High Sexual Drive In Children: Watch These Foods

High Sexual Drive In Children: Watch These Foods

For a parent, watching a child grow rapidly could be a delight. However, such speed that leads to early puberty could be the reason we are noticing a high sexual drive in children.

Precocious Puberty (early puberty) – the physical and emotional development of a kid into a young man or woman – is increasing among young children.

Normally, girls hit puberty at an average age of 10 while boys get there at the average age of 11 (1).

But when there is early puberty, the girl hits puberty before age 7 or 8 while the boy gets there before age 9.

While these age figures continue to decline, there is a disturbing trend that it is also leading to early onset of sexual drive in children.

Read More On What Studies Say About Issues With Early Puberty

From observation and from studies’ reports, there are chances that parents could be contributing to this.

High sexual drive in children could come as a result of the ignorance of parents. This manifests in form of poor choice of food items for their children.

Majority of them care less about food labels.

Furthermore, since you have seen that early puberty is increasing among children, we will highlight few things about it.

Early Puberty And High Sexual Drive In Children

When there is precocious puberty, the girl, for instance, begins to develop breasts fast.

When this happens, people think she is lying when she tells them her age. Boys, teens and even grown men could begin to make advances at her.

Early puberty for both girls and boys could lead to early increase in sexual desire.

According to a study, there is sufficient evidence that changes in age of pubertal onset could influence adolescent risk behaviours.

“For both sexes, earlier puberty predicted having drunk alcohol, been drunk, smoked and used drugs before 14 years as well as having a sexual debut and unprotected sex before 16 years (2).”

As a result, a child could show high sexual drive once there are features of puberty.

Why High Sexual Drive In Children With Precocious Puberty?

There is no known cause of precocious puberty in children, but there are some things that have been linked to it.

We will discuss one of them that studies also confirm.

Basically, there is increasing modification in the food that children eat. This is so because companies who make processed foods want to make parents believe the low nutrient food is fortified.

Unfortunately parents are to blame for the choices.

Parents often overlook reading the labels of products they buy to know what it contains.

Whether the contents are great for children, they are oblivious of that possibility.

Foods To Watch

As a result, they feed their children more of unhealthy foods (junks), especially processed foods.

Some just want a quick fix. So, they end up feeding the child with food items that raise chances of early puberty.

A study says dietary pattern could trigger early puberty in children.

According to the study, an “unhealthy diet” pattern was significantly positively associated with precocious puberty in both boys and girls (3).

Foods in this unhealthy diet pattern category are desserts and snacks, soft drinks, and fried foods.

Foods High Estrogen

Recently, we have seen processed foods with high amount of soy.

This is a concern because soy increases estrogen level in humans.

Estrogen is a sex hormone in female and a higher level of this hormone in the body could increase sexual drive.

Basically, estrogen promotes vaginal lubrication and that way, it increases sexual desire.

Soy beans is one of the food items with high amount of estrogen.

A study says it could raise estrogen level in premenopausal women (4).

However, the American Academy of Pediatrics says that soy-protein infant formulas are safe for term infants (5).

Although, there are no studies that highlight the effect of soy on children, it is okay to reduce its consumption since it could raise estrogen level.

It is good to also give same attention for other foods with high estrogen level.

This will reduce any unknown negative effect of estrogen on young children which could onset puberty.

Red Meat And Processed Meat

Sadly, parents do not also consider the kind meat they give their children.

Excessive consumption of red meat could make a child’s puberty come earlier than usual.

For instance, a study says a higher red or processed meat intake could also lead to the earlier pubertal onset (6).

Fatty Foods And High Sexual Drive In Children

Eating foods that are high in fat could also cause early onset of puberty.

According to a study, fat intake has a potential influence on estrogen metabolism. This, it says, might play a role in the time of the onset of puberty (7).

Foods For Later Onset Of Puberty In Girls

From above citations, you can see that foods indirectly have link to early puberty onset.

However, there are also chances that food can make puberty come in the normal time.

According to a study, traditional diet pattern could slow the onset of puberty.

This traditional diet suggests eating more of vegetables and fruits white meat and aquatic and seafoods.

Have You Read: Your Shopping List: Best Foods To Add And Foods To Avoid

Also part of this diet is red meat, but we also suggest that you consider offering red meat to children in low amounts.

The study hypothesized that greater consumption of fruit and vegetables could be related to later pubertal onset among girls.

This happens because of 2 phytoestrogens – lignin, and flavonol.

Also, this traditional diet is all about feeding children plant-based foods.

It makes much sense to reduce consumption of processed foods for children, as they show possibilities of high sexual drive in children.

Feel free to share this useful information with your family and friends, let’ continue to raise healthier children.


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