Sperm leakage after sex causes and remedy

Infertility: Why Does Sperm Come Out Of My Vagina After Sex

Many women, especially those who want to conceive, are often worried when they see sperm come out of their vagina after sexual intercourse.

Is there need for concern when sperm comes out of your vagina after intercourse?

A medical doctor, Ademola Orolu, gave insight into what the issues are and whether you should have concerns or not.

Categorically, he said it could be of concern but for other reasons.

Reason To Worry?

“The normal volume of semen released during ejaculation is in the range of 1.5 to 5 millilitres (ml).

“If other features of the sperm inside the semen are normal, the sperm will do it’s job of fertilising the egg,” the doctor said.

Really, the volume of the semen is what matters at this point. It is not whether the sperm leaks out after sex.

However, Dr Orolu highlighted that apart from the volume of the semen, there are other factors that determine if the sperm will fertilise the egg or not.

“If the volume is more than 5ml, it may take too long for the semen to become “watery” for the sperm inside to swim out and fertilise the egg.”

You see, there is need for your male partner to go for semen profiling to be sure of what he’s got.

Indeed, while it may not be of concern for a woman, it is good to know what could make sperm come out of the vagina after intercourse.

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In 2016, an Abuja-based Gynaecologist, Dr Adaora Ukoh, emphasised that sperm leakage after intercourse could delay conception in women (1).

However, she says sperm leakage is normal and especially when there is enough sperm in the semen.

In line with Dr Orolu’s explanations, she says; though most of the sperm leaks out, there could still be millions of sperm swimming around that can fertilise eggs in some women.

According to her, the condition of the woman’s uterus also plays a role in ensuring that conception happens.

Things That Could Cause Sperm Leakage

1.  Oil Lubricants

If you are fond of using oil for vagina lubricate during intercourse, please stop.

Here is why you should.

Dr. Ukoh, says oil-based lubricants could increases the chances of sperm leakage after intercourse. This could also lead to delayed conception.

2.  Hotness Of Uterus

Also, hotness of the uterus; abortion; fibroid and gravity are other factors in the list of causative factors of sperm leakage.

These also impairs fertility.

About the uterus, she said: “if the potential of hydrogen (PH) level of the uterus is too acidic, the sperm will not be able to stay alive.

“The uterus must not be too acidic, neither should its alkalinity be too much. Its balance must be maintained for sperm to stay alive.

“Besides, cleaning the vaginal canal of artificial lubricants is one of the key ways to reduce sperm leakage”.

Also, if there is no deep penetration, for instance the man withdraws a bit at the point of ejaculation, the semen is likely to stay closer to the outer part of the vagina.

Furthermore, there are other reasons you could be experiencing semen or fluid coming out of your vagina after sex.

3. Normal Discharge

The vagina naturally produces fluids that can vary in consistency and amount.

It’s common for some of this fluid to be released after sex. It could appear similar to semen, but it is not the same.

4.  Female Ejaculation

Some women experience the release of a clear fluid during sexual stimulation or orgasm.

This fluid is often called female ejaculation or “squirting.”

It can be mistaken for semen due to its appearance, but it is a different substance.

5.  Leakage Of Semen

Occasionally, some semen may leak out of the vagina after sex.

This can happen if the man withdraws the penis before the erection fully subsides or if there is residual semen in the vagina.

However, most of the semen is usually ejaculated deep in the vagina near the cervix during ejaculation. If you notice, there is always a shoot. That shoot ensure the semen gets to where it should.

If you are concerned about the fluid you are experiencing or have any other questions, ask in the comment section or see a medical doctor.

The healthcare professional can provide personalised advice based on your specific situation.

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