foods that boost erection

Foods That Work On Your Penis And Help Hold Erection

Are you wondering why your erection keeps dropping each time you want to have intercourse? If you are thinking of what to do to help hold erection and be optimal in performance during intercourse, this will help you.

Really, it makes no sense for a man to perform below expectation when a woman is expecting the best from him.

Some find a way to talk the woman out of the desire for continuation once they ejaculate.

Basically, as a man, what you eat provides you solutions when it comes to boosting your sexual health and holding erection.

What Foods Should I Eat For Great Erection?

Funny enough, these foods are things that you see every day, but you give less attention to them.

From fruits to vegetables, a lot of them are even very affordable.

Just make sure that you begin to look in their direction after reading this article.

The result is that you will notice a huge difference between your performance before and after you add them to your diet. Also, ensure that you lower the amount of stress you face per day.

Let’s take a good look at these foods that you should begin to consume.

1.     Avocados

Avocado seed for hypertension treatment
Avocado is rich in vitamin E. 

Have you really looked at these fruits? They look like “testicles”. The truth is that they were named after your testicles.

When you see them on the tree, they just dangle in pairs, but in those dangling testicle-like fruits are nutrients that are essential for your sexual organs.

According to a study, avocados are rich in vitamin E. This is a vitamin that improves sperm quality in men with infertility (1).

If you consume 150 grams of avocados, they will provide you nearly 1/4 of your daily value.

Also, avocados are rich in zinc which helps boost your sperm quality, testosterone production, and fertility (2).

2.      Tomatoes

tomato stew alternative
Tomatoes Are Rich In Lycopene Which Is Great For Prostate Health

This is one fruit that you have to add to your diet as often as possible if you want to boost erection.

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that are beneficial in maintaining erection  and boosting your prostate health.

Lycopene, an antioxidant, is abundant in tomatoes and it has been linked to healthier sperm production.

Apart from giving you super erection, tomatoes increase sperm motility (the movement and swimming of sperm) (2).

Also, tomato is rich in vitamin C which is another antioxidant.

For a man, this vitamin may help in increasing sperm concentrations.

3.      Carrots

This vegetable is rich in a beneficial antioxidant – carotenoids. This gives carrot its orange colour.

A study says this antioxidant improves sperm count and motility (3). 

4.      Cucumber

foods that boost erection
Cucumber And Peanuts

This is one other vegetable that tells you its function by its look.

It actually looks like an erect penis, but beyond that, it contains a compound – citrulline.

According to a study, L-citrulline is good for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (4). When broken down it helps control the movement of blood to your penis to power your erection.

5.     Spinach

This is one vegetable you can blend and drink once in a while to help your maintain erection.

The reason is that spinach contains folate which is beneficial in boosting blood flow to the penis.

Also, the vegetable is rich in magnesium which aids blood flow and boosts testosterone level (5).

Once your sexual hormones are okay, your erection will be superb.

6.    Try Eat More Pepper

chili pepper is a good source of vitamin c
Chili Pepper

Do you like it hot or mild?

If you want to up activities in ‘the other room’, you may just need to eat spicy foods once in a while.

According to a study spicy foods could increase testosterone level in men (6).

Most of the chili pepper contains capsaicin which is beneficial in stimulating your brain.

Another animal study found that capsaicin enhances alertness and mood by stimulating the brain’s reward system. It works like an aphrodisiac (7).

7.      Eat Oats

rolled oats fiesta for weight loss
Oat Fiesta Is An Alternative Way Of Eating Oats.

This is not a time to run away from oats. You should love them instead.

Indeed, oats hold nutrients your penis is begging for to maintain erection.

People Also Read: These Simple Things Make You Have Weak Erection

Oats could serve as an aphrodisiac, making it possible for your penis to get more blood flow during sexual intercourse.

It contains an amino acid L-arginine. This helps in treatment of erectile dysfunction (8).

Furthermore, this compound helps blood vessels in the penis relax for increase in blood flow to happen.

 8.     Drink Some Coffee

If you are not allergic to coffee, it is time to drink few cups.

Interestingly, a study of some men in the United States says men who drank 2 to 3 cups of coffee each day have lower chances of having erectile dysfunction (9).

The truth is that there are many foods – vegetables, herbs, fruits, spices – out there that can help you maintain erection.

But the thing is that how well loaded your diet is with these nutrients that boost blood flow around your body and improve sexual health determines your sexual performance in the long run.

If you want to take some foods at certain times just to boost your erection, what happens when you stop eating them?

There will be a relapse and this is why it is better to eat meals loaded with nutrients.


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