How to determine sex of a child and give birth to a boy

Give Birth To Boy: Ogbono, Periwinkle, Ugwu Claims And Facts

You see, the idea of using specific foods or dietary choices to help you give birth to a boy is a common belief in many cultures.

People believe in it and somehow, some have seen results which they can pin to the food consumed before and during pregnancy.

For science, this does not hold any water because there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

But we have heard that a combination of Ogbono (Irvingia gabonensis), periwinkle and Ugwu (Telfairia occidentalis) could increase chances of giving birth to a boy.

According to science, the gender of a baby is determined by the combination of chromosomes from the mother and father, specifically whether an X or Y chromosome from the father’s sperm fertilises the mother’s X chromosome egg.

Dietary choices or food consumption cannot alter this genetic process, but they can boost the quality of the sperm and follicles of a woman (1).

For instance, a study on the role nutrition plays in boosting follicle, says Vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A are among some of the most potent antioxidants. These antioxidants boost fertility in different ways.

“Vitamin C, which is present in high concentrations in the cytosol of the oocyte, is essential, as it participates in collagen synthesis, which is significant for the growth of the Graaf follicle, ovulation, and the luteal phase,” the research paper reads. 

That said, let’s look at the claims associated with specific foods and their impact on the gender of a baby:

1.  Ogbono

Ogbono, Irvingia gabonensis,  also known as African bush mango or wild mango, is a popular ingredient in West African cuisine. It is often prepared as a soup for consumption of ‘swallow’ meals.

You May Find Ogbono: Things To Consider Before You Eat It helpful.

Some people believe that consuming ogbono soup or dishes made with ogbono can influence the gender of a baby.

While there is no scientific basis for this claim, it is okay to note that Ogbono is a nutritious food that offers different nutrients that boost fertility.

For instance, it is a good source of vitamin C, A and E which boosts fertility, according to an earlier cited study.

Also, Ogbono contains appreciable amount of calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and iron (3).

Magnesium helps balance fertility hormones progesterone and estrogen.

Furthermore, it controls follicle-stimulating hormone, or FSH, because estrogen-dependent on magnesium status, and FSH is the hormone that stimulates the ovaries (4).

That said, consuming ogbono can help boost a woman’s follicles to improve her chances of conception.

2.  Periwinkle

On the other hand, periwinkle is a type of shellfish often used in traditional dishes in some regions.

You will find it in a popular soup, Afang, from southern Nigeria.

Although there is no scientific evidence to suggest that consuming periwinkle can influence the gender of a baby, this shellfish contains amazing nutrients that support reproductive health.

You see, while periwinkle may not help you give birth to a baby boy, science has helped to identify the compounds in it.

This shellfish contains high amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

According to studies omega-3 fatty acids are important in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, including both male and female infertility (5).

They are important in ovulation, male sperm count/motility/mobility and DNA, conception, and embryo development.

You see, one of the things that make having a baby boy difficult is the quality of the sperm.

When a man produces more of the X chromosome the chances of having a female baby increases.

However, periwinkle contains selenium that can also help boost sperm quality.

In fact a study highlights that “a deficiency of this element may also cause infertility in men by causing a deterioration in the quality of semen and in sperm motility” (6). Simply put, deficiency affects the production of sperm.

Improving sperm motility is something that everyman who wants a baby boy should consider.

As a result, adding periwinkle to diet would offer the required amount of selenium that will boost sperm quality.

Also, sperm production requires cool atmosphere, zinc, vitamin E, Lycopene, Co-enzyme Q, vitamin A along with other micro-nutrients & anti-oxidants.

These antioxidants come from ogbono, making the combination an amazing one for fertility boosting.

3.  Ugwu (Ugu) (Telfairia occidentalis)

Ugwu, also known as fluted pumpkin leaf, is a leafy green vegetable commonly used in Nigerian cuisine. Ogbono soup is one of such soups that you can add ugwu in.

Like the other foods mentioned, there is no scientific support for the idea that consuming ugwu can help you give birth to a baby boy.

However, the nutrients in ugwu leaf could help improve fertility and pregnancy outcome.

Now, this one is a little tricky, as it again highlights that too much of everything is bad.

Basically, a study says ugwu leaf could boost testosterone level in men, but at a moderate dose level.

When consumed in high amount, it could result in toxicity that affects sperm quality (7).

Bottom Line

While there are no scientific evidences to support claims that a combination of Ogbono, periwinkle and ugwu could influence the gender of a baby, it is important to be mindful of what you eat when you are trying to make babies.

Your food is your first reliable means of boosting your fertility health and whatever natural food items you consume in moderation that can boost fertility will do you much good.

With dietary and lifestyle adjustments we have seen women who have been trying to conceive for years achieve results in a very short period of time.

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