Hospital too far jatropha curcas health benefits

Hospital Too Far: Best Ways To Use Jatropha Curcas For Ailments

Have you heard of a plant – ‘Hospital Too Far’?

There are two species of this plant. One is  Jatropha Curcas and another is Jatropha tanjorensis.

They are both edible, but at different levels of usage. Not knowing which is which could result in wrong usage.

The one we want to talk about in this article is the J. Curcas.

Indeed, this plant is common and not very many people of modern age know how beneficial it is.

One of the reasons this plant is also called ‘Hospital Too Far’ is because it could treat several ailments. If you use it properly, it could reduce how often you visit the hospital.

While this statement highlights the role it plays in treating ailments, we will suggest that it does not rule out the place of diagnosis.

Being sure of what the issue is with your health is one important aspect of your healing process that you must not miss out.

Jatropha Curcas

Hospital too far is really a medicinal plant that has been useful to many people from time to time.

Jatropha curcas, is a multipurpose, drought resistant, perennial plant that belongs to Euphorbiaceae family.

Indeed, it is gaining a lot of economic importance because of its several potentials in industrial application and medicinal values.

Hospital too far gets consistent recognition in traditional medicine. People use it to cure various infections and ailments that we will mention in this article.

Different studies highlight its antimicrobial, anti-cancer and anti-HIV activities, linking these to the compounds in the plant (1).

Health Benefits Of Hospital Too Far (Benefits Of Jatropha Curcas)

Hospital Too Far contains different phytochemicals that make it effective as medicine, serving as a remedy to different ailments.

The Leaves contain flavonoids, apigenin, vitexin, isovitexin, sterol stigmasterol. β-D-sitosterol, β-D-glucoside, sapogenins, alkaloids, triterpenae alcohol and 1-triacontanol

In the Stem Bark are Saponins, steroids, tannins, glycosides, alkaloids and flavonoidsΒ-amyrin, β-sitosterol and taraxerol.

The Latex contains Tannins, saponins, wax and resin, Curcacycline A (a cyclic octapeptide), Curcacycline B (a cyclic nonapeptide), and Curcain (a protease).

In the Seeds are Curcin (a lectin), Phorbol esters, Esterases (JEA and JEB) and lipase (JL).

Also, the Roots contain steroids, alkaloids, saponins, Jatropholone A and B (diterpenoids), Jatropholol (diterpenoid), β-Sitosterol and its β-d-glucoside, marmesin, propacin, the curculathyranes A and B and the curcusones A–D.

Also, it has coumarin tomentin, the coumarino-lignan jatrophin as well as taraxerol.

Earlier studies show that many Jatropha species possess antimicrobial activities.

Furthermore, the presence of these phytochemicals makes the plant a medicinal one that could serve as a remedy for the under-listed ailments.

1.      Malaria

One of the active compounds in this plant is flavonoid.

According to a study, flavonoid is active against malaria parasites (2).

The leaf of Jatropha contains appreciable amount of flavonoid which makes it very effective against the bacteria that causes malaria.

Crushing and drinking the extract from this leaf will give you result result.

2.     Could Treat Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Hospital Too Far could also serve as remedy to some Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

A study says the root of the plant contains compounds that are active against gonorrhea (3).

3.     Effective Against Other Bacterial And Fungal Infections

Being a plant with antimicrobial compounds it serves as a remedy in the treatment of staphylococcus aureus.

According to a 2012 study, the latex is most effective against staphylococcus aureus (4).

Also, the latex of Jatropha contains compounds that fight fungal infection in the mouth.

For this reason, you can use it for the treatment of gum bleeding, toothache and soothing of a baby’s inflamed tongue (5).

4.     Helpful In Treatment Of Lymphocytic Leukemia

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell).

This could be life-threatening if not properly managed or treated.

However, a study showed that the ethanolic extract from the defatted leaves and twigs of the plant could provide a remedy to this ailment (6).

5.      Vaginal Bleeding

Furthermore, the leaf of this plant has been used in treatment of wounds. It works by application of the leaves on the wound.

But for vagina bleeding, a study recommends that you should prepare an infusion from the leaves and apply.

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According to a study, saponin, which is a compound in Hospital Too Far is amazing for wound healing.

Findings indicate that saponin not only promotes re-epithelialisation of wound but also effectively inhibits inflammatory reactions during the early phase.

Also, saponin promotes matrix synthesis throughout the wound healing process (7).

6.    Arthritis And Jaundice

For someone who has jaundice, this plant could be a remedy, as a study highlights.

The study says the seeds are high in compounds that would relief pain in joints and bones.

Basically, it recommends an application of the seed on the affected area (8).

7.    Mouth Infections,

A study further highlights that this plant could be effective against mouth infection.

It recommends an application of the leaf to the area the infection is.

Also, you can crush the leaf and apply the water in the are the infection is in the mouth.

8.      Promote Lactation

Women who are finding it hard to breastfeed a baby after childbirth, can also use this plant as a remedy.

A study recommends that the leaf should be used in this situation (9).

Basically, all you need to do is crush and apply the extract from the leaf on the breast until you begin to notice the flow of milk.

9.    Dysentery, Diarrhea And Colic

For someone with dysentery and colic, studies show that this plant could be a good remedy.

A study recommends the juice of the leaves as a remedy (10).

But for someone with diarrhea, the above study recommends a dose of two tablespoons of root suspension with butter milk.

10.     Could Fight Inflammation

When there is a case of chronic Inflammation that goes unattended to, this plant could serve as a remedy.

This plant could be used in areas where the inflammation is external.

A study recommends that you should massage the latex to the traumatic area (11).

Need For Caution?

While the plant is highly medicinal, there is need for caution in its use.

The plant contains antinutrients that could cause some issues.

One toxic substance identified in the plant is phorbol esters which is often high in the seed (12).

As a result, we recommend that the seed should not be ingested. use only externally for maximum result.

However, the note that it is not advisable to use a plant for remedy without proper diagnosis.


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