Bitter leaf

How To Use Bitter Leaf For Infertility

Women can use bitter leaf for Infertility treatment, and this is because the leaf contains properties that correct this condition.

Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) is a shrub that grows up to 3 meters high.

It is popular in the African tropics. It is a plant you can grow anywhere in Nigeria, Cameroon and Zimbabawe.

Just cutting a stem, planting it in the soil and then watering it is all you need to grow bitter leaf in your garden.

In Nigeria, almost all tribes have a way of adding bitter leaf to their meal.

For instance, if you are from the eastern part of Nigeria, you must have eaten it as major ingredient in bitter leaf soup (Onugbu soup).

Above being delicious, this soup is highly medicinal.

In western Nigeria, people refer to it as Ewuro.

Also, they have a way of adding it to their soup too as spice.

One of the reasons generations before now have less of infertility issues. Basically, one of the reasons is the food they eat.

Women can use bitter leaf for infertility.

Interestingly, researches abound on different compounds that are in bitter leaf that are beneficial to your health.

Compounds In Bitter Leaf

Basically, some biologically-active compounds that are in bitter leaf are saponins, alkaloids, terpenes, steroids, coumarins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, lignans, xanthones and anthraquinone, edotides and sesquiterpenes.

It also contains vernonioside A, B, A1, A2, A3, B2, B3 and A4.

Bitter Leaf For Infertility. Why It Works

With these compounds, bitter leaf is not just a spice for soup.

It is medicinal and making a juice from it will help treat some issues that cause infertility.

Here are ways bitter leaf helps treat infertility.

1.      Bitter Leaf And Hormones Balancing

One of the very causes of infertility is hormonal imbalance.

For instance, when a woman has high prolactin, the chances of getting pregnant become slim.

Fortunately, one of the chemical compounds present in bitter leaf extracts – edotides – helps in balancing hormones (1).

If your diagnosis says you have hormonal imbalance, just relax.

All you need to do is to make bitter leaf juice and take half glass of it every day for 3 days before ovulation.

You may continue for a longer time taking it every-other-day to correct a more severe hormonal issue.

Just make sure that while you are taking it, you are ensuring that you eliminate every habit that fuels hormonal imbalance.

2.      It Boosts Your Immune System

Also, bitter leaf is great for infertility because it helps boost your immune system.

Here again is another benefit of edotides in bitter leaf.

With a poor immune system, your body is open to different diseases which will in turn affect your chances of conception.

Therefore, it is good to ensure that your immune system is on point while you try to conceive.

3.      Bitter Leaf Treats Bacteria Infection

In traditional medicine, bitter leaf is used in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (2).

This is because it contains anti-bacterial properties.

According to a study, the leaf has antimicrobial and antiparasitic properties that ward-off bacteria (8).

Bacterial infections or sexually transmitted diseases could affect a woman’s chances of conception.

In fact, untreated infection is the reason some women are not able to conceive.

4.    Bitter Leaf Lowers Risk Of Heart Disease

Here, there is emphasis in the connection between your heart and your fertility.

Your reproductive organs need adequate blood flow to function appropriately.

But with a poor heart health, these organs will not function properly.

All it takes is to be more physically active and watch what you eat.

Also, a glass of bitter leaf juice once in a while will help lower oxidation that causes chronic diseases. This helps keep your heart healthy.

Bitter leaf contains luteolin which is an antioxidant that improves cardiovascular health.

Luteolin is a form of flavonoid which is in abundant volume in the leaf.

A study says flavonoids like luteolin, luteolin 7-O-glucosides and luteolin 7-O-glucuronide, steroid glycosides, and vernonioside A, B, A1, A2, A3, B2, B3 and A4 are in the leaf (11).

As a result, taking the extract from this leaf would help lower your risk of heart-related disease.

How To Use Bitter Leaf For Infertility

Get fresh leaves, wash it with clean water then macerate it to extract the bitter juice.

It will produce a dark green colour that foams. Macerate for several minutes then add 4 glasses of water. Wash for 2 more minutes then before thanksgiving filter out the water into a glass.
Your juice is ready.

Drink half glass of this juice for 3 days before your ovulation.

Kindly share this with your friends and loved ones to help them know why they should once in a while take this amazing leaf’s juice. 


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  1. Wow, this is amazing

    Pls can I add honey 😋 to the juice?
    How can I prepare it, in the way i can use it until a week

    1. We just want to believe you are joking :). Please, do not add honey. Except you are not interested in using bitter leaf. Bitter is bitter. lol. Besides the amount of honey you will need to add to make bitter leaf sweet is already too high.

    2. Should i take the bitter leaf juice 3 times a week to balance my hormone and ovulation and i should i go about it.

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