Here are some of the hair kits to grow hair edges with.

1.       Flaxseed

This is one of the plant sources of vitamin E. This vitamin reduces effects of free radicals on your scalp. Vitamin E also promotes stronger hair follicles.

When your scalp is free of free radicals, hair growth happens.

However, for regular use, get Flaxseed oil.

According to a study, flaxseed oil flax-seed oil has some hair growth promoting potential (1).

Also. flaxseed is a reliable source of B vitamins. These vitamins offer your body nutrients that make hair grow stronger and healthier at a fast rate.

You can also eat these seeds to get the benefits over a period of time. But for a faster solution, the oil or gel works better.

For gel, add some flaxseeds in a plate and add water to it. Allow for about 2 hours. Take the gel and apply on your hair.

Flaxseed also contains Oemga-3 fatty acid that is also promotes hair growth.

2.      Neem Oil

This is another good natural material you can grow hair edges with.

Neem oil is made from neem, and it contains compounds that are antifungal and antibacterial.

Applying neem oil to your hair helps the hair follicles to become stronger. It also aids hair growth.

All you do is massage the hair edges with the oil before you use your natural shampoo. You can also apply that oil on the edges after using the shampoo.

3.      Natural Black Soap Shampoo

One of the treatments that you now need for your edges is a good shampoo.

Black Soap Shampoo is good for hair growth.

A 2017 study says black soap made with Shea butter offers protection against UV rays while black soap made with plantains contains a high concentration of iron along with vitamins A and E (2).

We have also noticed hair growth effect on persons that have used our Hair Growth Shampoo.

There are other hair growth tips that are in our other article on Simple Hair Growth Tricks That Work. You should read it.

The unique thing about these hair growth items is that you can easily find them.

Try them out and let us know how they effective they are.

Kindly share this helpful article to ensure other ladies know how to care for, and grow hair edges.


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