Fasting in ramadan and how to break your fast for good health. Intermittent Fasting

Fasting: 4 Ways To Break Your Fast And Improve Health

Fasting and prayer period is a moment of prayer and re-commitment to the things of God.

Every now and then, people of different faith engage in a fast and they all have different reasons for doing so.

At the beginning of a new year, people fast to set the course of the year, while some others prefer to fast at the end of the year.

Interestingly, there is always one thing that is certain. Fasting affords everyone who engages in it an opportunity to pray for themselves, their loved ones and their country.

Also, a period of fasting is a time that your system (inner organs) becomes tender and fragile. For this reason, it must not be burdened with some kind of food, as you break your fast each day.

Staying healthy after a fasting period helps increase faith. Also, one thing you should keep in focus is maintaining your health during the whole period of fasting.

For if you come down with illness after a fast, ‘watin’ you gain (what did you gain)?

Setting a period aside to fast yearly is something all religions support and it is for two major reasons.

Help The Spirit

Fasting helps the spirit of everyone engaging in it stay strong and reap the things of the spirit.

Also, it helps the body refresh and remove every deposited undigested food (toxin) in the system.

It is, therefore, right to say that fasting has spiritual and health benefits.

However, one is constant any time anyone fasts and that is the health benefit which involves the detoxification and refreshing of the body system, especially when the right food, fruits and vegetables are taken after or during the fast.


That of the spiritual requires that there must be a devotion to praying and studying the scriptures. Except this is done, there will be no much spiritual benefit recorded after the fast.

Healthy Recommended Ways To Break Your Fast

Fasting is great, but there is a healthy recommended way of breaking a fast that helps the body stay healthy and then there is another way that could trigger some health issues. You do not want that.

During a fast, the body draws from deposit of foods in the body that had not been properly digested and this is why it is possible for an individual to fast for 40 days without having health issues.

But, as the body draws from the deposits, it makes the stomach lining and intestines free and this is why breaking your fast each day requires that you do not burden the system with food that is heavy and usually not easy to digest.

As you go into days of the fast you are observing, your system becomes more and more tender and that leaves it very fragile to handle some kind of foods.

Here are the things you should consider while breaking your fast to help you stay strong all through the period and they are recommendations of experts.

1. Reduce Intake Of Fatty Foods

The World Health organisation (WHO) has recommended that you reduce the intake of fatty, deep-fried, processed, spicy or salty food.

According to the world health body, eating these would increase thirst during the fasting period.

2. Improve Hydration

Having enough water in your system is one thing to do at a time of fasting. Drink plenty of water and eat hydrating foods, WHO says.

After a fast you can eat  cucumber, watermelon to also increase the amount of water in your body.

We know it will be hard to suddenly cultivate the habit of drinking water often which you do not do before. Adding fruits to your diet now is a great option.

3. Eat Fruits And Avoid Fruit Juices

When you fast, it is great to make fruits that is not so acidic your friend.

Pear, apple, plum, grape, soursop and some other great fruits that will boost your immune system to help your body heal of any disease are highly recommended at this time.

According to WHO, Dates are great fruits to have at the end of a fast to help keep headache that could come as a result of dehydration away.

4. Eat Vegetables

This is a great time to eat vegetables like Broccoli which is – rich in vitamins K and C. It is also a good source of folate (folic acid) and also provides potassium, fiber. Vitamin C – builds collagen, which forms body tissue and bone, and helps cuts and wounds heal

Purple cabbage – It contains vitamin C and vitamin K. Has high concentration of anthocyanin polyphenols (strong dietary antioxidants, possessing anti-inflammatory properties).

Purple Cabbage
Purple Cabbage

Beetroot – Helps brain health and may have some anti-cancer properties. May also help you lose weight.


Radish – This provides your body with vitamin C and is an antioxidant that helps battle free radicals in the body. It  also helps prevent cell damage caused by aging, an unhealthy lifestyle, and environmental toxins.

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Butternut squash – A good source of vitamin E, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B-6,folate, pantothenic acid, and manganese. It also provides more potassium to your body than banana.

These are great veggies that you should get when you fast to help your body stay strong and refreshed.

Other specific recommendation by WHO for a healthy diet include: eating more fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts and grains; cutting down on salt, sugar and fats.

It is also advisable to choose unsaturated fats, instead of saturated fats and towards the elimination of trans-fatty acids.

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