Fertility Issue: Mistakes Nigerian Ladies Make

Fertility Issue: 7 Mistakes Nigerian Ladies Make

Fertility issue in women is a very crucial one. Recently, the height of its importance dawned on many ladies in Nigeria.

It was like a dream of the night when some churches began to ask for fertility test before wedding.

This is just to make light the prayers of couples and pastors alike, asking God for babies.

Unfortunately, the idea of fertility test came as a result of the increasing fertility issue in women.

In an earlier article, we had pointed out the possible causes of infertility. If you are yet to read that article, it will be good that you also read it after this article.

Here Are The 7 Major Causes Of Infertility

Impaired fertility among couples is not a joke. It could cause a big trouble. This is why it is important for a lady to understand her role in the whole matter.

It is not like women are often the cause of the situation, but they have a huge role to play. After all, once the ‘sun sets’ (menopause), it takes the grace of God for a lady to conceive and give birth.

If a lady gives attention to the mistakes we identified here which ladies make that impair their fertility, she would have saved time and made hay while it is still day.

1.      Starting Late

“Early, before dark, is the right time to bring a black goat into the hut.” This is popular adage in the eastern part of Nigeria.

It highlights the need for a lady to do her best to attain independence as early as possible and then begin to look at settling down.

If a lady gives time to empowering herself, learning the necessary things that could put money in her account to take care of her needs, that lady has succeeded in buying time.

In the course of going through this period of her life, if she devotes time to learning and acquiring an impeccable attitude, she would have made her self ready for marriage.

Sadly, between the ages of 20 and 25 some ladies give time to frivolities, while time ticks and fleets like no man’s business.

Consider the fact that a girl walks into her puberty at age 11 or 12 and from that time her eggs begin to deplete.

The rate at which the loss of eggs happen will shock you.

Read Ovulation: How To Know When Egg Is Released For Fertilisation

We understand that you need to go to school, graduate, get a job and all that.

But nothing is more rewarding than having a skill you can exchange as value for money.

If at 30 a lady begins to see the need to settle down, a lot of time has been lost.

Starting early to position yourself for a husband reduces the tendencies of fertility issue.

In 2010, researchers, after a study, concluded that “age is a very important factor with regard to fertility, and even with all the advancements in assisted reproduction, it still remains an insurmountable barrier”. (1)

If anyone ever tells you that age does not affect fertility, please, ask them why menopause comes at a certain age.

As you age, the sun sets.

2.      Marrying Late

This mistake that leads to fertility issue has a relationship with the first one.

We understand that there is so much burden in the heart of a Nigerian lady. It is often about herself, her family, her needs, youthful exuberant and others.

The government is not helping matters too so she has to work hard to keep up.

Also, we know there is the need for a lady to at least save up and support her soulmate.

But some ladies unintentionally raise the bar too high for most men to jump over and say; “I want to marry you”.

Create an opportunity for men who have bright future to come and request for your hand in marriage.

Do not create an aura that is repulsive rather than welcoming.

Marrying early helps a lady when it comes to conception.

Even if there is an issue, with proper guidance and treatment, it could be corrected fast and result will come.

3.      Waiting For God’s Time

Unfortunately, most persons who believe in God are religious and lack an understanding of the true person God is.

This is the most deceptive statement we have heard when it comes to fertility issue.

A lady is waiting on God’s time to conceive? Nothing could be farther from the truth than that.

After God made man (Genesis 1:28), He blessed them and said: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth.”

This is the first conversation God ever had with man and the first thing was about fruitfulness.

How come you wait for his time to come again in your life as a lady to give birth.

Unfortunately, it is a mental block, but it shall be broken.

At birth a girl child comes with all the eggs she needs to give birth and at puberty she loses some amount of it already.

This tells you there is limited time for a lady and it is not dependent on God for conception to happen.

The blessing has been pronounced and it was not reversed at the fall of man. God only told the lady that her pain will greatly increase and not that she would look for a baby. he never said she would wait for His time to get a child.

4.      Adding Unnecessary Weight

This is another one that many disagree with, but in our earlier article, we had put forward researches that showed how weight impacts fertility.

We will not “soro-si’oke” in this one. Just go and read the previous article on the “Truth About Weight And Infertility“.

5.      Not Talking To The Right People

Sadly, when some ladies face fertility issues, they keep it to heart like Mary kept the things she was told about Jesus to heart.

Funny enough, as it stays in their heart, time fleets. A lady has just a maximum of 24 hours from the time the egg drops for fertilisation to happen. If no sperm comes, a month is already lost.

Unfortunately, out of those hours, 12 are not peak period.

Talking to the right persons early enough will save time and help ensure that the right things are done.

If You Have Fertility Issue, Try Goron Tula

How to buy goron tula from outside Nigeria. Can a man use Goron Tula
Goron Tula Fruits Boosts Ladies Fertility 

Talk to a fertility expert and not just a doctor. People who are experts in fertility do a lot of research on the issue more than doctors who are not specialists in that area.

That is why they may be at a better position to tell you what to do to conceive.

A doctor may not tell a lady who is higher than an ideal weight to lose weight if no fertility issue is seen after test.

But a fertility expert knows that having a weight that is higher than what is ideal contributes to infertility.

6.      Not Asking The Right Questions

Indeed, people who ask questions will never fail to get a right direction to where they are going.

Asking the right questions and applying the recommendations as fast as possible will help a lady find solutions to fertility problems.

Questions around hormones, nutrient level, weight, BMI, fertility boosting food and more should be in the lips of any lady desiring to conceive.

Adding the right nutrient to your diet will aid conception. Some ladies have lost their pregnancies because of lack of iron or calcium.

Most ladies who fail to ask the right question about how to prepare their body to house a baby waste money trying IVF.

Some do not know that if the nutrient supply to an implanted baby is not enough, the IVF will fail.

If you don’t ask questions, how will you know that lifestyle factors, if not modified, could make the IVF fail.

7.      Not Being Open

Lastly, how open a lady is to unlearning old habits and traditions and learning new ones affects her chances of conception.

If you are required to drop consumption of processed foods, including sweetened drinks, and you carry on with them, they reduce the chances of your result coming.

Just as you cannot live in a dirty house, a baby cannot stay in a dirty womb.

Been open in terms of telling the truth about your lifestyle and then applying the things you learn. Both climax in a favourable result.

Break lose from the mind blocks and embrace the required adjustments and you will find result.

Guide your daughter if you are a mother already.

Kindly share with your friends and loved ones so they know what mistakes to avoid. 


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