Have you ever wondered why older generation of people who relied more on herbal remedies for treatments lived longer? Plants have always been the basic food offered to man. As we begin 2025, we can …
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Have you ever wondered why older generation of people who relied more on herbal remedies for treatments lived longer? Plants have always been the basic food offered to man. As we begin 2025, we can …
Continue readingNature holds quite a lot when it comes to making human live healthy and cleansing their body system. A truthful as this is, many who have vaginal infection wonder if garlic could be used for …
Continue readingChamomile tea has been used for centuries for its calming effects, but recent studies have begun exploring its potential role in cancer prevention and treatment. While chamomile tea is not a cure for cancer, its …
Continue readingOne of the major reasons some couples have challenges with pregnancy is the lack of ovulation, a condition that may not be noticed. For such a couple, cloves could be a great addition to their …
Continue readingDo you know that pawpaw leaf and lemongrass could come handy when you feel feverish and need to boost your immune system. Indeed, they are a great combination, especially if you use the male pawpaw …
Continue readingIs aloe vera good for a pregnant woman or nursing mother? Several times, we have received this question and this is because of the increasing knowledge on the use of aloe vera. Indeed, aloe vera …
Continue readingYou must have seen videos of banana stem, with people talking about the health benefits you get from the juice. Well, before you begin to trash those suggestions, there is need for you to know …
Continue readingAloe vera, known for its myriad health benefits, extends its goodness in the form of a gel drink that can be easily prepared at home. Discover the exceptional advantages of consuming aloe vera gel drink …
Continue readingManaging diabetes involves making mindful food choices. Adding Okra to your diet could offer you the nutrients that would lower your blood sugar and give you an amazing health. Well, you don’t have to wait …
Continue readingEpa kun, Curculigo pilosa, is not a very popular herb, but quite a number of researches have been done on it. In fact, the herb has been making waves in the world of natural remedies. …
Continue readingHave you been battling ulcer hoping it will go away some day? Celery may just be one thing you need. Celery, also known as Apium graveolens L., is an aromatic biennial herb. It is entirely …
Continue readingTyphoid is one of the very common health issues doctors in Nigeria treat. Sometimes, people prefer to use natural remedies that have no side effects. Sometimes, before diagnosis, with some symptoms evident, people suggest to …
Continue readingStomach fat appears to be one of the most difficult things for men to lose. One reason for this is that most men have a mind block that drags them to the gallows, with a …
Continue readingSometimes, it appears like the major burden of the disobedience pronounced on the woman (Eve) after the fall of man is ‘impurity’ and the desire to be pure. Here is what we mean. Women often …
Continue readingYou may have heard that you can use ginger for ulcer treatment, well there is so much you should know about that claim. Really, ginger has long been recognised for its potential health benefits, including …
Continue readingThis article will help you know the amazing benefit and side effect of using Aloe vera in boosting fertility in male. Indeed, an amazing part of a couple’s plan to get a baby is in …
Continue readingYou must have read that Abamoda is an amazing plant that can serve as remedy for different health issues. But you may not know how to use Abamoda. Indeed, you can use Abamoda for treatment …
Continue readingAbamoda, Bryophyllum pinnatum (Crassulaceae), is a popular plant in Nigeria and it’s amazing health benefits in this article is the reason people keep it around. Really, it has been used in traditional medicine for different …
Continue readingYes, you can drink cloves water. Cloves are a spice derived from the flower buds of the clove tree. They are commonly used in cooking and for their medicinal properties. People who have infection and …
Continue readingThis article will help you understand how to use soursop leaf for treatment of cervical cancer. It will highlight the power of this leaf and why it works. However, there is a little mind opening …
Continue readingEveryday, more and more women consider trying some herbs that can boost fertility to help them conceive. Some have heard that people use Ewe Akoko for fertility. If you have also heard that Ewe Akoko …
Continue readingScent Leaf, Ocimum gratissimum, commonly known as “African basil”, is a medicinal plant that has been used traditionally in many parts of Africa and Asia. People who use it do so because of its various …
Continue readingGuava is a tropical fruit that is rich in nutrients. It is native to tropical areas from southern Mexico to northern South America. Guava trees have been grown by many other countries having tropical and …
Continue readingGarlic smell is often strong and repulsive. In fact, it is a major reason people avoid taking garlic. Hours after, garlic smell will still be noticeable. Indeed, no one wants to be in that situation …
Continue readingBlack seed oil is an extract from black seeds and it is has been in use for ages. During the heat of COVID-19 this oil is one of the very few natural materials that got …
Continue readingOften, people need natural immune booster to help their body fight free radicals and also boost energy. There are plant-based foods that can help boost you immune system and also detoxify your body. At a …
Continue readingAre you thinking of some essential oils that you could keep at home and use as remedy for different ailments? You see, if you are not having this thought, you should. It is okay to …
Continue readingIs there a negative impact of goron tula on preteen girls who eat it? We know that with the popularity the fruit is gaining amount women and men, it could find its way into the …
Continue readingYou may have had few fruits of Goron Tula and then the thought of how to plant Goron Tula sprang up. You are not alone. We were also there some months back and we decided …
Continue readingWrapped round like a donut-head-pad for carrying heavy loads on the head, Aju Mbaise, is increasingly finding its way into pots of soups. Before now, you will think it is just something you boil for …
Continue readingSlippery elm (Ulmus rubra) is a herbal medicine which is an extract from the inner bark of the slippery elm plant. People also refer to the tree as Red Elm or Indian Elm tree. Its …
Continue readingYour parents may have told you bitter leaf is an amazing medicinal herb. But not many of them are able to give vivid explanation of how much benefits the leaf offers. They just add it …
Continue readingHave you been thinking of boosting your sexual drive with Burantashi? You need to read this article to the end to know what the gains and side effects of Burantashi are. Burantashi, has the botanical …
Continue readingGinger and lemon are very available in Nigeria and each of them is a good cold remedy. You can easily find them in any market where you find people who sell vegetables and fruits. If …
Continue readingDid you know using Neem as contraceptive could end the worries you have when you have sex during your unsafe period? You must have searched for knowledge about what to do to keep pregnancy away …
Continue readingIf we ask you to mention bitter herbs that you have taken in the last one month, how many can you name? The bitter leaf may just be the only one you can mention. The …
Continue readingHave you ever wondered why Jesus Christ got the Frankincense and Myrrh gifts. You will find answers here. “So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. …
Continue readingUziza leaf, piper guineense, is a popular leaf in the eastern part of Nigeria. People from this region use it in soup preparation. It is a medicinal plant that has wide application in African traditional …
Continue readingThe use of cannabis popularly referred to as skunk or weed in Nigeria has continued to rise. From findings, it is not as sweet as honey in taste, but it could drag someone to the …
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