health benefits of Pomegranate Fruit

8 Health Benefits Of Pomegranate You Should Know

The very first day I saw pomegranate, the beauty of the fruit drew my attention. The attention it draws can easily show that the health benefits of pomegranate must be much.

Truly, after few searches and further studies, we found unique things about this amazing fruit.

Out of all the health benefits of pomegranate, we picked 8 that would be of interest to everyone.

In fact, you can stay healthy for long if you add it to your diet as often as possible.

Diseases are everywhere. truly, some build up inside of you because of the increase in the amount of antibodies that come in. You are often in contact with toxins and that is a critical thing.


Indeed, pomegranate is one great gift from God. It has compounds that could heal.

Also, there are enormous amount of scholarly articles that back its ability to lower risk of different health conditions.

For record purposes, the botanical name of pomegranate is Punica granatum L.

It is a long-lived and drought-tolerant plant.

Arid and semiarid zones are popular for growing pomegranate trees.

These trees are also in Iran, India, and the Mediterranean countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Spain and Morocco.

However, pomegranate is categorised as part of the family of berries. But it belongs to its own botanical family, Punicaceae.

The only genus is Punica, with one predominant species called P. granatum.

Also, the inner part of the fruit is different and it stands out.

Pomegranate is in Africa, but it is rare to find in Nigeria. You can only find it in superstores.

However, because pomegranate is scarce, people explore different ways to make it available.

For instance, in Nigeria, people can find it in powder form.

Pomegranate powder in a plate
Pomegranate Seed Powder

This powder is dried and ground pomegranate seeds. It is freeze-dried and raw. This condition preserves the nutrients and enzymes.

Also, apart from the seed, you can get the pulp that is in power form.

pomegranate powder in nigeria

Health Benefits Of Pomegranate

Here are the 8 health benefits of pomegranate, a fruit rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins. It is also rich in punicic acid, ellagitannins, alkaloids, fructose and sucrose.

The plant is also rich in glucose, simple organic acids, and other components.

It has antiatherogenic, antihypertensive, and anti-inflammatory properties.

1     High Blood Pressure/Cardiovascular Disease

Furthermore, another amazing compound found in pomegranate juice is polyphenols. This compound is a form of antioxidant.

Moreover, few human studies show its antiatherogenic, antihypertensive, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Pomegranate juice prevents the activity of serum angiotensin-converting enzyme. and reduces systolic blood pressure.

A 2014 study says pomegranate juice administration (100 milligram per kilogram) for 4 weeks could reduce the mean arterial blood pressure.

2.     Pomegranate Can Lower High Cholesterol

The Punicic acid, which is the main constituent of pomegranate seed oil, has antiatherogenic effects.

“In a study on 51 hyperlipidemic patients, pomegranate seed oil administered twice a day (800 milligrams per day) for 4 weeks yielded remarkable results.

Pomegranate power
Pomegranate Power 100g available for 850 Naira

“There was a significant decrease in triglycerides. Also, the research recorded a reduction in the levels of bad cholesterol.

3.     Oxidative Stress

According to the study, pomegranate juice can reduce macrophage oxidative stress. The antioxidants help arrest antibodies and ensure they do not cause any harm.

4.     Pomegranate Is Helpful Against Hyperglycemia [Diabetes]

This is one of the unique health benefits of pomegranate.

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Pomegranate flower extract also showed some interesting effects on blood sugar level.

After an animal study, researchers concluded that pomegranate improves hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, and fatty heart in diabetic fatty Zucker rats.

5.     Inflammatory Activities

Chronic inflammation is one of the causes of cancer.

It is something that could continue to increase without notice.

As a result, adding pomegranate to your diet could be a way to lower inflammation.

A study says the antioxidant potential of pomegranate juice is more than that of red wine and green tea.

This makes it a great food that can help arrest antibodies and ensure they do not damage your cells.

6.     Pomegranate Lowers Risk Of Prostate Cancer

After lung cancer, the second leading cause of male cancer deaths worldwide is prostate cancer.

But adding pomegranate to your diet will reduce your concerns.

Interestingly, one of the health benefits of pomegranate is that it is potent against cancer.

Another 2010 study says pomegranate extract could suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells.

7.     Pomegranate Boosts Fertility

According to another study, one of the main constituents of the methanolic pomegranate seed extract is beta-sitosterol.

Meanwhile, it is suggested that the extract is a potent phasic activity stimulator in rat uterus.

Also, there are indications that inflammation could affect fertility when it is chronic and continues untreated.

This situation could lead to insulin resistance.

Furthermore, studies say this could trigger many other conditions that may affect fertility – endometriosis, PCOS, implantation failure and recurrent miscarriage.

Adding pomegranate to your diet could lower risk of these conditions.

8.     Treatment Of Other Types Of Cancer

Furthermore, studies have found that certain components of pomegranate such as polyphenols could lower risk of cancer.

This antioxidant also has anti-inflammatory, and anticarcinogenic effects.

As a result, pomegranate fruit extract could prevent cancer cell growth.

In addition, it promotes inhibition of some inflammatory markers and also blocks their production.

Many studies have been carried out on the different components derived from pomegranate.

Interestingly, no adverse effects have been reported in the examined dosage.

It is a good fruit to add to your diet.


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