Banana boosts fertility

Fertility Boosting Fruit: 4 Ways Banana Boosts Fertility

What do you know about banana? Do you know Banana boosts fertility and that it can help a couple trying to conceive shorten the time of wait?

We will show you why you should eat banana weekly, especially during ovulation.

Bananas are a nutritious fruit that can provide various health benefits.

Interestingly, there are few scientific evidences to support their direct impact on fertility.

Studies identified different compounds in banana that boosts fertility.

1.     Banana Is Rich In Vitamins And Minerals

Banana contains several bioactive compounds, such as phenolics, carotenoids, biogenic amines and phytosterols.

These compounds exert many positive effects on human health and well-being.

You see, banana is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and fiber, which are essential nutrients for general health and wellness (1).

For instance, potassium helps in the regulation of hormone release, the functioning of the hypothalamus–pituitary–ovarian axis and the production of progesterone.

This means that where there is potassium deficiency, progesterone may not be adequately available to make pregnancy happen.

Progesterone helps prepare the uterus for pregnancy (2).

In fact, after ovulation occurs, the ovaries start to produce progesterone needed by the uterus.

It causes the uterine lining or endometrium to thicken and hold pregnancy.

2.     Banana Helps Regulate Hormones

When it comes to getting pregnant, your hormones play amazing roles.

Banana is rich in vitamin B6 which helps in regulation of hormones.

Vitamin B6, otherwise known as Pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for over 100 enzyme reactions in your body.

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Also, this vitamin helps regulate dopamine and serotonin which are are signaling compounds in the body that help you feel good.

These neurotransmitters help support balanced moods, a positive mental outlook and a healthy response to occasional stress (3).

This vitamin B6 also helps regulate hormones that are directly related to reproduction.

Sadly, stress is one of the very things that trigger hormonal imbalance.

Also, banana contains biogenic amines which also are amazing for regulating reproductive health (4).

3.     Rich In Antioxidants

Oxidative stress could also make conception difficult.

But antioxidants are able to arrest free radicals that cause oxidative stress and escort them out of your system.

That way you are healthy and your chance of conception increases.

In fact, oxidative stress is implicated in the pathophysiology of many reproductive complications including infertility, miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction and preterm labour (5).

When you add banana to your diet, especially when your ovulation is near, it will reduce inflammation or oxidative stress that could lower your chances of conceiving.

4.     Boosts Production Of Healthy Sperm

Sadly, when there is delay in conception, women are often the first persons people look at with suspicion.

But that is not always the case. Some men have very weak sperm that could not get to the egg to fertilise it.

For some, before the sperm gets there, it is dead on arrival.

But banana boosts fertility for men and that is because of some nutrients.

Take a good look at a banana and see how it resembles the penis. Remember we have always said that God is not an author of confusion.

So, He made it easy for man to identify functions of most fruits by the shape of the fruits.

Banana is a rich source of vitamins such as A, B1, and C.

These vitamins help a man’s body manufacture healthier and stronger sperm cells.

In fact, the sperm count of a man hugely depends on these vitamins.

Again, for a man, banana boosts fertility because it contains a rare enzyme known as Bromelain.

This enzyme has been shown to increase testosterone levels in men (6).

While banana boosts fertility, it is important to note that diet alone is not a guaranteed way to improve fertility.

Other things like regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle are all important factors in promoting reproductive health.

You can connect with us on Instagram for more insight and access our fertility coaching programme

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