how to eat fonio swallow and health benefits. best swallow meals

How To Eat Fonio Like Semovita Swallow | Health Benefits

Do you know you can eat fonio like semovita? In fact fonio is a good replacement for semovita.

So, you recently found out that semovita which you often love to consume as swallow is very low in nutrient because it is processed.

After that awareness, you are now thinking of what swallow to switch to. You need something that would still give you the same emotional satisfaction you get from semovita.

Right here, is your alternative swallow.

We present to your fonio, a swallow that you can replace your semovita with and get more nutrients.

In fact, when you eat fonio swallow, which we recommend you do, you are just at the opposite side of semovita.

While semovita is made from wheat, with over 50 glycemic index and contains gluten, fonio is gluten-free. It is also a whole grain food.

Several persons that have tried fonio swallow often prepare fonio swallow the way it is – whole grain.

But it often comes rough and most times unable to bind.

However, we discovered an amazing way to prepare and eat fonio as swallow. We will show you.

before we do, let us see the nutrients that you offer your body when you eat fonio.

Health Benefits Of Fonio

Most importantly, fonio is amazing for persons who are on weight control or management.

When you eat fonio, you do not worry about cholesterol level because it is naturally low in cholesterol.

Also, fonio is low in sodium, and fat.

Basically, 1/4 cup (45 grams) of dry fonio, which is approximately 1/2 cup of cooked fonio, provides the under listed nutrients (1).

  • Calories: 170
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0.5 grams
  • Carbs: 39 grams
  • Fiber: 4% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Iron: 4% of the DV

Apart from the above, fonio is a good source of B vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin.

These nutrients are very important in your diet for the growth, development, and function of cells.

They also aid energy production (2) (3).

fonio swallow
Fonio Swallow Made From Fonio Powder

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), fonio contains the highest calcium content of all grains.

If you have lactose intolerance, and as a result avoid dairy, this is a good food for you (4).

Also, when you eat fonio swallow, it provides you iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium (5).

Great For Diabetics – Low Blood Sugar Level

Among other benefits you get from fonio is the fact that it keeps your sugar level down. For diabetics, it is an amazing food. It is low in carbohydrate.

Also, it is a whole grain food that is low in glycemic index, and that means it is slow in raising your blood sugar level when you eat it.

Furthermore, fonio contains resistant starch which resists digestion and absorption in your small intestine (6).

Weight Management

Fonio is low in carbohydrates and it is a whole grain meal.

As a result, it makes you stay full, reducing the craving for more food.

On the other hand, semovita does not have this because it is a processed food made from wheat. It has lost most of its fibre.

If you want to keep weight away, or you are looking to lose some kilograms, eat fonio as swallow.

Eat Fonio For Your Heart Health

Your food is one major thing that impacts your heart. Fonio swallow is a whole grain meal.

According to studies whole grain foods can lower your risk of certain diseases – heart disease, type 2 diabetes, colorectal, pancreatic and stomach cancer (7)

Apart from your heart, fonio nourishes the bacteria in your gut because it contains antioxidants that feed these good bacteria.

How To Prepare Fonio Swallow

You can either go ahead and take the quantity of fonio grain you want to eat and stir in boiling water the same way you prepare your semovita.

See Simple Way To Remove Sand From Fonio

However, if you want something smooth, take your fonio grain to the mill and grind it.

Prepare the powder you now have the same way you prepare your semovita and enjoy the nutrients.

The smooth feeling in the palm and the amazing taste are two things you should savour.

With Oha soup, fonio leaves you so satisfied emotionally and otherwise.

If you don’t know how to wash fonio, you can get our already washed fonio or the powder which is ready for use. Just reach out to us via the chat button on the screen.

Thank you for reading and if you find this article helpful, feel free to share with your loved ones and friends.


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