Egusi Soup and cholesterol

Egusi Soup And Cholesterol | How To Lower Cholesterol With Egusi

Egusi soup and cholesterol is one of the topics that are increasingly gaining significance. But someone who knows some vital things about egusi will ask: But egusi is low in cholesterol level?

This makes you wonder why people talk about egusi soup and cholesterol.

Indeed, Egusi soup is one of the most consumed in most parts of Nigeria. In most cases, this love for this soup is because of the delicious taste and again, the fact that nearly everyone can cook it, at least, well enough for consumption.

Atherosclerosis And Cholesterol Build

But how healthy the egusi soup turns out after preparation is another concern.

In fact this is another issue we had treated in our earlier article; – Egusi Soup: Health Benefits And Side Effects To Avoid

There are different nutrients in egusi that make it an amazing food for people having different health issues.

It is most beneficial to someone who is having atherosclerosis – a condition where there is a buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on the artery walls (1).

This buildup is called plaque and it can cause arteries to narrow and clog the flow of blood.

This is a delicate condition that an individual having it may not even know exists.

As the arteries close up, some major heart components begin to atrophy. It leads to stroke and other heart-related diseases.

Sadly, atherosclerosis can kill and the most intriguing part is that a slim person could have it.

As stated above, one of the causes is cholesterol build up.

One fear we have identified with eating egusi soup is that not preparing your egusi soup well could raise your cholesterol level.

Yes! Egusi is cholesterol free. But you could damage that amazing quality if you do not give attention to how you prepare it.

How Egusi Can Lower Cholesterol Level

Indeed, an animal study says egusi is amazing in lowering cholesterol level (2).

Researchers say egusi melon oil contains nutritionally good amount of linoleic acid and other essential fatty acids. These have protective effect against coronary heart disease.

According to another study, while linoleic acid lowers bad cholesterol, it also raises the good cholesterol (3).

“It was observed that egusi melon oil has the ability to improve serum and liver lipid profiles and offer protection against resultant lipid peroxides from consumption of high fat diet, thereby conferring an improved antioxidant status” (4)

As a result of this compound in egusi, the study concluded that egusi could be beneficial in reducing the incident rate of atherosclerosis.

Also, Egusi contains nutritionally good amount of other essential fatty acids – polyunsaturated fats which are omega-3 and omega-6 fats.

This fat also helps lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol (5).

Lowering this bad cholesterol will reduce your risk of heart disease.

Best Way To Prepare Egusi To Get This Benefit

You see, for you to get the nutrients that egusi offers, the preparation of your egusi soup is important.

One of the very things you must  ensure is that you do not fry your egusi.

Heat is a major degrader of linoleic acid and other fats in egusi. Once there is so much heat, oxidation happens and that makes the natural oil in egusi no longer very healthy.

People of old have a way they prepare egusi that is so healthy.

They fry the seed in a dry clay pot on low heat and then grind it with a mortar and pestle, before preparing it in the mortar with dry fish and other protein.

No drop of oil goes into that preparation.

It is one of the healthiest ways to eat egusi and swallow known to man.

Unfortunately, we love colour in this age.

So, one of the mistakes people make with their egusi soup is preparing it with much palm oil.

They don’t feel their egusi is dope, except it has that oil on it.

Well, they are eating themselves to a future that may be full of issues they must work hard to walk out of.

To prepare your egusi in a healthy way and relish the appearance of the soup, follow our recommendation.

Low Palm Oil In Egusi Soup

Reduce the amount of palm oil you prepare your egusi soup with. Indeed, one or two tablespoons of oil will do for a pot of Egusi soup for a family of four.

Palm oil is high in saturated fat which often turns to cholesterol in your body.

This makes your consumption of egusi soup and cholesterol build-up more possible.

Add Turmeric

To achieve the colour, add a little amount of turmeric powder to the soup while you prepare it.

The appearance of your egusi soup will be majestic like the one in this video.

Make Egusi Healthy! Cook It Like This To Lower Side Effect

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