men can use honey for boosting sexual drive. natural sweeteners

Honey For Boosting Sexual Drive | Side Effect And How To Use

Is it possible to use honey for boosting sexual drive, especially in men who have low erectile function?

My child eat honey for it is good… (Proverbs 24:13).

This is a saying that Christianity and history attribute to Solomon.

Uncle Solo (Solomon) is a man known for his many affairs with women, could be speaking from experience.

Honey is sweet, but beyond that sweetness lies a secret that men seek for years.

There is an increasing rate of erectile dysfunction, with most men shuddering at the sight of a woman with a high sexual drive.

All they have is a wish that they could perform better. Some take to alcohol to boost their sexual drive. But alcohol kills sexual drive rather than mends.

Antioxidants In Honey

Really, a man can use honey for boosting sexual drive and studies support this result.

Basically, there are different reasons you could rely on honey for boosting sexual drive.  This sweetener is rich in different antioxidants.

In fact, the potency of your honey depends on the antioxidants that it contains. This is why fake honey does not give the result you seek.

According to a study, the antioxidant activity of honey is attributable to the presence of various phenolic compounds (1).

These compounds are flavonoids and non-flavonoids (mainly phenolic acids).

The several antioxidants in honey are amazing because of their ability to reduce oxidations that could affect the heart and even the sexual organs of a man.

Why Sexual Drive Declines

You see, we will like to digress a bit to enhance your understanding of why a man could lose sexual drive.

Unfortunately, life is not sitting on a balance. It contains intricacies of ups and downs. Amidst these, there is a daily drive to make money and meet one’s daily needs.

In pursuit of this, people lose sleep time, gradually increase the stress leaver and also exercise some space for worries.

Other Ways To Boost Sexual Drive

Also, some push aside the need for exercising and they just go for weeks without it.

These, plus increasing addition of unhealthy substances like sugar and preservatives in our food items bring in toxins into our body.

These toxins – antibodies – begin to feed on cells that the body needs to stay active.

This is because stress level weakens the immune system, allowing the antibodies to thrive.

Unfortunately, people continue in this unhealthy condition, without doing things that will change the course.

Most men sit for too long. A sedentary behaviour poses risk of certain diseases.

This oxidative stress and inflammation pose a great danger to men’s sexual drive.

Also, poor heart health could affect sexual function. The penis needs blood to stay strong and last long.

But with a heart that is poorly serviced with diet and exercise, sexual function will be low.

Honey For Boosting Sexual Drive

This situation is glaring in the findings of a study.

In a 2019 study, researchers pointed out that the state of oxidative stress diminishes the function of the cell (2).

This it says may be attributable to increase in the levels of oxidative injury to the main functional substances that your cell produces.

Honey Increases Testosterone In Men

Furthermore the study highlights that when such oxidative stress state occurs in the primary source of testosterone or androgens in males, it reduces testosterone synthesis.

A man needs a specific level of testosterone to have good sexual drive.

When it is low, the man is not able to function properly.

Honey contains antioxidants that can lower the effect of oxidative stress and increase the level of testosterone.

According to the research, oral administration of honey enhances serum testosterone level in males (3).

That is not all.

The Heart And Boosting Sexual Drive

Also, the antioxidants in honey are amazing in tackling oxidation and inflammation that could affect the heart.

A study says gallic acid contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antineoplastic properties.

It has therapeutic activities in cardiovascular disorders (4).

Most importantly, hesperetin is a flavonoid in honey.

A study says it lowers risk of cardiovascular disease (5).

Honey Is Effective Against Diabetes Triggered Erectile Dysfunction

Again, this is another area honey could help correct erectile issues. Overload of sugar in the blood could reduce a man’s sexual function.

Another study says co-administration of Metformin and honey could inhibit the diabetes-induced damages in testicular tissue (6).

What more could we say, than the fact that the sweetener could also sweeten sexual intercourse.

Honey for boosting sexual drive is real and a solution that men could explore.

Caution And How To Use Honey For Boosting Sexual Drive

Honey is sweet and could raise sugar level if you abuse it. it could also be unhealthy for someone with heart issues.

Basically, once you add honey to your drink to the point that it becomes sweet, you have abused it really.

Excessive consumption of honey could trigger rise in sugar level especially for persons with history of diabetes.

For instance a tablespoon of honey contains 17 grams of sugar. This figure gives your equivalent amount of sugar that 7 cubes could give you.

Because of this, we recommend that you do not exceed a teaspoon of honey when you take it. Once a day should be enough.

The lesser the amount you use the better. The compounds that are helpful will always be in each drop you use.

Above all, getting original honey is important to ensure that you get the right antioxidants that you body needs.

You can get our honey which we get from honey farm.

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