pregnancy and after child birth belly fat

How To Lose Belly Fat After Child Birth

“I have fought hard to lose this belly fat after child birth, but I have failed as often as I could remember,” Pearl (not real name) began.

She had called one morning, expressing concerns. Pearl had gotten our contact from one of our clients who had tried our remedy and got result.

Most importantly, she needed a solution that could deliver her from what she called ‘body shaming’ and ‘insecurity’ she felt.

However, she was not the first person to have expressed that concern.

According to research, many women find it hard to get rid of the belly fat after child birth.

Breastfeeding of their babies that increases their appetite and food intake has not helped matters too.

Solutions Older Mothers Applied

Our recommendations are the results of our conversations with some mothers who have been able to get rid of belly fat after childbirth.

Here are some of the things that give result.

Red Rice Flour 

red rice flour is a healthy swallow for weight loss - lose weight
Red Rice Flour Is A Healthy Swallow

A professor of maternal and child nutrition at Cornell University, Kathleen Rasmussen, was quoted as saying that after having a baby, a woman retains on average 2.5 to 5 lbs. (1 to 2 kg).

“Many women appear to hold on to at least a couple of pounds postpartum (after child birth) and a quarter of women retain 11 or more pounds (5 or more kilograms) a year after giving birth.”

We have recommended these solutions to our clients and those who have been diligent with its application have seen great results in few weeks.

Some Workouts That Help Reduce Belly Fat

Meanwhile, it is okay to point out that there is no fast route to taking the belly fat off if it had gathered more than it should after child birth.

Our solution is not a quick-action kind of result, but it truly works and here are what our mothers did that helped them keep the belly fat away after child birth.

1.     Movement

One thing that really makes women blow up, retaining the belly fat after child birth is inadequate movement during the period they are on maternity leave.

Most noteworthy is the fact that sedentary lifestyle increases during this period. Low level of exercise makes the system retain most of the food we eat.

Back in the days, our mothers hardly had maids who do the errands for them. Those who had, still ensure they go to the market to shop food stuffs and cook meals for their husbands.

Flat tummy exercises to try - planking
Planking helps Strengthen The Muscles In Your Belly And Reduce The Amount Of Fat

But now, the minimum three months that mothers spend as maternity leave is used for resting and feeding the baby.

As humans, we are moving beings and exercise is part of what God wants us to engage in. Exercise was one of the reasons the Hebrew women delivered at ease and that is a story for another day.

Simple aerobics like walking, light weight lifting, squatting, dancing, few minutes of planking and lying with our back and lifting our legs help a lot.

Except for persons that delivered through CS these exercises could be added to your morning or evening routine.

Just keep it simple and light and then apply the other strategies.


Deep belly breathing can also help the abdomen contract and gradually return to its state before pregnancy.

2.    Diet

Food is the only thing that makes people add weight.

People’s body makeups are different and what could make one individual blow up, may not have same effect on another.

You may also find our article on Mediterranean Diet: Research Found Something About It And Long Life helpful

But once the hormones levels are not balanced, gaining weight becomes easier and it is food and lifestyle that cause this change.

In some states in Nigeria, once a woman gives birth, there is a particular soup she has to take.

First few months of postpartum, she would be served this soup usually referred as pepper soup.

Negro pepper seed Uda
Negro pepper seed or Uda is good for stomach cleansing after child birth

People prepare this soup with a particular ingredient – Negro Pepper.

Basically, people from eastern part of Nigeria call it uda.

Consume more of low carbohydrate meals during this period. Also, add more vegetables to your meals to help the hormones balance and also aid digestion.

Vegetables like beetroot, purple cabbage, parsley and others with the purple colour are great antioxidants.  Red kidney beans also falls into this category.

Eat food with much fibre, like brown rice, red rice, sorghum swallow, millet swallow, and more.

3.     Stickability

This is just where many miss it.

Seriously, the fact that you are not seeing result immediately does not mean that it is not working.

Women often run to the mirror to check results even few days into the application of our recommended solution.

Have you read: 14 Foods That Boost Breast Milk Production

Those who lack stickability often relapse in trying when it seems like result is not coming.

After holding a baby in the womb for 9 months, one should not expect that the contraction of the abdomen will happen within few weeks.

It is usually a gradual process and this is where persistence and diligence come in.

These two put together, with sustained exercises and diets we recommended will bring the needed result.

Also, you can talk to our health coach on the diet combination here and please, share this article with your friends and loved ones.

Here Is A Low Carbohydrate Meal You Can Try

Christmas food recipe - swallow and vegetable soup
Red Rice Swallow and Vegetable Soup

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