Ewe Akoko and Fertility

Ewe Akoko For Fertility, Does Newbouldia Laevis Boost Fertility?

Everyday, more and more women  consider trying some herbs that can boost fertility to help them conceive. Some have heard that people use Ewe Akoko for fertility.

If you have also heard that Ewe Akoko is amazing for fertility, we advise that you don’t just jump on it and use it.

You see, there are things you should understand about how the human body responds to herbs, especially those for fertility.

Ewe Akoko is popularly known as the tree of life or fertility tree in Nigeria, but you really do not know why.

Also, this amazing herb has different local names in Nigeria. Yoruba people call it Ewe Akoko, Hausa, Aduruku and Igbo, Ogirisi (1).

Compounds In Ewe Akoko

It is a plant that is rich in antioxidants and other compounds.

A study says 10 compounds were isolated from the root bark of Newbouldia laevis using methanol.

Compounds in the plant are:

  • Chrysoeriol
  • Newbouldiaquinone
  • 2-acetylfuro-1,4-naphthoquinone
  • 2-hydroxy-3-methoxy-9,10-dioxo-9,10-dihydroanthracene-1-carbaldehyde
  • Lapachol
  • beta-sitosterol-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside
  • Oleanolic acid
  • Canthic acid
  • Newbouldiamide and
  • 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-ethyltrioctanoate

Once you isolate the compounds in a plant, it becomes easier to identify how helpful the plant can be. Here, we will look at some of the compounds and identify how they help.

For persons who want to use Ewe Akoko for fertility, these are some things you should know about the compounds in this herb.

Chrysoeriol In Pregnancy

The plant is a rich source of Chrysoeriol. A study says Chrysoeriol (CHE) is a flavonoid substance that exists in many plants.

It has various physiological and pharmacological effects, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-tumor, and protective activity, especially for the cardiovascular system and liver (2).

That said, there is something about this compound and fertility. We will explain them as simply as it can be.

The above study  says results show that CHE can improve the development of pig embryos by reducing oxidative stress and autophagy. Oxidative stress can cause hormonal imbalance and reduce the chances of conception.

What this means is that it is safer to take this Ewe Akoko for fertility at a specific time.

As a result, it should be avoided at other times which we will explain later.

This appears to be the highest compound in this plant.

Naphthoquinone In Pregnancy

This is one of the compounds in Ewa Akoko that could be okay during pregnancy, especially for the treatment of malaria.

Basically a study says this is safe in pregnancy (3).

Lapachol And Pregnancy

For a woman who wants to use Ewe Akoko for pregnancy, there is an important thing a study says that you should bear in mind.

A 2002 study says Lapachol is a naphthoquinone well known for its therapeutic potential.

“Previous studies have shown that lapachol does not interfere with embryonic development during the pre-implantation period (4).

“However, when administered within six to eight weeks during pregnancy at the same dose level, it induces a high fetal death incidence.

Simply put, this compound in the plant could make you have a miscarriage.

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In fact, a study says  the leaves of N. laevis increase the frequency of spontaneously contracting tissues and directly stimulate uterine contractions which may account for the use of the leaf extract traditionally (5).

Women who are finding it hard to give birth, could take this and it will help hasting contraction.

In that case, if a woman takes it when pregnancy is forming, it could force a miscarriage.

How To Use Ewe Akoko For Fertility

Now that we have looked at some compounds that give concern about using this herb for fertility, we will consider how to use it.

To get the best result from this herb, it is recommended that you use it after your period. It will help cleanse your system and give you an amazing ovulation that will aid implantation.

One of the studies say it is amazing for implantation and that means you have to take it days before your ovulation.

That way, its effect will kick-in before your ovulation.

Once your ovulation occurs, it is advisable that you avoid using Ewe Akoko because of the delicate compounds in it.

To use Ewe Akoko, you can take few leaves, between 5 and 8, and boil them in clean water for few minutes.

Once you notice it has infused, put off the fire and allow to cool before you drink it.

Ewe Akoko For Male Fertility

While a woman could use this leaf to boost fertility at the appropriate time, a man needs to avoid it.

According to a research. Newbouldia laevis (NL) extract could act as an adjunct that can inhibit or promote hormonal imbalances in males at certain dosages (5).

The study shows that at high doses NL could impact negatively on the semen parameters specifically the motility and count of sperm cells irrespective of the duration of treatment.

However, the extract did not affect the germinal epithelial cell population.

Finally, using herbs for fertility requires that you understand the compounds in the plant.

However, we recommend that if you have issues with conceiving, you should go for every necessary test. This will help  you know if there are underlying issues that you should resolve.


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