how I corrected hormonal imbalance and gave birth to near twin

How I Treated Hormonal Imbalance And Gave Birth To ‘Near Twin’

Hormonal imbalance could make a woman go through a lot when it comes to bearing children.

In fact, a study says hormonal imbalance plays an important role in primary female infertility.

I was there.

After my marriage in 2013, my husband and I decided to give at least a year before we make our first baby.

It was a sweet period of bonding and I could still remember how love swept us off our feet.

After the period of bonding, we tried for few months but no pregnancy showed up.

I could still remember how my husband often tells me that my body is hot each time we lay in bed.

Unfortunately, that hotness was not something I could feel. To me, I was just fine.

After over six months of trying, we opted for medical assessment to know what next to do.

I visited a hospital I had HMO running, and so many tests were performed. One of them was hormone profiling.

When the test result came in, there was an indication that my enemy (like an average Nigerian would say) had hormonal imbalance.

My prolactin level was running wild. At that point, I knew I had issues to resolve.

My Daily Activities

I had a horrible schedule just like some women who are in 9 to 5 employment in highly populated cities of Nigeria.

I wake up as early as 4:00am every weekday to prepare for work. It was often followed by a journey of hours from Abule Egba area of Lagos to Lagos Island. Amidst the honking and noise, I struggle to catch few minutes of sleep in the bus.

Often, the bus was the LT bus and comfort was one thing that never sets its foot in the vehicle.

Daily, fume from vehicles is mixed with the oxygen I inhale (toxin). My attention to what I eat was really not a concern.

I could just grab sausage roll on my way and then take a sweetened drink to go down with it.

Lunch was according to what was available and what my heart gravitated towards.

The stress was increasing and my hormones were revolting.

Going back home after work was almost the same experience. The earliest time I would be home was 9:30pm. Sometimes, on a very bad day, 12:00pm.

A 4 to 5-hour sleep schedule became a regular. Any day I get up to 6 hours; it felt like a testimony worth sharing in church.

This schedule was eating me up, but I was not aware.

How can I adjust? The family needs the money, but most importantly, it needs me.

Before this time, I had started selling honey and a few other things that were generating little income.

The Gynaecologist’s Solace

Back To hospital test result. I held the document in my hand, as the doctor explained the content to me.

I could see how much I needed to do to address this hormonal imbalance that made my breast express milk like I was pregnant.

“Your reproductive organs function like that of a person that is just nursing a baby and that narrows your chances of conception.

“Really, with this level of prolactin in your body, you may not conceive until it comes down,” the gynaecologist explained.

I looked in confusion, not knowing what to ask.

When he saw my confusion, he offered a subtle solace.

“It is nothing so untreatable. I will prescribe some medications that you would need to take.

“Hopefully, it will push down the prolactin level,” he said.

This was soothing, but I was not aware of what was ahead of me.

I completed the dosage offered and returned for more profiling to be sure that I had a rewired hormone, but a shocker came.

After a fresh test the prolactin had added levels instead of losing levels.

Brain Surgery And Hormonal Imbalance

More medication came.

I finished it and returned again, but got the worse shocker.

“The way things are, we may recommend that you go for further evaluation that will focus on the brain to see if there is a tumour.

“If there is, you may go for craniotomy,” he explained.

I asked what that means and he said in simple terms that it is a form of surgery in the head.

Something that has to do with the brain.

Really, at this point I knew I had to look for another solution. Being a Christian, my thought hinged on God and His ability to heal me.

You May Also Love To Read: Hormonal Imbalance: 5 Food-Triggers You Should Know

I prayed and I got result.

“Tackle the cause,” the still small voice said to me.

A deeper thought to this statement made it clear that the medications were not really addressing the cause.

Lifestyle Adjustment And Hormonal Imbalance

I researched like someone that was preparing for a thesis on hormonal imbalance.

At the end, I found that my lifestyle was the first thing I should look at.

If I must rewire my hormones, I have to have a lifestyle change.

As this knowledge came, I began looking at things I should eliminate from my life.

My job was one of them. I looked in my kitchen and found that my seasoning cubes and other things had to go. It was a tough decision, as I threw the last set of seasoning in the container into the waste bin.

How will my food taste, will my husband enjoy it? But I needed a baby more than I wanted solace in a sweet food.

It was at this point that I began to make my own seasoning, a knowledge I have also shared in earlier article. Guess what, it changed a lot about my meal.

After some weeks on consistency, by taste buds adjusted and the food became even more scrumptious than that prepared with seasoning.

chia seeds
Chia Seeds Is One Superfood To Add To Diet

Furthermore, when my husband noticed my job was doing more harm than good to my lifestyle adjustment, he advised me to quit.

Another tough decision stared me in the face again. I prayed about it and got a confirmation in my spirit and I resigned.

Remember I had started selling some things by the side. I gave my whole attention to the small business and everything changed.

I had more time to sleep, my food followed my health need. Most importantly, I increased the amount of vegetables and whole grains I ate and added superfoods that boost fertility hormones to my diet.

Few months into this adjustment period, I felt strange in my body and I decided to go for a test.

I met my gynaecologist again and he was shocked I had not come to the hospital in a long time.

After the session, he recommended I check for pregnancy too.

‘You Are Pregnant’

The result came and the shock I saw on his face gave me mixed feelings.

“Madam, you have no course to worry. Your result here shows you are pregnant. You are weeks gone.

“But I must ask. What did you do?” he added.

“I did nothing sir,” I responded.

It was a response he could not come to terms with, so, he continued probing for what I did.

“You could not have become pregnant with the level of prolactin you had few months ago,” he stressed.

At that point, I explained to him how I had diligently changed my lifestyle and got the result he now holds in his hands.

“You are no longer my customer,” he added.

It was a statement that got me thinking, but I walked out of the hospital a changed person.

I carried the baby and at due time I gave birth to a boy.

Other Ladies Also read: Fertility Issue: 7 Mistakes Nigerian Ladies Make

Interestingly, my new lifestyle was such a great one and I sustained it.

Again, about 6 months after delivery I became pregnant.

Remember that my body had been charged up with the fertility superfoods I had added to my diet.

Together, they made conception so possible.

It was not easy nursing a child and having another one grow in my womb.

There was no maid. But thank God I scaled through and gave birth to a baby girl. It was like double for my trouble.

Indeed this is my wish for all women who are going through fertility impairment. You will have double for your trouble.  

Ever since I passed through this journey, I have helped women rewire their hormones and increase their chances of conception.

Some have carried their babies and given birth too and more babies are still on the way.

If you find this article would be a source of encouragement to anyone facing this challenge, or any fertility issue, please, share with them.


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  1. woooow, interesting and enlightning..
    the hectic lifestyle has done more harm than good, most women are afraid to face this reality
    thank you

    1. Thank you so much Christiana for your comment. I really appreciate. Indeed, it is a reality and I pray they will see it and find a way to face it. The harm it does is far more than the money that comes in.

      It is good connecting with you.

  2. Wow, such good news. Pls what vegetables and super foods did you include in your diet. I’ve treated hormonal Imbalance 3 times. The earliest was January this year. So I want to eat healthy so I can maintain my hormones.
    Would really appreciate your response.

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