how to make goron tula juice

How To Extract Goron Tula Juice [Syrup]

Goron tula juice extract is slimy and unappealing to some persons, yet it is the reason some others love it.

You have found ads of this fruits showing off this slimy and thick goron tula juice.

This slimy goron tula juice has been used to explain how effective the miracle fruit is in making a lady’s vagina wet.

It has also been used to show how effective it is in making a man’s semen healthy. These claims are all correct.

However, not so many persons love to chew the fruit, especially because it is dry. Interestingly, we have published an article explaining how to use goron tula when it is dry.

In this article, we will go further to explain how to extract the juice of this fruit.

We will explain at least two ways you can extract goron tula juice.

1.      Extraction With Water

Here, you extract the juice with water.

To do this, you need a pot, clean water, piston and mortar, spoon, filter and bowl.

Boil the clean water, add some goron tula fruits in the bowl and pure the water in it.

Other Helpful Articles About Goron Tula

Allow for some minutes for fruits to soften and release its juice.

Once it is soft, open the fruits and remove the seeds. wash the inner part where the seed is gently, Ensure the juice released is not washed out in the process.

side effects of goron tula overdose
Goron Tula Fruits With Juice

Add washed fruits in a mortar and pound it.

Pound for several minutes till you could notice that the juice is coming off.

After some time, add clean water to it, preferably warm water. Wear a nylon glove, wash it for few seconds and then filter it into the bowl again.

Your juice is ready. You can take one table spoon of it each time. Remember that when you take it too much, there could be overdose issues.

2.      Goron Tula Juicing Without Water

This one is often more slimy but it requires plenty of goron tula for you to get a good quantity.

Follow the earlier process of soaking in hot water and pounding.

After pounding it, you will wear a nylon glove and then mash or press it with your hands to extract the juice.

You may need to press with your two hands to be able to remove the juice.

For more on what you get when you take this fruit, kindly read our earlier article above.

If you find this helpful, kindly share with your friends and loved ones.  


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